

"The most dangerous creation of any society is the man who has nothing to lose." Destiny is supreme power what will you do when everything your dreams, even hope for which you lived for is taken from you but destiny chooses you for power beyond understanding. but is this power blessing or a curse? - summary- - 15 years ago end of the world was near when gates to different dimensions start appearing. The world fell into chaos War breakout out between Foreign races from gates and humans. When weapons of humans failed, hopes shattered. They appeared, Humans who had hidden in the shadows for hundreds of years, people with abilities. and prevented the extinction of the human race. but their presence changed the course of history humans start getting awakened with abilities they are known as hunters/awakened but not all awakened are strong, only Strong can survive in this society. weak is humiliated Jason White, E-ranked awakened, weak 19 years old teenager who has no ability, lost his parents to the gates. But still, he lives a happy life ignoring all humiliations, discrimination because of his friends looking forward to his dream. But what will happen when in a single day, his fate played with him twice, he was betrayed and lost everything he lived for ("broken soul") but this destiny is in his favor when he was running from his life in an unexpected situation he was granted with power for which he starved for his whole life a 'SYSTEM' a lesson he learned today is power rules the world which he has now. is this power a blessing or a curse? can Jason fight against the enemy he didn't even know about, pulling the strings from the darkness? Jason- ‘only if I had power or strong ability I don’t have to die like a dog, but nothing matters now this’ arghh ‘ is the END’. [HP REACHED 0] [UPDATING DATABASES] CONDITION FOR PROTOCOL 56 MET "HOST IS DEAD'' It is not end it' a start of an eternal saga. and this time his life will be different

CursedRaven · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs



Jason was looking at him with interest until the "Brother" word attracted his attention. Jason never heard someone calling him brother, so it is acceptable why he was shocked and hesitating.

'Huh, Brother?' Jason exclaimed on hearing Ezek calling him brother.

Seeing Jason's expression Ezek understood the situation, To prevent further awkwardness.

'Sorry! Sorry, If you don't like me calling you a brother.'

' Don't worry, I don't mind what you call me.' Jason replied with a smile before walking out of the door.

Jason knew that now he didn't have any danger from Master or Ezek. Here he doesn't have to worry about his safety, But out of the habits he developed in this void he always remains on guard.

Right now, he was looking around in the corridor they are walking through. There were many doors, Seeing these many doors. Jason had many questions, but he didn't ask them.

'Who made these buildings?. That guy must be a great designer. I can't see any light source, but the corridor is still lightened. I am getting feeling like I am walking through the Headquarters of a secret organization only If there is some background music scene would be perfect, mine bad luck.'


After few minutes of the continuous walk, they reached the end of the corridor. There was a single door at the end, but it didn't have any handle or knob.

Jason moved his gaze back and forth between the door and Ezek. Ezek took a step forward.


Suddenly the door opened revealing the dark outside area. This outside area was new to Jason, Jason walked outside the door and his eyes widened with amazement.

There was a wide starry night sky over a large grassy plain, a river flowing along with the rhythm of nature, glowing particle's floating above their head, Jason touched one floating glowing Sphere which disintegrated into smaller particles with a single touch. This was an otherworldly scene.

'Hey, pup! You will see this daily for now Come have a seat here.' Tvastha shouted while sitting next to the bone fire on the river bank.

Jason was lost in his own thoughts, he was appreciating this never-seen beauty as a shout interrupted him. Blinking his eyes Jason looked around,

Ezek was already sitting next to tvastha.

'Oh, I forgot Master was calling me, the atmosphere is so intriguing here' Jason said as he sat across from Master and Ezek.

Master and Ezek chuckled.

'Yeah, it is quite reminiscent. Your world doesn't have this type of sky?'

Master said and then asked while stirring a stick in the fire.

'Huh! No, we couldn't even see stars in the sky and after these gates and wars condition of the environment became worse.' Jason replied to master.

Master and Ezek nodded, Ezek opened his mouth to say something but stopped in between.

' By the way, Does your home have this kind of scenery?' Jason asked to master before taking a bite of meat.

'This is my home'

'No, I mean dragon's home or what you call it.' Jason corrected his question.


Master erupted in laughter holding his stomach while Jason and Ezek were watching him puzzled.

'Dragon's home? You know how to joke, haha. You can say that in some way, by the way, does Elder told you who I am?'

Jason nodded in acceptance whereas Ezek was Confused.

'Well I used to be mighty dragon years ago, but now I am imprisoned in this container to achieve a particular goal, just don't bother remembering my past, the story is very long I will tell you next time.'

Tvastha said while laughing.

But Jason could tell he must be missing his dragon days, but he didn't want to make the mood bad, so he just nodded before taking a bite of roasted meat.

'I have already told pretty much about me, now tell me your story before entering the void.'

Suddenly his heartbeats spiked as memories replayed in front of him.

His face went blank. Seeing this Ezek passed him a glass of water.

'Share your pain you will feel light' Ezek said as Jason grabbed a glass.

Silence fell over the whole void for few moments before Jason took a deep breath and opened his mouth.

Jason told them all about Earth, how gates popped up, how they dealt with it, About 6 families, about his parents, and then about him and how he suffered on earth. He let out all his thoughts flow out of him,

a tear rolled down his cheeks.


Jason exhaled as he cleaned the tears.

'Trash, All humans of your planet are trash, a complete waste. How can they kill a person that only wanted to help them? Bro doesn't return there you can live here with us. If they didn't treat you well then why should you help them.' Ezek fumed in anger as he crushed the glass with his grip.

Ezek was huffing just then Tvastha slapped his head lightly.

'You are wrong Ezek. All people are not waste there are only a few that make society hell, Those are trash and waste, and they exist in all society. They are greedy and selfish, so we should not label the whole society as waste.

It depends on Jason whether he will leave this void or not.' Tvastha said to Ezek to correct his thought.

'Sorry master' Ezek apologized while looking down.

Jason and Tvastha ignored him and continued their talk.

'I will return to earth that what I am thinking, I want to give them what they gave me' Said Jason looking at his artificial arm.

'Ok, that's your decision, I can't do anything about that, but I will give you the advice to think with your mind rather than emotions before taking any step that will affect many people around you.'

'I will keep this in mind' Jason murmured.

'So you had to reach that place to get out of here, but for your information, the journey to that place is a hundred times harder than you did till now, the mountain is surrounded by barriers, traps, and monsters. Each creature around that mountain is above demigod level and an Immortal level beast resides on that mountain.'

Jason expected this much, Ezek also nodded to this information.

'Well In this case you will start your journey only when I gave you permission till now I will train both of you here and at special places.' Tvastha informed this as his final order.

Hearing the words training eyes of both Jason and Ezek glowed up like a bulb similar to a child when you show them candy or toy or a dog that starts wiggling his tail when you show him love or play with it.

Both got excited with just a word.


Tvastha tried to suppress his laughter seeing these two youths. Tvastha may be looked like stone, but he was soft by heart, but he never let his emotions and feeling play with him, he just got these skills from the wars and battles he fought in his life and he would teach all he knew to them.

Jason was very excited about his training, he was suppressing his urge to celebrate this. Just thought made him smile like a crazed person, but suddenly he remembered why he was here.

'Master, when's the ceremony that Ezek informed me?' Jason asked politely with an innocent face.

Tvastha turned his face towards Ezek who was filling his mouth with meat and juice.

'Yorgh morgst… Yorg munch' Ezek tried to say something with a filled mouth but no one understood what he blurted.

'First, eat what you have in the mouth. Hehe,' Jason giggled as Ezek gulped all food in a single breath.

Tvastha and Jason's eyes got shocked at how much he gulped down in a single gulp.

'Master what's this Ceremony you are talking about?' Ezek asked while as he clean the bits of meat from his face.

'Oh it's a ritual like a thing between Master and disciple in our culture, I never did it with Ezek because he was just a child, so I think now I would perform it on both of you together tomorrow.' Tvastha added the wood in the fire.

Jason and Ezek looked at each other, It seemed like they were talking through telepathy like "will it be painful" or something like that.

Tvastha chuckled a little looking at their expression.

'Don't worry It will not cause that much pain.' tvastha said before they could reach any conclusion.

Ho ho...

They both exhaled with relief and lightened their stiff expressions.

But then Ezek raised his hand to ask a question.

Tvastha nodded in response to permit him.

'What's Dragon that Jason called Master.' Ezek asked innocently.

Tvastha looked at both of them, they both wanted to know about Dragons. Jason only heard about them in myths, so he also wants to know more about them.

'Dragons are just a different race like you, but they have high intelligence and powers in comparison to others, for now, this much information is enough.' Tvastha said proudly.

'I thought they are like bonded beasts' Jason blurted.

'Bonded beats! What're those?' Tvastha stopped Jason.

Jason initially felt strange that tvastha don't know about this.

15 years ago when war broke out a hunter founded this technique by mistake, his whole team was wiped out by the Wolf fang race, and he was hiding in a cave for his life then he felt the faint signature of mana under him, Out of interest, he starts digging that place and found a large nest of demon lizard race there. It has only a single infant of that race who was rejected because of being weak and small. He took that creature out of the nest and suddenly placed it behind him when he saw a wolf walking into the cave. He unleashed his killing intent to drove away from them however they didn't even move so in last a wolf attacked him and severed his fingers as he fell on the ground. He looked at the baby lizard adorably and tried to touch him with bloodied hand just then he felt a connection between him and the lizard. His fingers regenerated whereas Lizard gained strength and emitted poison smoke and save both of them.

He told this to his superior and soon with a lot of research humans found out about this strange phenomenon. If hunters have good feelings toward the beast then using their mana they could form a bond only if Beast permitted.

It's a rumor that the Vasuki family head has god-tier bonds and other heads also have bonded. Alice also has a bond having lightning affinity, But hunters rarely took bonds out of their artificial habitats as if bond got hurt they will also be affected and their mana would be used to heal their bond.

Jason never had a bond, but he researched on them so knew a lot about them.

'I don't know about others, but there are some races with which we humans can form bonds and share their powers to get stronger.' Jason said with excitement to both Ezek and Tvastha.

This time Tvastha's and Ezek's eyes glowed up like a child, tvastha asked many questions about this phenomenon and at last, he starts thinking something.

'These humans found out this on their own even those don't know about this, Interesting and strange. It is too much similarity, I could sense something is wrong in that story that they told to the public. No! How could this be possible, I am overthinking about this. I just found out.'

Tvastha thought in his mind.

He looked at Jason and Ezek who were sharing their experience, Laughing and chattering.

'I will make them a warrior that no one has ever seen, and I must do this fast' tvastha murmured to himself as he stood up.

Jason and Ezek looked at him simultaneously, Tvastha opened his hand and soon wand appeared.

'Come, I want to show you something' Tvastha said.


Tvastha disappeared, but they know he shot in the sky so without thinking

they decided to follow his command.