
Apollo Mecha

Mecha's are the key for control. That is how the big threat of control is managed by criminal gangs loom the planet of Caltorix, upon a fateful night one adult's life will change. He'll be challenged to climb out or fall, engage in battles with unsuspecting foes.

17rapidz · Sci-fi
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5 Chs

Chapter 2, "Territory"

Zaniah moved through to the cockpit now, jumping into the seat. Apollo sat next to her, then asking her a question.

"What are you naming this ship then? Like a nickname and what's the standard name manufactured name?" Apollo asked Zaniah.

"SCC-217, standing for Star Cargo Cruiser. It's nickname...I actually haven't thought about that." Zaniah responded.

"Huh? Not naming your ship? I thought you were a pilot." Apollo said shocked by what Zaniah just said.

"Okay, bigshot or captain as I should call you. What's the name of the ship then?" Zaniah snapped back.

"Epsilon, that's a good name, right?" Apollo said.

"Sure, why not. Let's set out to the mining planet of Daidus." Zaniah replied.

She moved her arm now to push the engine. It roared as they shot out of the port, recoiling Apollo into the seat. 

"Woah!" Apollo said.

Zaniah now steered the ship, Daidus was a planet that was often used to transport materials to different ports such as this one. It wouldn't take that long for them to arrive there. After some time, they managed to arrive there. As they did, they went into the side of the port.

The port was a sinkhole that was refurbished into a city that offered portside access on its western side. It was a common way for the city to entice gamblers to spend big coming out with nothing.

Epsilon docked into the bay, now Zaniah and Apollo exited out. They both moved their way to the back of Epsilon then taking a look at the materials and what they could do about the Mecha.

"We've got some materials here, but honestly this Mecha is a smaller than anticipated, so since it's a more stealth type of class. I guess we'll add some shields to it, if we can find maybe an attachable flamethrower or gun or sword. Something like that, you go into the territory and explore it." Apollo said.

"Got it, I'll move over to the mining territory." Zaniah replied.

"I'll begin working on the mecha. Take this radio so we can communicate." Apollo stated.

Apollo now handed the radio to Zaniah, then pulled a wrench out of his pocket.

Zaniah now left from Epsilon to go into the sinkhole city. Despite it being a sinkhole city, it was large about 100m length. It had multiple layers throughout it, which she moved to the business complex ready to buy territory.

Zaniah would begin talking to see what was available. But they realised nothing was. Not wanting to engage in combat early on, Zaniah thought to report back to Apollo.

Apollo began unscrewing different bolts, which he would put shield generators in it. A way to activate the shields, which Apollo connected through wires. He put these around the shoulder areas on both sides to protect from the arms falling off when impacted from damage.

Then, attaching two vibro-knifes on both arms (separate, individually). Vibro-knifes are weapons that can shock the enemy Mecha, destabilising the enemy. 

Zaniah now arrived at Apollo's location now, stating what happened.

"There's no mining territories, we shouldn't engage in any combat early on enough. We should go get some materials, if we can intercept some transports that would be good." Zaniah declared.

Apollo nodded his head in agreement with Zaniah.

"I guess, we could intercept some materials transported through space or on this planet through their train system." Apollo proposed.

"Yeah." Zaniah agreed.

"Let's move our ship to their train system, I think it would be easier for us to take over than directly intercepting through space." Apollo suggested.

"Alright then, let's move the ship. Is the mechas ready?" Zaniah asked.

Apollo nodded.

They both climbed into the ship, exiting the port now moving outwards to the more mountainous side of the planet. As they approached this, they would dock Epsilon around the mountain range of the planet to offer for a more hidden support. 

Multiple trains passed through here as the minutes passed, the system was fast but easy to take over. 

Apollo unloaded the storage part, the wide docking area for the 2 stationed Mechas in there. He got into one now. It was a light-infiltrator class with different vibro-knifes to improve stealth with protection of stabilised shields. 

Apollo's Mecha now jumped out, it roared its engine with a whoosh sound. It was a thinner protected Mecha that made Apollo forced to use its speed.

"This is my Mecha, Blitz." Apollo declared.

"Whatever, just take it now. We need the goddamn materials if we are going to intercept directly in space." Zaniah stated.

Mecha Blitz now charged out, Apollo directing it downwards the mountain range to the train tracks. It flew downwards with using the boosters that were located in the middle of both hands on the mecha and the lower back area.

As the train approaches, Blitz managed to grab onto it. Apollo had done mandatory Mecha training before, acing it. The training was mandatory for his planet, as a way to prepare against future Mecha wars.

Blitz pounded it's feet into the train. It made a loud noise that security would detect. Security rushing out, Apollo directed the hand to boost them away. Security alarm was alerted, notifying near Security Support Mechas.

Before they had arrived, a stressed Apollo had managed to get different Credits (currency) and Materials which he had managed to take to Epsilon. 

"I got the materials. Load them into the docking. We got to go soon." Apollo ordered.

"Yes, but there's 2 Mechas currently approaching. I need you to defend this. We won't be able to outrun them." Zaniah replied.

Apollo turned his mecha around, then using already installed small artillery guns to damage the wiring and connections between the arms. Apollo shot it at the shoulder part, however Shields managed to deflect this.

"Oh...this is gonna be one hell of a battle." Apollo roared.

Apollo chuckled as he said this.

Apollo boosted the Mecha towards a leftwards position to make an advancement against the 2 SSMs (Security Support Mechas). SSMs shot a fire of bullets to damage the shield system. 

Apollo noticed this, activating the shield system to blockade the damage then moving the Mecha to make use of its speed. Apollo put more power from its core to empower the speed system. 

Realizing this, SSMs shot artillery fire towards Blitz.

Apollo used its system to speed blitz passed through the SSMs defence systems, making use of the vibro-knifes. Apollo dug the knifes into the upper neck area of the SSM, then those vibro-knifes sliced through shields immobilising the SSM. It shocked the SSM then making it fall backwards as it crushed the remaining enemy exploded its energy towards Apollo.

This outwards blast of energy managed to slice against Apollo's mecha making it fall backwards. The SSM pounced on Blitz but managing to roll over to the side. Apollo directed it to use the remaining artillery systems to crumble the legs.

An outward explosive burst of power and energy to pounce weakened the SSM defence, which when the artillery shells hit the legs it started to crumble. It broke down and the armoured plating on the chest separated apart. As they fell apart, Apollo walked backwards to Epsilon.

Apollo quickly unloaded the Mecha into the docking, then jumping onboard of Epsilon.

"You did well! But we got to escape now before investigation is conducted." Zaniah stated. As she said this, she shot Epsilon out of the mountainous range to begin moving to trading routes throughout space.

"We'll attack together next time; however, we need to go to another planet nearby here and is around the trading routes. I think we should go to Raix." Zaniah stated.

"Whatever you say pilot." Apollo replied.