
Episode 1 By sheddysoft

Long ago in Ago a village in Otukpa Apollo (the sun god), was protecting the villagers in Ago until something terrible happened that made the gods angry.

Three of the young youths of Ago broke into the shrine of apollo which was very dangerous because the king (king Agbo) passed the announcement earlier to the villagers that nobody was to go there uninvited but these people did not adhere to the king's instructions. They went into the shrine and stole one of the eyes of apollo in order to exchange it for money in the city because the eyes were made of pure gold.

That night something terrible happens that all the villagers including the king and his household could never forget in their lives.... that night a great monster that nobody believed existed attacked the village, king some guards on duty and left some injured. The whole villagers were afraid and were awake till day break so the king summoned the priest (Ejeh) so when the priest arrived the first statement he made was "my king my eyes have seen my ears and this is the worst to have ever happened in this land" the king never understood what he meant so he asked.. what is the cause of this calamity great servant of the great apollo? and the priest replied one of the eyes of Apollo has been stolen...

watch out for episode 2