
Apocalyptic Pregnancy

How does it feel to have a big belly amid a fiesta of zombies and mutated plants and animals? Su Su makes it clear that pregnancy tests, prenatal education, natural childbirth, early childhood education… all of these can't be missing! In her previous life, her child was sold off by her lover. She was heartbroken and committed suicide, but she unexpectedly returned to a day 45 days before the end of the world. Su Su decisively arranges her plans: hoard food, kick out the scumbag, protect her parents, and also protect her unborn child! At the same time, for the sake of her child, she would save this man with who she had a one-night stand. In front of Su Su, who has awakened her superpower, the strongest man in the past has no choice but to speak softly. To woo his wife, he uses all his strength to protect them. The son's father: Zombie City has the most advanced four-dimensional ultrasound machine. Hey, do you want to carry out the heist? Su Su: … Yes!

Purple Bag · Fantasy
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40 Chs

In the heavy rain, the zombies began to gather, preparing to launch an even more violent attack on the human survival base. The people in the base were panicking, and the corpses outside the city walls were piled up layer by layer. Some were zombies, and some were humans. Angry roars, cries, and terrified screams, accompanied by the unique "ho ho ho" sounds of the zombies could be heard inside and outside the city walls.

In the rain, in a bedroom of a villa in the White Tiger Base's famous Xiao Jin Cave, there was a man in his fifties. He was naked and curled up in a corner. His white flesh was folded into several layers, and there were a few bloody, fresh knife wounds on it. He slightly closed his eyes, which seemed to be hard to open. He twisted his head weakly, trying hard to see his surroundings clearly.

Beside the bed, a woman with a voluptuous figure was slowly putting on her clothes. The bedsheets behind her were in a mess, and the smell was a little ambiguous. No one suspected what had happened just now on this bed.

"You're here?"

Hearing the footsteps outside the door, the woman who had already put on her clothes sat in front of the dressing table, carefully combing her makeup. In her mirror, the exquisitely decorated door slowly opened, revealing a pale-faced woman, this was Su Su.

Su Su was very thin and not very tall. She looked like a young girl who had yet to fully mature as she looked innocent and pitiful. However, this could only be said to be her appearance. Those who were familiar with her knew that Su Su, the famous "Desperate Lady" in the apocalypse was not as pitiful and cute as she looked on the surface.

Walking into the room, Su Su's eyes were like a pool of stagnant water. She coldly glanced at the man who was curled up in the corner. She took out a card from the pocket of her black windbreaker and handed it to the woman who was putting on lipstick in front of the dressing table.

"This is what I promised you. Take it."

The woman calmly and carefully put on her lipstick. She turned her head and looked up at Su Su with a smile. She stretched out her two fingers. Her nails was as red as human blood. Her fingers clamped on the card that Su Su handed over and moved closer to her red lips. Her gaze was charming and seductive as she uttered.

"Thank you. If you want to catch anyone else in the future, feel free to look for me. I'm happy to do business with you."

"There won't be any in the future. This is the last one."

Su Su looked at the man in the corner expressionlessly. Perhaps she knew that he did not have long to live, but the man was trembling violently. The more he trembled, the more blood flowed from his body. Around him, there was already a pool of blood.

The woman standing next to Su Su had eyes that were painted with smoky makeup. After hearing Su Su's words, she looked at Su Su blankly, who was shorter than her. A trace of sorrow that had not appeared for a long time filled her heart. She raised her hand to pat Su Su's thin shoulders and advised her,

"We've worked together for so long, so I know a little about what you want to do. I can only say that if this is the last one, and you didn't get what you wanted, you should... be more open-minded."

Su Su did not speak. Her entire body was so cold that it terrified the people who looked at her. The long hair on her back gradually condensed into ice crystals. Her eyes were fixed on the man on the ground. The woman beside her sighed when she saw that Su Su did not answer for a long time. She shook her head and walked out of the bedroom. When she reached the door, the woman turned around and instructed.

"Oh, right. After he dies, get him out of here. Also, clean this place up. Don't stain blood all over this place every time."

Su Su nodded. After the woman closed the door, she walked to the man slowly in her high boots. She lifted her foot and kicked the man's head. At the same time, she wiped the blood from the bottom of the boots on the man's white flesh. The man grunted, unable to endure the pain. He forced open his eyes that were filled with fear and pain.

The moment he opened his eyes, Su Su bent down and grabbed his hair. She took out an old photo from her pocket and asked, "Where is the little girl in the photo?"

"What... little girl?"

The man coughed and blood foam spurted out. Su Su was afraid that he would spray the blood on the photo, so she quickly moved the photo away and moved closer again. She grabbed the man's hair with her hand and pulled it forcefully.

"I will ask once again. This little girl, the two-year-old girl in the photo, where is she? She... she is already twelve years old now."

"I... I've bought many women, and I've also ruined many little girls. Too many. I don't remember this girl. Is she twelve years old? I have a lot of twelve-year-old girls."

"You don't remember? Then, let me help you recall. 10 years ago, in Spring City, you bought that two-year-old girl from Bai Xueli. Where is she now???"

Su Su stood up as she lifted her foot and kicked the man's head again and again. It was as if she wanted to vent all the longing she had for the past 10 years. 10 years after the end of the world, in such a chaotic era, she finally found who bought her daughter, Xiao Ai. All the longing and pain were about to be released with the answer that was about to come. Su Su seemed to have lost all her patience.

"Let me recall... Stop hitting me, stop hitting me!" The man on the ground screamed, holding his head in the blood as he begged bitterly. "I remember now. Bai Xueli did sell me a little girl back then. Was she called Xiao Ai? She died. There were too many zombies at that time. She cried and screamed. She was calling for her mother, and then, and then..."

The man did not dare to say the rest of his words, and he did not need to say anything either. The zombies were attacking that time, so if no one lure the zombies away, everyone would die.

Su Su stopped and stood where she was like a fossil. She slowly put down the foot that was wearing leather boots, but her mind kept echoing what the man had said. Xiao Ai. Did Xiao Ai want to find her mother? There were too many zombies, and Xiao Ai was surrounded by people she was not familiar with. It was natural for her to find her mother, right?

However, the man in front of her threw Xiao Ai out and lured the zombies away?! Well, it was better than falling into this money pit!

"Mommy... Mommy is here, Xiao Ai. Mom said that I would find you, Xiao Ai..."

Tears fell into the blood on the ground as Su Su mumbled to herself. Tiny droplets of ice-cold blood splashed out. Suddenly, Su Su smiled and lowered her head in despair and sadness. She raised her foot again as she kicked the man's head and said fiercely,

"My Xiao Ai is dead. Then why are you still alive?!!!"

In the twelfth year of the apocalypse, Su Su had searched for Xiao Ai for 10 years. In order to save her life, Su Su had escaped death countless times and killed countless people. Her willpower had always been so strong that it was terrifying. To stay alive, it had been more important to Su Su than anything else in the past.

However, Su Su lowered her head and looked at the clean photo in her hand. In the photo, a two-year-old girl was smiling warmly and cutely. Su Su's tears blurred her eyes once again. Her pale lips were suffused with silver ice dregs as she said in a low voice,

"I can't live anymore. Mei Zi, I can't help you clean up your room. I'll have to trouble you to clean it up for me."

In the twelfth year of the apocalypse, Su Su, who tried so hard to stay alive and not get killed, was like a cockroach. Nonetheless, after killing her last enemy, she committed suicide in the White Tiger Base, in the villa of the famous courtesan Mei Zi...