
Apocalyptic Evolution System

Zhan was a true combat obsessed battle freak. When the world was in order, he sought out chaos. When the world descended into chaos, he felt as if he had ascended to heaven. Follow Zhan, a thrill-seeking and harem-seeking martial artist, as he makes his way through the apocalypse with the assistance of his evolution system.

SupremeTrashAuthor · Fantasy
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34 Chs

The Fatty and the Vampire

"Something's off…" Zhan muttered. Aside from Hanlo who continued slamming again the door and yelling desperately, the others all looked towards Zhan when he said this.

"What is it, is there a beast in there too?" Shia asked quickly, but Zhan slowly shook his head.

"No, it's not that…didn't you think it was strange that so many people left their apartment doors open? And that everyone on this floor is currently in the communal lounge, with no exceptions? Nobody was injured, so they weren't fleeing from beasts…they should have entered this room before the birds showed up."

"What, that's too unusual." Miu frowned as she understood partially what he was getting at.

"Huh, what is it, I don't understand?" Nui tilted her head in confusion. However, before Zhan could reply, a voice interrupted him.

"Thanks for the help, but we're doing fine here, you can leave."

Everyone looked at the door weirdly after hearing that. There was a slightly large figure that could be seen behind the glass, but it was blurry and difficult to make out any features. It should be a man, a slightly overweight man at that.

"What do you mean leave?!" Hanlo shouted out angrily. "I want to see my sister! Is she in there? Is she ok? Let us in now, we just saved you all!"

"We were doing just fine on our own, now go away before you attract more attention!" The voice echoed out once again.

"You…" Hanlo was fuming, especially when he saw that fat figure moving away from the door.

"Huh?" Hanlo blinked and turned towards Zhan as he felt his hand on his shoulder.

"Let me handle this." Zhan smiled down at the agitated boy, who quickly nodded and stepped back. Zhan turned towards the glass door, but his expression was no longer friendly. In fact, his face was quite gloomy right now.

"Either open this door or I'll smash it down, you have 10 seconds." He yelled out loud, certainly loud enough for everyone inside to hear.

"You…just leave us alone, we don't need your help!"

"10, 9, 8…" Zhan began to count down calmly out loud. Although his voice was calm, nobody who heard this count down could feel at ease. Each number was spat out with killing intent in his words, with more bloodlust poured out as he counted down further.

"Bastard, scram for this-"

"7, 6-"

"I'll kill the-"


The moment Zhan heard the would 'kill', he narrowed his eyes and stabbed straight into the door handle with his greatest strength. The handle basically exploded under his strength, and cracks appeared all throughout the glass. Without missing a beat, he kicked forwards, causing the entire door to shatter inwards.

Zhan didn't even wait for the glass to hit the floor. He dashed forwards, ignoring the glass shards falling onto his body, directly charging at the fatty who had slunk back into the crowd.

Zhan's brain began working quickly, he made full use of his intelligence without holding back at all. Zhan already knew that Hanlo's sister had a head of fair blonde hair and was slightly under four and half feet tall. He immediately recognised her within the crowd. Seeing that the fatty was actually grabbing towards her throat, Zhan raised his arm and threw his spear forwards without a second thought.


"GAHHH!" The fatty's horrifying scream resounded out. Zhan's aim from this short 20 feet distance was dead on! In order to avoid implicating anyone else in this strike, he could only land the hit on the fatty's wobbling left thigh. The force of impact was so great that his body span around and he fell to the ground, knocking a man over who also groaned painfully, before quickly crawling out from the fatty's blood soaked body.

Everything happened so quickly that nobody was able to react properly. Zhan's gaze sharpened and he quickly examined everyone present. The first thing he did was charge forwards and grab Kerry, pulling her back out from the crowd and placing her directly behind him.

At this moment though, Zhan's expression changed and he quickly ducked down.


A sharp beak swung above his body, he wouldn't have been in good shape if that attack had landed.

"What the…?" He stood up and jumped back, completely confused by his assailant. It was a mutated eagle, standing at 4 feet tall, but clearly stronger than those pigeons. What he didn't understand was how this group of people were sitting comfortably in the same room as this thing!

"Ah, Eagy, stop, don't attack!" Unexpectedly, Kerry suddenly ran past him and stared at the eagle with her arms spread out wide. The eagle, which was preparing to attack Zhan once again, actually stopped in its tracks and turned to look at Kerry.

"Hah…" She looked down and breathed out in relief.

"Kerry!" Hanlo ignored all of this insanity and ran across to his sister. She was startled, but smiled happily and accepted his hug, happy to reunite with her twin brother.

"Bastard, bastard, I'll kill you! Fuck it hurts! Why are you all just standing around?! Kill that bastard!"

The fatty forced himself to turn towards Zhan, staring at him with hate filled bloodshot eyes. A few people turned towards Zhan hesitantly, but after feeling his terrifying aura filled with killing intent, everyone broke out in cold sweat and nobody dared to take a step forwards.

"Cowards, the lot of you are treacherous damn cowards!" The fatty spat out. "Fine then, I'll do it myself!"

As the fatty raised his left hand painfully and pointed his palm towards Zhan, everyone between Zhan and the fatty panicked, quickly jumping out of the way.

"Ah!" Kerry cried out and turned to Zhan anxiously. "Quickly, dodge, he has the ability to-"


Before she could finish that sentence, a green circle of light formed as tens of intricate runes appeared on his palm. The circle instantly collapsed, turning into a ray of green light that shot towards Zhan.

Zhan never fully took his eyes away from the fatty. This person was a bit pathetic, but Zhan could feel a mild sense of danger from this overweight asshole that easily surpassed the eagle. This feeling was also why he managed to totally overlook the eagle at first.

When Zhan saw the circle form, he immediately began to dodge. He stepped to the side just as the green light beam morphed into a dark green spear.


The spear slammed into the wall behind him. The fatty cursed under his breath and began to form another rune, but his expression turned into one of terror when he realised that Zhan was gone.


Zhan formed a spear with his fingertips in his left hand, then stabbed the fatty in his throat.


Blood spurted out from his neck like a fountain and the fatty's eyes rolled back. He was dead by the time his head slumped down to the floor.

Under everyone's fearful and horrified gaze, Zhan pulled his spear out from the fatty's thigh with his bloody hand, and made his way back to Kerry and his own group.

"Kerry, are you alright, are you injured?" Zhan asked with smile, doing his best to come across as harmless and easy going.

"Pfft…" Miu couldn't help but laugh.

"Zhan, your blood soaked figure isn't reassuring at all…" Shia rolled her eyes, secretly suppressing her own laugh also.

"Mm, I'm fine. Th-thank you very much for saving me!"

To everyone's surprise, Kerry didn't seem to be wary of Zhan at all! In fact, as she looked up at him, she even blushed and smiled happily!

"That's good. Now then, before anything else, can you tell me who else is holding you all here against your will?" Zhan asked gently.

"Ah! Kerry, they kidnapped you?!" Hanlo cried out, then turned to the crowd of people who were warily watching on and glared at them.

Finally, everyone began to piece everything together.

"Mm. It was those 4, they were helping the fatty." Kerry pointed to 4 men who all became pale faced and stepped back fearfully. In their eyes, the fatty had simply been an extremely powerful person, like an immortal king! However, they knew instinctively that compared to Zhan, that obese dead man was simply not even worth mentioning.

"You bitch, stop slandering us!"

"We did nothing, we, we were just forced by the fatty!"

"Right, don't believe her boss, she's lying, she was actually on the fatty's side! I'm so glad you're here, now you can obtain justice and kill that little bitch!"

"Yeah boss, you can't trust her, look at her eyes, and her teeth! She's clearly a fucking vampire, she's a monster!"

Hearing all of this, Zhan's expression gradually darkened. He slowly turned towards Kerry. She didn't look afraid under Zhan's gaze, but she refused to make eye contact. Zhan's perception combined with his intelligence had somehow resulted in him becoming more in-tune with the emotional state off others…he could see that she was feeling ashamed and upset.

"Kerry, look at me." Zhan said calmly. Everyone looked at him uncertainly, not sure how he was going to react.

"Yeah, look at her eyes boss, she-"

"Shut up." Zhan shot a murderous glare towards the lanky man, causing his legs to tremble and nearly collapse.

Kerry slowly looked up with teary eyes. Indeed, everyone gasped as they saw that her eyes were indeed a bright crimson red. She also slowly opened her mouth, revealing two sharp canines.

"Huh?" Kerry blinked in surprise. She expected Zhan to hate her and feel disgusted just like everyone else, but this…he was patting her head?

"Kerry, you're not a monster." He said with a smile, then nodded towards Nui. "See Nui there? She's a cat-girl, but we all accept her. You're no different, those guys are just racist assholes."

"R-really?" Kerry's eyes brightened. She looked around at this new unknown group and saw everyone smiling and nodding. The tears in her eyes finally couldn't be held back any longer. Two crystal streams slowly dripped down from her face.

"Thank you." She stepped forwards suddenly and hugged Zhan tightly. He was slightly startled, but soon smiled and continued to pat her head reassuringly.

Seeing this, the 4 lackeys of the fatty became increasingly terrified. After remembering how easily this guy had killed their boss, they panicked.