
Apocalyptic Ending

Due to the experiments that the scientist had done, the world has turned into chaos. A chaos that will lead to the extinction of human race. This is a story of a man named Keith Hokins. A man that strive to fight the chaos and to fix the main source of it. It is said to infect both human and animals. It is the survival of the fittest. Hunger, killing, wars are coming. Will the human race be entirely extinct? Or will he be the hope for the new era of the earth.

Nyxxy11 · Action
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

The bell rang, and I was ready to let loose! "LET'S GO!!!" I shouted. The classroom was full of joyous students celebrating their summer. Others cried, while others went out to enjoy with their friends on their last moment of this school year. "What shall I do?" I asked myself.

"Keith, you're going somewhere?" that friend who just asked me was Bojin, he was half Asian and half American. He was my friend the moment I transferred into this school. We used to hang out a lot and had fun. Of course fighting is also present when it comes to our friendship, but only a few minutes of eating will cool our heads off and then we'll go back to being a friend again. We treat each other like a family. We often go together when he has nothing to do or wanted to have fun.

"Yeah, I am heading to the arcade. Wanna come?" I asked him. He refused my offer. Well, I guess he has things to do. Anyway, I zipped my bag and carried it on my back. "Hmm...where will he go?" I wondered. I was taking a few walk to the arcade and I admit, I feel lonely. Every time I turned my head around me, I can see people hanging out with their friends. Well, I mean it's okay for me to be lonely I guess. Ever since I was a child I never met my parents. If I remember correctly, I was in the street striving to find food. All I could do was to steal foods from every food vendor. Sometimes, they caught me and beat my ass. I'm used to it though. Then this one day, while I was at the street looking for food. I saw a man carrying his stuffs he was taking a hard time carrying it, at last! Opportunity has come. I slowly followed him, silently trying to steal some foods on his bag. Unfortunately, he saw me. I can see his confused irritated face, that got me scared not gonna lie, so I ran as fast as I could to get away from him, but he didn't hesitate to follow me! I turned right at the aisle and it was dead end. I dropped all the food that I stole from him and did my special stance! Surprisingly he laughed. His laughter got me irritated and so I ran towards him to strike a punch, but he hands was too long and so he stopped me by holding my head. He asked my name, and why I was homeless at this age. I find him trustworthy and so I told him all I could remember. Telling him all the things got me to tears because on how my life was so miserable. Out of pity, he held my head and hugged me. I was shock! Like I never knew that hugs can feel this warm. If I will die that day, I will probably die happy. Now, that he knew my story. He let me keep the foods that I stole from him. Everyday, I always see him at that street carrying stuffs. So I decided to help him every morning. Maybe because of that, he decided to keep me at the bar. That was my first time seeing a bar by the way. He told me that he will let me stay, but I will help him at the bar and do some chores. So I agreed quickly. And that's how I had a home. Anyway, I finally arrived at the arcade. The moment I enter the arcade I still get the feeling the first time that the owner of the bar brought me here. I was so excited to play game! In arcade there are many different games, but you can see me at my favorite game. The Tekken! I quickly ran towards it and inserted the coin. Few minutes have pass, I was playing peacefully. A rascal slammed his bag right at the table. Of course, I stopped and looked at him.

"Hey bitch, move," that was so blunt. I keep looking at him and did nothing. Maybe he got annoyed, he pulled my shirt close to him. "What the fuck are looking at bitch? I said move," he was really a rascal. I mean look at the way he dress and look. Not to judge, I know there are people who dress like that, that are good. But most of it are people like him. A bully.

"Looks like we're gonna see some action!"

"Yeah! Reld is gonna beat his ass!" his friends even supported him! They are indeed a problem. I sighed. I picked up my bag, removed his hands from my shirt and walked away. I hate making a scene, especially at the arcade. While I was walking away from those groups, I can still hear them laughing and saying things about me. This got me wondering, do I really want no trouble? I put my bag at the left side of my should and turned at them.

"What the fuck are you laughing at bitches?!" I shouted. People in my area stopped playing and looked at me. "You bitches are just a fucking bully! So tell me. How about we do it outside?!" saying that while walking towards them, putting my arms at the side raising it telling them to come at me. I can see anger in their eyes. It succeeded, let anger fill them. Fill them so much that they will not be able to think properly and just think about beating their opponent. I learned that from Mr. owner of the bar. I should think of a better nickname.

"Someone's got a death wish huh," said Reld. Two of his friends laughing at me saying how I will get beaten. "Boys let's go," I started to walk out the arcade, placed my bag and removed my shirt to avoid getting torn. Just as I finished placing my things, they finally got out of the arcade. "Let's beat him boys," Reld was getting something out from his pocket, which got me confused. The moment he got it out, I smiled.

"Knuckles. Damn. They said a person who's strong and was wearing a knuckle can make a metal bend. How about taking a hit on the face?" I pointed at one of his friends telling him to come at me. His friend did not hesitate to ran and strikes a punch. I dodged his strike, and punched him in the face. "Ooh the sound of the punch," the other one also came running towards me. I looked at him, raised my left arm aligned with my left shoulder. This was my new move! I call it sniper bullet.

"FUCK YOU!" when his friend throws a left punch I quickly dodged not knowing it was a fake. He then move his right arm to punch me. Unlucky for him, I had a quick reflex. So I ducked and thrust my left hand at his stomach. "Wha-" he ran out of air I guess. Well, he'll gather some later. As his friend fell on the ground, the other one pulled my pants down! I was shocked at that moment. My heart beats fast of embarrassment.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" we played pull. So much pulling that I forgot about Reld. He was running towards me.

"HEY JERK!" when I turn around he punch me in the face where I fell on the ground. "Hah! How's that motherfucker!" he exclaimed. I laughed and glared at him.

"Hmph, knuckles ain't bad," I wiped the blood in my mouth, and spit some of it. "Now, come," Reld got tempted and so he ran towards me. I hit his heels from spinning low kick! As he fell unto the ground, he hit his head. "Haa!" I stood up and I can see his other friend was behind me. So I hit him right at he jaw using spinning elbow. "HAHA! Dang, it's been a while since I loose sweat, so thanks guys!" I keep talking to them even though they are unconscious, but I saw Reld standing up. "Oh look at you, never giving up," he ran towards me. Raising his right arm to punch me.

"AHHH!" when he throws the punch, I moved back and did the old move. The high side kick hitting his jaw perfectly. I can see that he's vision is starting to get blurry. When he fall, I catched him just to give them my respect.

"Now, let us rest shall we?" I moved them at the side so that, it won't be a problem at the street. "Woo! That was a good fight indeed," I put back my shirt on and picked up my bag. "Now, let's get inside the arcade again," as I walk at the arcade, the door opened and I bumped at someone.

"geek!" the person fell on the ground. Cute sound.

"Oh sorry! Let me help you," offering the person a hand.

"Thank you," it was a girl! Her voice is cute by the way. She stood up and taps her skirt for the dirt to be cleaned. She went outside and looked at the side of the wall. "You beat them up?" said the girl. She smiled and walked away.

"Wh-who's that girl?" I asked myself. I paid no attention after that weird encounter and went inside to play again. I was so focused into the game that it's already evening. I watched my clock and got surprised. "7:00?! OH NO! I'M GONNA BE LATE!" I quickly grabbed my bag went outside and ran home. "MR. OWNER! I'M SORRYY!!!" as I kept on running and running, I finally arrived at the bar. I bust in and looked around if Mr. Owner is around. I walked to the employee, and asked him. "Pst, Kevin. Is Mr. Owner here?" Kevin is my let's say 'friend' when Mr. Owner brought me here at the bar. I saw Kevin's amazing skill of communication to other people. Like how he can manage to let people drink some more!

"Haaa....he's not here. You better hurry up and go change or else you will get caught," I quickly ran upstairs to change and at the same time, I was happy because I was able to avoid Mr. Owner's divine hand.

"I'M SAFE!" I shouted upstairs.

"Oh...are you? I guess this calls for judgement then, right? Keith?" I thought for a second that the voice seems familiar. I kinda heard that voice before, and that's where I realize that the voice was coming from Mr. Owner's mouth. I suddenly froze at my place as if I was in the ice age. As I slowly turned around like a broken robot, I can see his face smiling with his fist held high.

"I'M SO-" there you go. He hit me at the head. I was literally sobbing because it freaking hurts! Like a metal object hits your head! "Your mean Mr. Owner." I said to him. He was busy piling up the papers in his desk. That got me wondering, why does he have so much paper?

"Oh yeah? How about not following the official time? Is that good?" he asked. Ever since I was adopted, he stated some rules. On what time I should go home. "Now go serve there," I buttoned my polo, and went down to get started. Well, when it comes to serving people, I am an expert on that. The way I serve them makes happy.

"Still doing that kind of thing Keith?" and that is Mr. Rick, he's older than me but we used to play always when I wasn't working. He's a sweet guy.

"Ah Mr. Rick, how's the bartending?" he also is the bartender here. He's so good at giving tricks and doing a performance every night. Though I may see his performance for how many years? I'm still amused by it.

"Well, better than usual. Hey, now did you do what I told you?" he asked me. Well...Mr. Rick is good at giving advices when it comes to love, but I think I'm not good enough to follow his advice. Or maybe I just completely forgot!

"A-Ah!! W-well hehe yeah! It went good you know!" that was definitely a good lie right? It's good right?

"As if! Keith doing that kind of thing? Nah, hahaha!" Kevin can really see through me.

"That's true idiot!" well, I must say. I may be lonely outside the bar, but whenever I stay here. They treat me like a family. Even though not by blood, but by heart. Well, I better do some work! While serving some costumers, a flash news suddenly appeared at the TV. That got my attention, all of our attention.

"Breaking news! A new virus has been discovered by the scientist in the SC laboratory. It is said that the virus can both affect human and animals. Scientists says that whenever you'll be affected by this virus, it can turn into somewhat this generation called 'zombie'. Authorities, have commence a hard lockdown on a specific places. If you ever have this following symptoms, please report to the hospital right away! That's all and be careful!" after saying the news, the following symptoms appeared at their screen.

"Headache, nausea, vomiting? and having a pale skin?" I was definitely confuse in the part so called zombies. I mean who would believe that? Right? After some time, we finally finished all the things and closed the bar. I went to the sit in the middle and sat down. "Haaa.... I'm so tired. I went to the arcade and this rascals cane to ruin my game," Kevin and Mr. Rick went to me and sat down.

"So, did you beat their ass?" Kevin asked. I smirked and touches my nose with my thumb finger.

"Hah! Who do you think taught me the art of fight?! All of the fighting style! Kickboxing, Muay Thai, and others! I won't be beaten by those bastards!" I was bragging so much that our chef smack me his ladle on my head.

"Did you think I taught you how to fight just so you can use it on others?" I'll give you guys a little information about our Chef. His name is Mr. Tibalt. He used to be a professional fighter years ago, but his main passion is cooking. One day, while he was cooking at the kitchen, he saw me using the ladle as an imaginary sword. I would go like.

*Rewind time*

"Fight me evil mercenaries! I shall defeat you!" I would sway the ladle around the kitchen everywhere, like I don't care if I hit different types of tools.

"Keith, stop playing with the lad!-" I was too focused on swaying that I hit Mr. Tibalt's you know, two precious egg! I was shocked of course and smiled at him nervously.

"H-hello M-Mr. Ti-Tibalt," I can feel the heavy pressure on the weight of my shoulder. The coldness that's emitting inside the kitchen. The silence that was about to be broken by the monster lurking inside the depth of the dark passage.

"I'll count the remaining time your life will be," Mr. Tibalt removed the ladle from my hand and uses it to smack my butt!

"SORRY MR. TIBALT!" I was crying in the middle of the dining room alone feeling the pain of the ladle. Whenever he finishes smacking my butt, he would cook me meals that would satisfy me. He went out of the kitchen and placed the meal in front of me.

"Here, eat it. It seems like I punished you way to hard," after giving me the meal, I would eat like I was a hungry monster that haven't eat for years. There, he would laugh at me. "Hahaha, say Keith. Do you want to learn the real fighting style?" Mr. Tibalt asked me. I stopped eating and looked at him.

"Ywes! I sm rwealwy want to lwearn!" saying while there's still food in the mouth would piss him off. There he smack me at the head again. "Ow!" I was rubbing my head to ease the pain.

"Let's start tomorrow then," hearing that makes me choke. There we would start to panic where the hell we placed the water! "IDIOT! EAT PROPERLY! WHERE'S THE WATER?!"

*back to the present*

"Well, they did it to me first. So I guess it's good for them Mr. Tibalt," he got some food on the kitchen and placed in the center.

"Let us eat first," we celebrated on how Mr. Tibalt always cooks or bring out food after we finish everything.

*Somewhere in the downtown*

A man was vomited at the middle of the street. There he caught the people's attention. "Sir? Are you okay?" he pushed the man away from him.

"Move! Get the hell away from me!" he was suffering so much that his skin are so pale. The man started to hit his head on the ground repeatedly. "MY FUCKING HEAD!" people was getting scared because of him.

"Someone call 911!" a random man shouted. The mam on the ground started screeching. As the man towards him "Sir are you okay?" the man on the ground look at him. Has a red eyes, and was vomiting. The man quickly latches into the stranger and bites him.



"HELP!" people in the surrounding started to panic and a lot of confusions was happening there. There the police department arrived, but it was too late. Many people was infected already, and they just went to the death pit. Several zombies went after them. When the police started to shoot at them, they could not believe how intelligent the zombies were.

"SIR! WE DID NOT EXPECT THIS ZOMBIES CAN USE WEAPONS!" they uses the body on the ground to cover from the bullets. It was too much for them to handle that the zombies was closing near to them until the zombies were able to break the police defence. There, chaos has started with one infected man. One police has escaped from the place. There, he ran away and went to hide from the place. He reported at the other police department at the radio.

"He-hello? Hello!" No one was responding at the radio. He was raging at the store he hides. "FUCK!" the police heard a screeching from a door. There he slowly, walk towards the door pointing his gun towards it. "WH-WHO'S THERE?!" he shouted. The glass behind him broke and there as he turned around the door behind him opened. It was the zombies. The police fell on the ground and was moving away from them, but he was cornered. "N-NO! AHHHH!!!"