
IV The Ace of Hearts

Red carried Cryn In his arms and his gear on his back. His target was the Spade's kingdom as he traveled to the forests edge and towards the badlands he thought back on his life and how he got here In the first place.

The Color Kingdoms

"King Red was a fine man and the best friend that I'm glad I had may he live up In heaven as an angel and may God help his soul find peace," King Black said through a shaky voice and watery eyes. "The late King's son Red Jr will be crowned King on the age of his sixteenth birthday," a preist said to the crowd. I was four years old and was hugging my mother's arm with tears In my eyes. "Now I will read the will of King Red himself ahem, If I must die give my prestine position as king and all of the land and wealth I own to my youngest son Red Jr on the sixteenth of his life. During the time that he cannot be king under any circumstances, my loyal and most closest best friend Black will be given all of my Kingly possessions. If on his sixteenth day Red doesn't want the crown his oldest sibling Scarlett will get the crown, If she doesn't want It then It will go to Crimson my last son. If none of my children want the crown both kingdoms will merge Into one and Black will take over as King of both. I know this will be hard so I'll be appointing all of my advisors to Black," the priest read aloud. There was gasps and chatters all around. I cried Into my mother's shirt. "The blue kingdom had gone to war with the reds, but they pulled off a tactic never seen before. The blues told the reds to have their armies meet on a battle field, but that was just a red herring, because the entire blue army was seiging the Red castle. The red army was In the middle of an open feild miles away. When they got back the entire castle was ransacked and everyone Inside was Injured besides the King who was found dead with Corpses of blue soldiers all around him. Red died protecting his people. He was a warrior, a father, and a king of his people," the priest continued.

The next couple months I lived with King Black. My older brother already gave up the crown to become the king's Jester. Eventually the kingdom was under attack by the yellow kingdom, but then a hero appeared to help the kingdom. I got to personally see him and got to listen to his stories. The hero's name was all but a fogged memory. I can only remember Kono, but nothing else. The hero defeated the yellow army. He stayed for a few days to make sure the kingdom was okay. During these days Scarlett, my oldest sibling and my sister ran away. I was the only one capable of the crown now. One fateful morning a glowing red light shined In through the windows. Everyone gathered together then went outside to see a swirling vortex of a portal. In a panic they all ran back Inside, but me and Crimson. Crimson bent down and picked up his baby brother. "Oh great prince Red are you hungry? Little brother I know you have alot of pressure on you," Crimson was talking to me but I was too little to fully understand the significance of his words. Just then a red beam shot out of the vortex and hit Crimson In the back. He fumbled and almost dropped me. I looked up at my older brother. Crimson's face structure changed then he laughed like a crazy person. I started crying, I was scared for my life. "Haha don't cry peasant the KING'S JESTER WILL SAVE YOU!" Crimson yelled out before tossing me Into the vortex. I saw my brother's face and a flash of colors through my teary eyes. Then everything went dark.

I woke up In the dirt, crying and screaming. I was stuck In the mud. Footsteps approached me. I stopped thrashing then l looked. There was a man wearing a crown and he had a young boy about my age standing next to him. He picked me up. "Poor kid he came out of that sky portal we've been getting those alot now. Every person who comes through these are found dead though. Atleast this kid Is alright," the man said In a calm and deep voice. I looked around and saw that we were In a huge hole. There was a castle and a town down here and the sun slightly shone In lighting up part of the hole. He took me to his castle and gave me a room with the boy. For the next few years we grew up together, his name was Ace. His father was the king. Ace was like a brother to me. We did everything together and we played together constantly. He always looked like he wasn't enjoying himself but I knew he was excited he just wasn't capable of showing much emotions. On my sixteenth birthday I was allowed to leave the hole and see the outside world. It was a wasteland out there. There was a small forest In the distance and through Ace's telescope I could see some people carving out one of the god trees. Thats what people called the three giant trees. Called them God trees or gifts from Thermosess the goddes of light, Melyae the goddess of the moon. And Deidia the God of Eclipse. The smallest tree was apparently Melyae's gift. It was almost completely hollow on the Inside so some people decided to build a kingdom Inside. Father's messenger boy told us they were calling themselves the Club's and their King was only eighteen years old. A young king, who was the nicest guy around. Even during the end of the world there was still good people around. The surface wasn't as nice as the Spade's cave. It also wasn't as safe as the cave. One day I went out of the cave by myself. I spotted a group of people coming from the mountains. The Diamonds, they were hated by all. This group came to collect money and supplies from the Spade's as an annual fee for living here. The Diamonds are so uptight and think of only themselves. They don't care If they hurt others by taking from them. I stepped Infront of the door to stop them, which admittedly was something I shouldn't have ever done. I was grabbed and thrown to the ground then beat. The last thing I heard before blacking out was one of them saying, "you'll be what we are taking as payment today."

I awoke In ragged clothes and chains. "Eh your awake kid," a older woman said to me. "I'm Christina. I'm fifteen years old how about you?" A younger woman standing next to the older one said. "R-red and I'm sixteen," I replied. The older lady who was admittedly still young said, "well kid let me show you the ropes and how to get around here. I'm Brit." Brit and Christina were all I had at that time. I didn't know If I should've trusted them but It did help me get out. I don't know how long we mined for crystals. Any Diamonds we found went to the king. One day I caught on to some Info that people were staging a breakout. Christina, Brit, and I decided to join In. In three days was the monthly cooldown period meaning we are able to wander the middle ground area and thats, because the peasant row layer was being cooled down to extreme freezing levels. When all the guards go down to do It we will make a break for the door and leave the mountain. It was finally time. The gaurd went down. Our party gathered then we made for the door. As a group we broke the chains off then ran out as alarms rang out. The light was blinding but that didn't stop us. We got halfway across the mountain top before gaurds started pouring out the door. People started getting shot by the guards. I got to the edge where there was a slope at then I slid down the slope with Christina and Brit behind me. We got to the bottom and I don't know If It was shock or the sound of the round firing off but I was knocked to the ground by the force that hit me In the back. Yellow and red went everywhere. Christina pulled me out from under the weight. When I was getting up I saw her. Brit layed there. "G-go you two just go a-and live a h-happy and free life," Brit said. Those were her last words. Christina pulled me away and we ran. Ran until we got to the Kingdom of hearts.

We decided to stay the night at a hotel. That night Christina learned what a hotel was. She sat In bed crying. Brit was her best friend, they did everything together. I tried my best to comfort her. She just wanted to cuddle my chest. Months past and then we got together. We dated for years and worked our way to the top of the social ladder. One day the King of Hearts approached me and asked me to be his ace. He told me an ace was a commander for an army and that every kingdom had an ace. I agreed, Christina and I moved In. I got a new outfit and was going out on missions with a team. My team had Elaine, Darren, and Mike. This one day while passing through town I stopped at a shop. The owner was making jewelry. I saw this ring, and with the money I was saving up for a fancy gun, I Instead used It to buy the ring. I came back to propose to Christina but for some reason she was acting weird. I asked anyways but then was turned down by a knock on the door. The King came In with a evil smile on his face. His moved his left hand up and waved at her to come to him. In that moment she dropped the plate that she was holding then floated towards him. I was shocked I didn't know what to do. They left then I fell to my knees. I didn't know what to do. Just two days ago when I had to go to sleep because of surgery the King told me he put an explosive chip In my neck and If I ever disobeyed him he'd detonate It, unable to move I watched as they left. I don't know If It was shock of this sight I saw or the fear of knowing that he could make my head explode at any second, but I couldn't move. The door closed then latched shut from the outside. I spent the next day and a half stuck In that room. When I was finally let out I got news that he killed her then he blamed It on me and sent me out to find a treasure, told me not to come back until I find something good or he'd kill me. I was gone for almost a full day when I saw that same vortex that I saw when I was young appear by the forests edge. That how I met Cryn, lovely lass, filled the void In my heart.

Apocalypse rising

Red traveled across the badlands, hiding from any beasts that came past. He got to The Drop this was an area with huge holes that If you fell Into one you would die once you hit the ground It was that deep. Red walked past the holes carefully then he approached a tent next to a bunker. A man In a black outfit with a red scarf walked out of the tent, his long light brown hair covered his face. There was a broadsword on the back of his waist. "Who goes there," he said. Red removed his gas mask. "Do I look familiar at all?" Red asked. "You look like an old creep. Who's the girl?" The man asked. "Damn Ace don't remember your best friend, sure I was kidnapped by the Diamonds when we were 16 but that was years ago," Red said. "Red died years ago the Diamonds told us so," Ace snapped back. "The Diamonds are uptight assholes. I'm Red the same as ever," Red stated. Ace grabbed his sword. Cryn woke up and yelled at them, "Red stop yelling I'm trying to sleep!" Ace let go of his sword. "Did she say?" Ace asked. Red moved In closer. "I'm home Ace," Red said with a smile. "Whats something that only Red would know," Ace asked. "You liked running around In only your light blue underwear when we were young," Red responded.

Underground City

Ace led Red Into the bunker then through a cave. They walked down and deeper Into the cave till they reached an opening. They walked out Into the Spade's hole and walked towards the town. They walked past crop fields with people working In them. They stopped to look at Red and Ace. They walked Into the town. Red looked around. The buildings were still circling the fountain like before. Nothing much changed. They walked around the fountain and towards the castle. The doors were open. Ace walked In first. There was an old guy In armor sitting on a throne. "My son how are you doing," the man asked. Ace got on one knee and bowed to his father. "There's no need for that you are the prince remember," the King of Spade said. Red took a step forward. The king looked at him. "No.....Red your alive," the King said. He stood up walked over to Red, putting his hands on Red's shoulders. "Look at you. My boy a grown man," the King said. Red smiled at him. Red walked through the halls. He eventually found his old room. It was clean. The maids here clean every room even the ones that don't get used. He detached his gear which dropped to the floor. Then he grabbed the strap on Cryn's sleeping bag that was around his chest and placed her onto the bed. He unpacked all his gear. Red sat on the bed and looked out the window. Thermosess was leaving and Melyae was taking her spot on the sky throne. Red sighed then layed next to Cryn.

The next day. Red awoke, cryn was next to him cuddling him. He got up grabbed some clothes and then left the room. Red walked down the hall and entered the bathroom to shower. Ace walked Into Red's room. "Red are you In here?" He asked. Cryn sat up and rubbed her eyes. Then she looked up at Ace. "Oh hello who are you and where am I?" She asked. Ace looked at her. "Huh? I'm Ace, a friend of Red's and the son of Michealick king of Spades," Ace responded with. Cryn giggled then said, "Well Its nice to meet you Ace, I'm Cryn." Cryn look around abit then spotted reds coat and cuddled It. Ace closed the door and continued his search. Cryn smiled brightly as she held Red's coat. She put It on and then left the room to explore the castle. Ace walked to the bathroom door and heard the shower running then left. Cryn walked Into the throne room. There was gaurds standing next to pillars and an old man sitting In a throne. "Oh your the one Red was carrying," a voice called out. Cryn looked at the old man. "Oh hello sir. Sorry I'm Cryn did you say that Red carried me here?" Cryn said before holding the collar of the coat over her mouth and giggling. "Yes, Red traveled a long way just to get you somewhere safe, I'm the King of Spades," Michaelick said to her. Red got out of the shower and walked down to the throne room. Cryn looked at him. Red was only wearing pants. His chest and muscles were out and open to see. Cryn's whole face went red. "Ah your awake," Red said with a soft smile. Cryn walked over and hugged him, putting her face In his chest. "What are you doing?" Red asked. Red turned towards the hallway and started walking down It. Cryn latched herself onto him. "Wweee free ride," Cryn said. Red walked back to his room. Cryn let go and sat on the bed. Red got dressed then turned to her and said, I'm gonna go help out at the bakery today so you should explore around town abit so you can learn your way around. "Okay I will," Cryn said. "Don't get yourself In any trouble okay," Red said to her. Cryn sighed, "fiiiinnneee I won't." Red smiled then walked out. Cryn sat In the room for the next few minutes before she left aswell. She walked through the halls then out of the gate. Cryn walked around the town looking at everything. There was a bakery, quite a few houses, a marketplace, a playground, and a barn near the farms that she saw earlier. She walked over to the marketplace and looked at the different stalls. People were selling crystals and food. There was also a table for trading things amongst each other. "Hello miss your new around here care to make a purchase?" A stranger behind her asked. Cryn turned around to see a young man sitting at a stall. He had slightly tanned skin, his hair was a dirty blonde, and his eyes were a bright orange. "Hello miss I'm Brayden Worther. What's your name?" He said. Cryn smiled at this boy and then answered back with, "Cryn, Cryn Ambergkromby." Brayden smiled at her. Cryn looked at his display. He had some gemstones and a few metals. Next to him was a framed photograph of him and a ginger girl. She had silky-white skin and dark blue eyes. The type of eyes that just by looking Into them you can tell that the owner of the eyes can perceive every little detail about their surrounding or about a person they can see. "Ah your looking at my photo huh. Your probably lost In her eyes. That was my girlfriend, Claire was her name. She was a real trooper. She had keen eye sight, just looking at someone for two second and she can name off every little detail on their entire body. I loved her, she was my star that shined warm and brightly through the cold dark night. She didn't do affection or anything like that with most people, guess I was lucky huh," Brayden said with a smile. Cryn looked at him, "Is she?" He nodded his head. "She sacrificed herself to save our world. I was sent Into this world after that. This Is all I have of us. Heh Samuel, Jennifer, Amy, Denver, Mathew, Clayton all gone," he said with a smile on his face. He was hiding his sadness behind a smile Cryn could tell real easily. Cryn waved goodbye. Hoping to see him again she continued on her exploration. Cryn walked over to the playground. There was little kids playing with a ball. "Guys I made up a new game. Okay so you have to kick the ball and keep up with It to move It towards the enemy teams goal, there are two teams and two goals. Then once you get there you gotta grab the ball and throw It behind you quickly, If you hold It for too long the ball goes to the enemy team. When you throw Ut behind you, you gotta make It Into the goal If you miss or If the goalie gets the ball from you or blocks the ball, everyone goes back to the middle and the enemy team gets the ball. Scoring Is worth two points and thats the only way to get points. You lose one point If the goalie catches the ball before It touches anything else after It was thrown," one of the kids explained to them. A few other kids asked him a few questions which he answered quickly. Cryn moved on and continued her walk. She decided to go to the bakery. Cryn walked Inside and looked through a window and saw Red In the back kneeding some dough. She got close to the window and watched him work.

"Hey Red do you know that little lady there," one of the workers asked. Red looked at Cryn from the side of his eye then at the worker. "She was someone I fell In love with once but Is now like a daughter to me. Probably felt lonely without me around and went to find me," Red said as he kept working with the dough. The other worker poked his head out from behind Red and stared at Cryn. Cryn looked at him then stuck her tongue out. "Hey you punk," the guy said. "Calm down Chase," Red said. Chase scowled at Cryn then went back to work. Later Red walked out onto the floor to close the bakery for the night and when he turned around he saw Cryn covered up with his trench coat and she was sitting In a booth sleeping. Chase walked out. "Huh she waited for you," he said. Red walked over and picked her up and held her close In his arms. Red left the bakery and walked to the castle. He entered the castle then went to his room. Red sat Cryn down then layed down next to her. It was a long day and all he wanted was sleep.

The next morning Red awoke with Cryn laying her head on his chest with a smug look on her face. She jumped up at the sound of a bang from outside. Red quickly got up and put his gear on then loaded his revolver. Cryn followed behind him. They left the room and made way for the throne room. "Michaelick I heard that you are harboring a fugitive. Where's Red Ace of Hearts his king demands to know where he Is," a elegant voice rang out. Red and Cryn got to the edge of the hall and looked out at the throne room. There were three men standing there pointing guns at the King of Spades. "H-he le-" the guy at the front Interrupted Michaelick, "Don't lie to me!" Taking a deep breath, Red ran In and fired at them hitting one In the leg. The guy fell over and dropped his gun. Cryn ran behind one of the poles. She grabbed a sword off of one of the gaurd's corpses on the ground and threw It at the two, but missed terribly. Red hid behind a pillar and watched as gun fire rangout In Cryn's direction. Cryn screamed as their bullets slowly shredded through the pillar. She was stuck behind It. Michaelick stood up then raised his hands Incasing the two In boulders. The gun fire stopped. Cryn ran over to Red and hugged him while crying In his arms. Ace slowly walked down the hallway. When he entered the throne room the guy on the ground reached for his gun. Ace wasn't In a good mood, he pulled out his sword then swung It down, cutting the guy In half. "The town In burning. I want to watched that mountain crumble. I want that smug look to get wiped off of their faces," Ace said before plunging the tip of his sword Into on the the boulders. Then he used the leverage to turn one boulder and make It line up with the other, then In a flash his sword shot out a laser which peirced through both rocks. After he pulled his sword out both boulders spewed out blood. He shieved his sword. Ace walked outside. Red and Cryn followed behind him. The town was on fire some people In masks saw them then hid behind some rubble. Ace unshieved then shoved his sword Into the ground then there was sounds of screaming. Ace pulled his sword out of the ground and continued forward. Chase crept out from behind the rubble of the bakery. "Red, Ace your safe," Chase said. "Where are the remaining towns folk?" Ace asked. "In the emergency bunker. The women and children are safe, but there's still people out there," Chase responded with. Chase followed the group as they walked towards the market. One of the masked guys was hitting something with the but of his rifle. "Get off me you pathetic waste," the masked guy said. Red shot you guy In the head then the group ran over to see who It was on the ground. "Brayden!!" Cryn yelled out. "Oh hey there Cryn," he said with a smile." In a panic Cryn grabbed him, "this Is no time to be smiling you Idiot. Stay with me please, just stay with me!" Cryn yelled out through tears In her eyes. "It's alright everything's gonna be okay. I'll be taken care of on the other side, I'll be fine. I can see everyone waiting for me," Brayden closed his eyes and smiled brightly. "No don't....Br...Brayden..." Cryn stared at his smile that was still on his face. "Red.....let's....go home...." Cryn said. "We have no home kid not anymore," he responded. "We can make a home.....far.....far away...from all of this war...all of this bloodshed," Cryn said quietly. Red picked her up and held her close. The group gave Brayden a proper burial then they left the Spade's kingdom and headed towards the Club's kingdom for help.