
Apocalyptic Caribbean Mercenary

Welcome to Esperanza capital of puerto príncipe de barcelona a small Caribbean island spared from nuclear destruction it's an beautiful place with white sandy beaches oh and people hanging from the palm trees. Welcome Home

Lieutenant_Fire · Action
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21 Chs


We've spotted the city of New Orleans we can't pass through the Bayou but we've spotted people hanging from telephone lines crosses erected on every small patch of land set on fire endless flames.

We can hear a loud speaker from our position constantly playing "You're nothing without your masters we have taken over the surrounding cities my empire grows every second you should buy a dozen slaves your lives don't mean shit you worthless useless retarded rich ass mother fucking bitches and for my ending sentence I'll say Baisez-les chiennes" we plan to make way to Miami The NFR's capital it'll take half a day we'll be there by late morning.

As we approach the Miami port ships make way for the Fleet we plan to buy some more weapons off the NFR also to try establish a connection with the Legion from their advanced radio technology our coms went down during a brutal storm. As i step off the boat we are greeted by a well dressed man with a NFR flag pin escorted by two guards "Good morning Captain good trip but lets skip to the political side of things you're joining the Legion they never helped us but alas you have the money?" he says as he points to the suitcase full of blood diamonds "Si si may i use your radio transmitter Senator hand Presidente the suitcase," i say coldly the Presidente nods and bows.

I walk to the radio station i tune it to the Legionarie's "Delta foxtrot niner Lieutenant General do you read me?" i ask concerned "Garcia my friend why are you using the NFR's radio?" he asks as he laughs "lost in a storm ours was but we've a bigger problem The slave master in New Orleans you had known right they must be exterminated or assimilated but The NFR's continuous agression against the Maine confederacy" i say as i open my flask "yes the Congress has decided to take actions and aid the Confederacy it'll give us oversea territory and an ally also to take point against the slaving empire have a good journey brother may the farther of understanding guide you also Sumi says hi," he says somewhat cheerfully i close off the channel.

I walk down to the boat to see Senator Leon chewing out a foreman "you peasant learn to carry the guns or I'll have you shot by the Captain got it!" he yells as he raises his back hand "ay ay what the fuck is going on here fucking apologize Leon I'm sorry sir let me help you," i say as i help the man arrange the guns i tip him and he tips his hat and loads the guns onto the boat "y'know boy you need to learn some respect," he says as he pushes up his glasses "i out rank you Senator Governor Delaney put me in charge so get on the fucking boat that is a order," i say coldly as i climb aboard.

He scoffs and reluctantly boards i run up to top deck "ready to go Kenway only 4 more weeks," i say as i hand him a Cigar.