
Apocalyptic Caribbean Mercenary

Welcome to Esperanza capital of puerto príncipe de barcelona a small Caribbean island spared from nuclear destruction it's an beautiful place with white sandy beaches oh and people hanging from the palm trees. Welcome Home

Lieutenant_Fire · Action
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21 Chs

Sic semper evello mortem tyrannis

Palazzo Del Sol must've been well expensive to rent before the whole nuclear holocaust now it's a autocratic bastards retreat like Berghof Hitler's mountain retreat. No no this is more off a summer home oh and premium Tequila also not to forget a small under fed but yet devoted garrison of autocratic soldiers.

The rich silently grumble...the Bourgeoisie are too proud of themselves to fight so they except it. The northern Legionarie's radio signal came up this morning I'm trying to get in touch with them.

I fiddle with the diles on the ham radio as i do it jolts to life, "Hello anyone? Admiral? Lieutenant?," i say excitedly nothing "fuck answer me!" i yell i also punch the wall "reading you Governor this is Admiral Sakurasawa," she says calmly i rejoice slumping down into my chair "we have Miami the tyrant is next your status report," i say whilst grabbing my file of the Operations "we captured Tallahassee and Jacksonville we surround Tampa but our fleet is...is gone," she says morosely i can hear the thump of artillery in the background constantly firing "I'm diverting some battalions to you with armor and after the tyrant is dead I'll send my fleet," i say whilst reading the file she sighs a sigh of relief "thank you the Lieutenant will be thankful..." she says but at the end the transmission cuts off.

I walk slowly to the balcony it has a direct view to Fisher island the Palazzo is looming over it. I just sit there watching it knowing most likely I'm being watched back...my every move witnessed with no privacy. I pick up my sniper rifle it could hit a target but the wind and bullet drop would affect it's travel, i aim into my scope i slowly move it around i scope in onto the top floor. I see a glint from a scope it catches me off guard.

I focus on where the glint came from i zero in, i spot a young women probably my age wait she's a informant. She wears a dark blue neck warmer i relax. I grab my flashlight i relay to her "Watching you back informant state your code name" it takes a minute but later "Real name Saki Hanahara code name Trial Marks" i grab a second file on Miami informants i tune into a radio frequency under the name.

I tune my com to it it spazams for a second "Trial Marks this is Governor Captain Dotaux this is a secure channel," i say as i slouch into a deck chair there's silence then i hear a exited girls voice "the famous Governor pleased to meet you, what you up to this time of night?" she asks playfully i laugh "Watching you please call me Garcia what you want me to call you," i reply whilst opening a can of atomic srpryt the taste is crisp and cold as it runs down my throat "Saki please so...do you have a girlfriend?" she asks almost laughing "wait...what? no..." i reply flustered i blush "i got you Cap i see you have long black hair over your eyes, and a stubble beard with brown eyes," she says i scope in whilst still scoped in i say "you have bright pink hair in a long ponytail with the brightest blue eyes and of course your cute face," i say awkwardly she laughs sweetly "aww trying to flirt you really are cute especially when you are nervous," she says flirtatiously i laugh nervously.

We talk for awhile until we reach the subject of invasion "So the best plan is for you to airdrop on the island link up with me we'll destroy the islands defenses, i look forward to meeting you Captain Dotaux," she says happily.

I end the call and walk inside i sit behind the desk and take off my duster and lay it on top of me like a blanket, i pull the wire on my lamp the flame is extinguished. I fall asleep right there i hear someone enter the room i open one eye carefully, i see Mine silhouette she inspects the room she places a covered tray on my desk. Then she leaves after she does i unwrap the foil a sandwich and a sausage roll, i dig into the meal like a soldier digs a trench. I sit there pondering if Saki is as sweet in person as she is on the com. I eventually fall asleep in my chair.

The next evening after running my men by the plan i get on a high altitude gunship, my hands begin to shake as i don my parachute. Once we've reached the drop height i take a minute before jumping, when i do i see the ground growing closer and closer. Then i pull my parachute.

I get caught on palm tree i cut my wire i drop to the ground with a thud. My head is still dazed as i stand up i can barely stand and my vision is blurred. I stumbled to a source of light i sneak up behind the figure, i put my Dagger to their throat. "Trial Marks that you," i whisper they nod hastily i let go. She turns around with a smile on her face "Garcia you made it are you pissed or something," she says whilst laughing i laugh nervously as well "no my chute got caught in a tree you got a disguise for me," i say whilst scratching the back of my head "here a officer's uniform also a helmet to cover you cute mug," she says as she throws me a duffel bag.

I open the bag to see a uniform with some fine craftsmanship but yet practical. The helmet is not as good as my ranger one but i still put iit on. I still keep my guns i look at the map of Fisher island.

Two gun batteries aimed at the harbor, the barracks, a huge underground bunker and of course the Palazzo Del Sol in its self a looming fortress over the island. There's also a fuel depot orders are capture after the landings.

"Alright first we'll get those gun batteries, then the barracks, then the bunker and finally the Palazzo El Presidente will likely be panicked, you got it Saki?" i say as i write it in a notebook she looks zoned out, i throw my pencil at her "yeah i got it," she says annoyed.