
Apocalypse Warrior

Compulsive · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Giant Mutated Rats

Gu Shen was at the supermarket stocking up on some supplies. He was twenty-three years old and had recently graduated from college. Soon, he would start looking for a job. With his average grades, he could only settle for a menial desk job.

All of a sudden a booming voice spoke from the skies.

"The stage has now been set! Humans, entertain us!" the ethereal voice laughed arrogantly.

Everyone laughed off what they just heard as some publicity event. Even Gu Shen didn't pay it any heed and continued his shopping in silence.

That was when the ground below began to tremble lightly. Five meters from where Gu Shen standing, the floor began to crack and suddenly broke apart. A furry long black head emerged screeching loudly.

When the creature fully emerged from the hole, everyone gasped collectively and stepped back. It was a giant rat the size of an adult person. It's eyes were blood red and it had sharp claws.

The giant rat scanned it's surroundings. Then it gave a loud screech and pounced on the nearest person.

"Eeeek! No!"

The young woman screamed miserably as she tumbled to the floor. The giant rat chomped on her neck with it's teeth and tore off her flesh. Blood spewed everywhere. The woman struggled for a bit before dying.

Screams and gasps of terror filled the place. Everyone scattered about trying to escape the supermarket.

Another giant rat came out from the hole. Then more holes appeared on the floor and giants rats continued to pour out of them. They immediately attacked the people. In just five minutes, ten people including a child had already died.

Gu Shen was already running to the door. But then the people in front of him suddenly came running back. Looking outside through the glass walls, he realized there were giant rats outside too! The first group of people to run outside were already being eaten!

"Fuck!" Gu Shen cursed. They were surrounded on both sides. There seemed to be no way out.


Suddenly one giant rat leaped onto a man right next the Gu Shen. The man screamed pitifully as his body parts were ripped apart. Gu Shen watched on in horror as the man was eaten alive right in front of him.

Two giant rats noticed Gu Shen and he became their latest target. They trotted towards him eyeing their prey with hungry eyes.

Gu Shen felt a chill in his spine. When he saw the two giant rats approaching him, he immediately moved his legs and ran in a random direction. The two giant rats screeched and followed him.

Although the supermarket was big, it wasn't big enough for the current situation. Gu Shen eventually halted when there was no more room for him to run. He now found himself cornered by the giant rats.

The three giant rats closed in on him. Besides the two that initially chased him, a third one had joined in while he was fleeing. Things did not look optimistic.

Gu Shen felt fear and the foreboding of death as he watched the giant rats get nearer and nearer.

"Am I going to die just like this?" Gu Shen felt sad and resentful at the thought.


[Apocalypse Warrior System activated.]

[Eliminate one mutated beast to unlock the status.]

[Please choose a starting weapon.]

Out of nowhere a magical notification appeared in Gu Shen's mind. In front of his eyes were a series of images. The images indicated weapons of all types.

Gu Shen had no time feel confused. He immediately chose the weapon titled [Saber] with a thought.

A bright light flashed and a long saber materialized in Gu Shen's hand.

[You have received a Level 1 Normal Saber.]

[Level 1 Normal Saber: A very ordinary starting weapon. Attack +5]

At this moment, one of the giant rats pounced at Gu Shen.

Gu Shen did not hesitate and swung his saber shouting. This was a matter of life and death. He had to put all rationality aside and just bet on the fact that he could survive.

The saber sliced off the one of the paws of the giant rat before leaving a deep cut on it's face. The giant rat screeched in pain and retreated. It fell to the ground on it's back and trashed wildly. Black blood oozed out from the amputated limb.

Gu Shen held the saber tightly with both hands and struck down, stabbing through the giant rat's chest. The creature struggled wildly for a few seconds before it stopped moving completely.

[You have killed a Level 1 Mutated Rat. EXP +5]

[You have received 2 Gold Coins.]

As soon as he killed the giant rat, another notification rang. However, he didn't have time to care. The other two giant rats were now pouncing towards him.

Gritting his teeth, Gu Shen wielded his saber again and slashed forward, entering a feirce battle with the two giant rats.

[You have killed a Level 1 Mutated Rat. EXP +5]

[You have killed a Level 1 Mutated Rat. EXP +5]

[You have received 2 Gold Coins.]

[You have received 2 Gold Coins.]

Gu Shen's body was riddled with injuries. However he manged to eventually kill off the two giant rats. Panting tiredly, he watched the chaos ensuing right in front of him.

It was like a scene from a science fiction movie. There were giant rats everywhere chasing or eating humans. Gu Shen could not see much survivors left. The few remaining people would die soon too. Gu Shen would have liked to help but he could not afford to if he wanted to live.


Gu Shen turned his head. Right besides him, a giant rat was happily feasting on the body of a teenage boy. The boy's eyes were still open in death.

Suddenly feeling irritated and angry, Gu Shen stepped forward. Before the giant rat could react, he stabbed it's head directly with the saber. The creature died immediately.

[You have killed killed a Level 1 Mutated Rat.] [EXP +5]

[Congratulations! You have leveled up.] [SP +5]

Gu Shen saw a staffroom door nearby. He quickly bolted towards it and locked the door.

With a thought, a magical screen appeared in front of Gu Shan.

[Welcome to the Apocalypse Warrior System]

[Host: Gu Shan] [Level: 2]







These were Gu Shen's stats. However he did not care much about that right now. What caught his interest were the two bright icons on the side. The red icon was titled [Weapons Shop] and the blue icon was titled [Skill Tree]. Gu Shen opened the [Weapons Shop] first.

There were several categories such as axe, spear, bow, etc. Gu Shen selected the [Saber] category and looked up the items. He currently had 200 gold with him. There were two items he could afford.

[Iron Saber. Level 2. Strength +9]

[Blue Saber. Level 3. Strength +8. Attribute: Lightning]

Gu Shen made his decision.

[You have bought a Level 3 Blue Saber] [-190 Gold]

A dazzling blue colored blade appeared in Gu Shen's hands. Although the Blue Saber was slightly weaker than the Iron Saber, it had a lightning attribute which could cause a shock and paralysis effect.

Meanwhile, the Level 1 Ordinary Saber disappeared. Gu Shen saw that it had been deposited in the inventory.

Next he checked the Skills section. Hundreds of skills popped up. He had to use Skill Points to activate the skills. Once a skill had ten Skill Points it would unlock new skills.

Right now, Gu Shen had 5 Skill Points. He had to choose wisely and fast. He began browsing through the contents.

One of the skills immediately caught his eye.

[Heal: Cures 10% of injuries. Can be used on self or on others]

Gu Shen immediately assigned a Skill Point.

[You have learned the skill Level 1 Heal]

As soon as he learned it, Gu Shen cast the skill on himself. A bright and pure green light enveloped him. He felt a sense of peace momentarily. When it was over, he realized the injuries on his body had disappeared.

His amazement only lasted for a second. He quickly opened the Skills tab again to learn another skill.

[Fury Slash: Sends out an energy slash that can hit multiple enemies. Can only be used with swords or sabers]

The next skill he learned was an offensive one. Gu Shen spent three skill points on Fury Slash directly raising it to Level 3. He had one SP left.

'I need some defense' he thought and used his last remaining skill point on the Resilience skill.

[Resilience: Permanently raises Toughness by +2]

Gu Shen took a deep breath and checked his status again.

[Host: Gu Shen] [Level 2]


Strength: 17

Agility: 10

Toughness: 12

Dexterity: 10

Stamina: 10


"All right, let's do this!"

He stepped out the door. The giant rats were still all over the place feasting on the humans.

Everyone else in the supermarket was now dead. Gu Shen was the only one left.

Some of the giant rats finally noticed him and screeched wildly before slowly advancing towards him.

Gu Shen held up the Blue Saber. Gathering his courage, he shouted loudly charged forward into the group of giant rats.

[You have killed a Level 1 Mutated Rat] [EXP +5]

[You have killed a Level 1 Mutated Rat] [EXP +5]

[You have killed a Level 1 Mutated Rat] [EXP+5]

In this sudden and unforeseen apocalyptic event, a young man fought fiercely for his survival!