
Apocalypse: System of lotteries

The Doomsday Game Descends In 12 hours, the world will enter a long night. The long night is nothing more than an inconvenience. Other than electricity, wireless communication, and modern technology, such as thermal weapons, which cannot be used, no other ecological environment will be negatively affected. You should work on improving yourself as soon as possible before the long night begins. It is imperative that you pay attention to those around you. It is possible that he or she will consume your brain in the next few seconds. By chance, Ming bound the Lottery System

FETI · Urban
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528 Chs

With a large team behind it

[Apocalypse Trade Fair Begins]

The first thing Ming did was to go to the free trade auction area to take a look. All sorts of miscellaneous items were available, but there were no weapons or equipment.

It seemed that these items were still scarce.

He swept his hand across the auction area, loading up all the equipment he had no use for.

[Beginner Combat Clothes 3][Beginner Combat Pants 2][Beginner Combat Gloves 4][Beginner Combat Boots 1][Beginner Single-handed Sword 1][Beginner Spear 1].

Each one was still at the old price of 9 gold coins.

Since there was no competition at the moment, he didn't worry about not being able to sell them. After setting up the auction, he took a look at the skill area in the Apocalypse Shop.

There was still no skill suitable for him.

He glanced at the equipment area. Last time he didn't look closely and almost missed a purple quiver.

This time he went from the first page to the last page.

There indeed was a piece of purple equipment.

It was a single-handed blade:

[B*Power*High Durability*Broadsword (Durability 400/400)]





[Special Property: High Durability, Increased durability allows you to slash without worry]

[Special Property: Power, Power attribute increased by 5%]

"There's no use in it~"

Ming moved his gaze away. This blade had no value for him at this moment. His Berserk Axe was far superior to this blade, and it was a medium-range combat weapon.

To be honest, he didn't really like close combat. The margin for error was too low. Moreover, according to the rules of the Apocalypse Game, close combat would undoubtedly lead to quick wear of equipment durability.

These were all reasons he didn't like it.

Of course, there were exceptions. If he encountered an irresistible temptation, he might still be tempted.

There was no need to waste time on living goods since he was not short of them, and there was no need for other items.

After a while, he closed the Apocalypse Shop and looked at the trading line chat channel.

A message caught his attention.

LuckyStar111: "Guys, you absolutely can't imagine what I just saw. I saw a person fighting a zombie whose eyes were glowing blue!"

**9527: "I hadn't even thought about it, and you already gave the answer. Are you looking down on our intelligence?"

**44: "A mutant creature with blue eyes, you must be boasting, do you know what that is? That's the eye color of a Lord-level BOSS, a one-on-one fight? Heh~"

GhostBlade22: "I believe it. After all, I believe whatever everyone says now. For instance, a few hours ago, I drowned a Lord-level zombie with a single spit."

***Duck: "I scared away a bunch of Lord-level zombies with one pee, you probably can't compare to me."

LuckyStar111: "Really, I have no need to lie to you guys. At that time, I was on the rooftop with a telescope. That person knows iron head kung fu. He was hit in the head with an axe and he was fine. In the end, that person killed the Lord-level zombie and a bunch of light pillars exploded out. Among them, an orange light was the most conspicuous. That light pillar was almost 100 meters high."

**527: "Stop boasting, okay?"

AShrivelledPeanut2: "LuckyStar111, are you in J City? I saw it too yesterday, but the distance was a bit far and I couldn't see what that person looked like. I'm not sure if we saw the same person."

InvincibleLuckyStar111: "Yes, yes~ It was in J City. The distance was a bit far, so I didn't see which residential area it was."

***9527: "Is it true? It's not popular to boast in groups now, you know."

LuckyStar111: "It's true~ Survivors don't lie to survivors."

***9527: "Forget it, I'll just buy a piece of gear from the great ming to calm my nerves. I don't believe there's anyone more powerful than Ming."


Ming looked at the free trading area, and all the equipment he had put up for sale was sold out.

He received 118 gold coins.

Obviously, this was small money now. Since everyone liked his equipment so much, he might as well hang another green one.

[C* Constitution* Combat Pants] were listed, with a starting price of 300 and a buyout price of 1000.

As soon as it was listed, someone started bidding. The display showed that it was from the Special Forces Second District.

This Special Forces Second District was really rich, most of the equipment he just hung was bought by them.


"General, Ming has listed another piece of attribute equipment."

Robert, the General of the Special Forces Second District, stared at the holographic screen in front of him, somewhat surprised.

"Uh~ The combat equipment he listed earlier was also his."

Simon took a puff from his pipe and exhaled smoke, "I don't believe that there isn't a powerful organization behind this Ming."

"Yes, General."

Robert looked up, "It's only been more than 20 hours since the last time the trade line was opened. How could he have obtained so much stuff if he was alone? There must be a large team behind him, no, a huge organization."

Simon knocked on his pipe, "Hmm~ That's what I think now. No wonder he's not interested in our recruitment. However, we still need to make contact with the organization behind him. After all, everyone can get what they need~"

"Yes~ If there's an opportunity, I'll definitely make contact with him."


"Marie, what are you thinking?"

Andrew glanced at his favorite granddaughter.

"Um~ I'm wondering whether this Ming is a single person or a small account for trading."

"Why do you think that?"

"It's very simple~ If he's a single person, how could he have collected so much stuff in such a short time? It's just unthinkable. The goods I've collected on my own during this period are just the tip of the iceberg compared to his."

"Hmm~ The issue you're considering is what I'm also pondering."

"Grandpa, what do you think?"

"As a businessman, of course, I hope he's a single person, which makes it easier to deal with."

Andrew said these things to guide his granddaughter. He continued: "If, like us, there is a large family or organizational team behind him, then doing business will be tiring. After all, you're not just considering one person's thoughts, but the opinions of a whole group of people."

"I see~"

Marie nodded. She really understood this principle, and asked again: "Grandpa, do you think he's more likely a single person or a team?"

"It's hard to say. From the beginning to now, he hasn't spoken in the trading area, so it's hard to judge. However, based on his way of doing things, I tend to think that there's a big team behind him."


The [C* Constitution* Combat Pants] he listed still had 3 minutes left for trading.

The highest bid still came from the people of the Special Forces Second District, 500 end-of-world gold coins.

Ming didn't want to look anymore. Anyway, he could sell it.

Once again, after confirming that there was nothing he wanted to buy, he closed the trade area and didn't look anymore.

He took the frogling back to his bedroom to sleep. After all, he was terribly tired and needed a good rest. If he could hang on a little longer, he would make it until the sun came up.

After lying down in the master bedroom, Da Vinci squatted on his chest, his body moving with the rhythm of Ming's breath.

[Ding~ C* Constitution* Combat Pants were successfully sold. There was no trading fee deducted from the auction proceeds, and all the end-of-world gold coins were transferred to the personal account.]

[Ding~ 500 end-of-world gold coins were received.]

From this auction, it's clear that there's demand for clothes, but weapons are still more popular.

It seems that what everyone hopes for most is a weapon with attributes.

[Respected survivors, the last night of the first chapter is coming. Please hold on]

[If you really can't hang on, there's a quick way, which is to go outside and shout, 'I want to die'.]

[It can really come true]

[Warm tip: Before the start of the second chapter; the wealth leaderboard will be released. The survivor ranked first will receive rich rewards.]

[Warm tip: Before the start of the second chapter, you will be able to choose your professional job. Please think about what you can do during this time.]

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