
Apocalypse: System of lotteries

The Doomsday Game Descends In 12 hours, the world will enter a long night. The long night is nothing more than an inconvenience. Other than electricity, wireless communication, and modern technology, such as thermal weapons, which cannot be used, no other ecological environment will be negatively affected. You should work on improving yourself as soon as possible before the long night begins. It is imperative that you pay attention to those around you. It is possible that he or she will consume your brain in the next few seconds. By chance, Ming bound the Lottery System

FETI · Urban
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528 Chs

Da Vinci's fetish for collecting

Honestly, Ming is feeling somewhat anxious and afraid the foolish Da Vinci is bringing back a female zombie. He doesn't know what to do.

[Your Da Vinci activated its collection ability towards the female zombie but failed due to its low level of exceeding the weight limit of its current collection ability.]

Upon reading this, Ming breathed a sigh of relief and set down the toilet plunger. Thankfully, this dumb frog's collection ability is limited. Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.

[Your Da Vinci hesitated momentarily and activated its collection ability towards the female zombie again, feeling that anything is possible.]

"Can't you go and do something useful? Get some water, food, or a handy weapon?"

[Your Da Vinci attempted to collect for the final time but failed again. It ultimately gave up on collecting the female zombie and continued bouncing forward.]

[It thought that you might be destined to be single forever. As it passed by an open door and saw a zombie biting into a hand, it felt a little hungry and wondered if it should go home to eat first.]

Ming muttered, "Damn it, why does this simpleton only think about eating? Can't you bring back something useful? The travel frog can only go out once every 24 hours, so it's a waste if there's no gain."

Now, Ming no longer has any expectations for the simpleton Da Vinci. Bringing back a roll of tissue is good enough.

[Your Da Vinci gave up the idea of going home, and he thought as a dedicated and responsible traveling frog and decided to return with a full load. It bounced towards the zombie's feet, narrowly avoiding being flattened by its foot.]

The zombie seemed to notice it, stopped biting the severed limb in its hand, and stared at it. After a three-second stare-down, the zombie made a grunt and continued to eat its arm. 

[Your Da Vinci thought the zombie was an idiot and ignored it, continuing to bounce toward the room.]

[Upon entering the room, it saw a longbow hanging on the wall, but it did not pique its interest, so it continued to explore the room.]

A longbow?

At present, that item would be helpful for him. At the very least, it's a long-range weapon for self-defense.

The main issue is that your Da Vinci lacks interest so it won't collect it? That's too arbitrary.

[Your Da Vinci saw a baseball bat in the corner of one room, but it didn't like it and didn't collect it.]

[It then entered another room and found a fruit knife, but it didn't feel any urge to collect it.]

[While continuing to explore, it saw a tiny flying insect and instinctively began to chase and hunt it.]

"Ha~ "

He's finally figured it out. Frogs are just too arbitrary. He can't rely on anything but himself. 

Based on the observations of that simpleton outside, there are four zombies in the corridor and one zombie in the only room with an open door. This means that there are only five zombies outside on the entire 20th floor. 

"Thankfully, it's not a lot."

Ming realized that although his traveling frog Da Vinci is very arbitrary and capricious when it comes to collecting items, its scouting ability is excellent. he can now understand the situation outside and plan accordingly.

[Your Da Vinci arrived in someone else's bedroom and found a black box under the bed, which successfully attracted its attention. It activated its collection ability and succeeded in collecting the box.]

[After collecting the box, it explored further but found nothing else that attracted its attention, so it left the room.]

[When it arrived in the living room, it noticed a fish tank on a table with several fish swimming inside. It felt a pang of sympathy about fish being trapped in here.]

"what? How not you have sympathy with me ?"

Ming closed his eyes, and the message he received was displayed clearly in his mind. He was most concerned about what was in the black box that Da Vinci had collected. Based on the description, it was a shoebox.

To be honest, he was pretty worried. Da Vinci's travel backpack only had two spaces, meaning it could only bring back a few items every time it went out. Additionally, the spaces were counted based on the number of things, so even a feather would occupy one space, and even a tank would occupy only one slot.

Therefore, whenever it traveled, it could only bring back two items. The most annoying thing was that items of the same type could not be stacked. If the black box really contained a pair of shoes, it would be a very unsuccessful trip.

In the apocalypse, shoes were important, but Ming would definitely choose the latter compared to the longbow. At worst, even the baseball bat would be more beneficial than a pair of shoes or the toilet plunger he was holding in his hand.

[Da Vinci looked at the small fish tank and decided to set the fish free. So, it activated its collection ability under the table below the fish tank.]

[The collection was successful, but as the table disappeared, the fish tank fell to the ground with a loud noise, shattering and causing the fish to jump around on the floor.]

[Da Vinci thought it had given the fish their freedom, so it turned around and hopped out of the room. ]

However, the loud noise attracted the attention of the zombies wandering in the corridor, and three zombies rushed into the room. They collided with each other in the living room, nearly stepping on your traveling frog.

[Da Vinci moved nimbly through the chaotic footsteps of the zombies and successfully hopped out of the room. It turned back and looked at the fish jumping on the ground, feeling it had done a good deed today.]

  "Ha~ Do you even know that you just killed them?"

However, this simpleton had accidentally done the right thing by luring all the zombies on the floor into one room, solving a small problem for him.

Wait a minute, there were four zombies in the corridor, and three rushed into that room, which meant there was still one outside. Thinking of this, Ming approached the door and looked through the peephole.

The damn landlord was standing at his door, with her face almost touching the peephole. You didn't open the door for her; now she was staring at you.

At this moment, Da Vinci squeezed in through the crack under the door and bounded over to Ming's feet, tilting its head to look up at him.

"Your Da Vinci has returned from its travels, and its belongings have automatically been transferred to your cerebral warehouse."

"Your Da Vinci took 131 steps and gained 131 travel experience points today."

Ming picked up Da Vinci and cradled it in his hand, then stroked its head.

"Your frog feels your touch and feels completely relaxed, but it's hungry."

"You're such a foodie."

Ming stood up, put Da Vinci back in its nest, and threw a few feeder worms at it. Then he inspected his mental warehouse.

Of the 100 compartments of his warehouse, the first contained a black box, and the second had a small square table. He ignored the table because it was useless and instead chose the black box.


He selected the black box and began the extraction process.


His mind flashed, and the black box appeared in front of him.

"I wonder what's inside. I hope it's not a pair of shoes."

Ming walked up and picked up the black box. At that moment, he felt that it was a bit heavy. Shoes would be lighter. 

What could it be?

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