
Apocalypse: System of lotteries

The Doomsday Game Descends In 12 hours, the world will enter a long night. The long night is nothing more than an inconvenience. Other than electricity, wireless communication, and modern technology, such as thermal weapons, which cannot be used, no other ecological environment will be negatively affected. You should work on improving yourself as soon as possible before the long night begins. It is imperative that you pay attention to those around you. It is possible that he or she will consume your brain in the next few seconds. By chance, Ming bound the Lottery System

FETI · Urban
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528 Chs

An accidental kill

Ming peeked through the peephole, and the zombie landlord had already been killed by him and was lying there. The sound of her falling had attracted a zombie that had previously been lured into a room by Da Vinci. Fortunately, only one came out and was now staggering towards his front door.

Ming repeated his previous trick, loaded the crossbow, and gently opened the door, and the security chain made the door crack only about 10 centimeters wide. The zombie heard the sound and immediately lunged towards him behind the door but could only growl in the narrow gap, its face pressed against the crack.

Ming raised his hand crossbow and aimed at the zombie's forehead.


The crossbow bolt pierced the zombie's head.

[Kill Level 1 Zombie, EXP +1, Doomsday Coin +1]

"Only one doomsday coin?"

Ming wanted something else. He killed two zombies and gained 2 EXP points. He needed 5 points to level up, which meant he had to kill three more zombies.

Dang dang~

He gently knocked on the doorframe. As expected, another zombie ran out of the room diagonally across the door. He raised his crossbow, aimed, and shot it when the zombie approached the door, knocking it down to the ground again.

[Kill Level 1 Zombie, EXP +1, Doomsday Coin +2]


Da Vinci's talent [Unexpected Joy] triggered, increasing the loot drop rate.

A small white light column about 20 centimeters high appeared on the ground, and a card lay inside the light column.

"It triggered the drop rate!"

Ming reached through the door crack to grab the card, closed the door again, picked up the card, and read:

[Novice Combat Suit (Durability 1/1)]

[Constitution +1]

[Agility +1]

[Strength +1]

Usage instructions: Tear open to use.

"It's a piece of equipment."

He immediately tore open the card, and a black jacket appeared in his hand. 

He recalled the hint during the arrival of the doomsday game in his dream that there were 12 hours before the start of the first chapter, the Long Night, he needs preparation and improvement. Now he had a preliminary understanding of this doomsday game. Killing zombies not only gains experience and doomsday coins but also equipment.

He put on the jacket, which fit perfectly, and his physical attributes also changed. Apart from his mental attribute, the other three characteristics increased by one point.

Although it was only one point, he felt his body was slightly stronger than before.

Hmm... indeed, just a little bit.

"I wonder what benefits I'll get from leveling up."

"Let's continue."

Ming reloaded the crossbow. Now he was just 2 EXP points away from leveling up. Once again, he opened the door and repeated his last trick.

Another zombie across the hall approached the sound, but before it could even see where he was, it was shot through the head with a crossbow bolt.

[Kill Level 1 Zombie, EXP +1, Doomsday Coin +1]

This time, there was no light column, so the equipment drop rate wasn't that high. 

It was only because he had triggered Da Vinci's talent [Unexpected Joy] that increased the drop rate, and a piece of equipment had dropped.

He continued knocking on the doorframe, but this time, no zombie appeared.

"There should be five zombies wandering outside on the 20th floor."

"Another one should still be in that room."

Ming recalled and calculated in his mind. When his pet frog Da Vinci went on a trip around the entire floor, only the room diagonally across the hall had an open door. At that time, a woman in the hallway was torn apart by two zombies.

The landlord zombie was lying at his rented room's door, and another was the room's owner diagonally across the hallway. When Da Vinci saw him, the guy was eating his arm. Now it was clear that he hadn't come out.

Did he eat himself entirely and wasn't hungry anymore?

Zombies don't have the concept of satiety, do they?

However, only one zombie was left wandering outside on this floor, and it should be easy to deal with one-on-one. With that thought, he gently opened the door, glanced left and right, and gently knocked on the doorframe again.

[Your Travel Frog kills Level 1 Zombie, EXP +1, Doomsday Coin +1, automatically transferred to your account] 

[Ding~ Congratulations on reaching Level 2, all attributes +1, gain 1 accessible attribute point]


A row of question marks floated in his mind, and he looked back at the sleeping Da Vinci.

How did it manage to kill a zombie? 

Could it kill in its dreams? 

That seems like it could be more realistic. Does this adorable little creature have such extraordinary abilities? 

He didn't believe it. Holding the fully-loaded crossbow, he slowly approached the room diagonally across the hall. Just as he reached the doorway, he found the zombie.

  It was now lying on its back, with black and red blood flowing from its head. A fish was crushed on the floor, and there were remnants of the fish on the zombie's shoe sole. 

Seeing this, Ming understood. Darn it~ So it turned out that after Da Vinci had shattered the fish tank earlier, there was water and fish on the floor tiles. When the zombie heard the sound, it wanted to rush out, but it stepped on the fish and slipped on the water, causing it to fall down to the ground. 

Its head happened to hit the sharp corner of the marble coffee table, cracking its skull and killing it. 

It was nothing short of miraculous! He had to say, little frog, you're terrific.

  First, you killed several fish, and then you killed their owner. Your luck isn't tiny for a little frog. You've sent an entire family to their graves.

Ming curled the corner of his mouth and searched the room with his crossbow. 

Da Vinci had already been to their home earlier, and there were no other zombies in the room, so it was safe.

He immediately took down the bow hanging on the wall and put the baseball bat into his mental storage, then continued to search around.

Apart from an iron chain, he didn't find anything else useful.

  He went to the kitchen and put all the ready-to-eat food from the fridge into his mental storage. This spatial ability was convenient; storing items only required a slight mental effort, and retrieving them was the same.

After some scavenging, he obtained two boxes of canned luncheon meat, two cucumbers, two tomatoes, and an onion. In addition to these, there were also three apples, two cans of beer, and two bottles of water.

By eating frugally, he could at least manage two days' worth of food with these supplies.

According to the game rules, when the Long Night arrives, the seals on the zombies at night will be lifted, and their speed and strength will double. So, it's best only to go out if necessary and survive the 72 hours.

After finishing the search, Ming walked out of the room and into the hallway. He first pulled the crossbow bolts out of the zombies' heads, then searched their bodies for keys. As expected, each person had the keys to their own home.

The most outrageous thing was the landlord, who had many keys hanging from her waist. At that moment, he remembered that she seemed to own the entire building.

With this bunch of keys, it would save him a lot of trouble. Later on, it would be convenient for him to go from one household to another, collecting 'rent.'

At that moment, a green exclamation mark appeared on the ground before him. This should be the so-called random task.

Ming approached cautiously and touched the exclamation mark. As soon as he made contact, it dissipated.


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