
Apocalypse : rise of the extraction sovereign

entry for OCT&NOV WPC, adding to library and power stone are much appreciated _________________________________ What would you do if you fell from the world's pinnacle to the depths of hell? If you witnessed your loved ones dying, your life's work crumbling to dust, and you were powerless to stop it all? After losing everything and teetering on the brink of death, what if you were granted a second chance, a second chance with limitless potential? When everything you once know changes and the unimaginable becomes achievable, what path would you choose? Will you forsake it all for vengeance, or will you rise to the peak, turning a blind eye to the past? follow Ashen's journey in an apocalyptic world, filled with danger, mystery and the unknown to know the answer _________________________________ 100 power stone = 1 additional chapter 200 power stone = 2 additional chapters 300 power stone = 3 additional chapters

sword_katana · Fantasy
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16 Chs

entering the tower

Shock and disbelief painted the faces of onlookers as they turned their heads, their gazes flitting between the headless corpse, the detached head, and Ashen, who still crackled with electricity.

For a moment, silence reigned, as if time itself had paused. Not a word was spoken. When the passerby effect finally dissipated, a collective gasp for air swept through the crowd. They exchanged glances with one another, expressions questioning, "Did you see what I saw?" Only to find that the person beside them looked at them with the same expression. The scene before them had left them all momentarily speechless and awestruck.

"Is he out of his mind? That's a direct insult to the prince's dignity. Did he forget who ruled this empire just ten days ago? If he thinks their influence waned so quickly, he's delusional," one person exclaimed to their companions.

Another chimed in, "Who cares about what he thinks? Did you see how incredibly fast he moved? I didn't see him move; I just saw him vanish and reappear behind that guy. His agility stats must be off the charts."

A third person added, "It's not just agility; dexterity has to be involved, or he wouldn't land a single hit if it were only high agility."

Yet another party member interjected, "You're all missing the most crucial point. He killed him, and that means that person will come after him. We're in for an incredible showdown."

Similar conversations and whispers buzzed throughout all the gathering of parties members.

Among them, in a three people party a figure stood out, radiating an aura of authority and dignity. He watched the incident unfold with a sense of admiration.

Beside him, an individual dressed in attire reminiscent of an assassin couldn't help but remark, "Look at his expression. It didn't even waver. What a confidence."

The third person, a towering figure with a huge muscular physique, built like a fridge couldn't contain his excitement as he inquired, "Can I challenge him to a fight?"

The two other individuals exchanged glances, with weird expressions on their faces , they stared at him but they remained silent.

After an awkward pause of ten seconds, he asked once more, not sensing anything wrong with his question or their reaction "Is that a yes? Silence is a sign of approval ."

The first person finally broke the silence, shaking his head. "No, absolutely not. If we hope to have him as an ally during this crucial time, engaging him in battle would be the worst possible decision."

The muscular man persisted, reminding them of a prior promise, "You did say I could challenge anyone if I joined you. And you mentioned something about 'stick and carrot.' I might not remember it exactly, but I can be the 'stick.' What do you say? He's leaving, quick."

The first person remained resolute, saying, "No means no. Someone as strong as him would pose a significant threat, even to you. Let him go, and don't make any stupid decisions."

Disappointment clouded the muscular man's expression as he finally gave up on the idea of the challenge.

Ashen proceeded with deliberate slowness under the unwavering looks of the everyone. None among them dared to step forward or obstruct his path. Though he possessed the ability to reach the gate in a mere heartbeat, he opted for a measured pace.

Upon arriving before the imposing gate, a notification materialized before him.

[ You are in front of a tower. Do you want to enter? ]

Ashen's response resounded within his thoughts, a resolute "Yes."

As he affirmed his intent, the gate creaked open, granting him passage. Once he stepped inside, it sealed behind him, closing off his entry point.

As Ashen ventured into the tower, he experienced a surreal sensation of floating in a boundless, pitch-black space. It was as though he had crossed over into another dimension entirely.

Suddenly, a system panel materialized before his eyes.

[ Congratulations! You have entered a tower. This is your first time within a tower. Would you like to receive basic information, or do you wish to proceed directly to the next phase? ]

Ashen opted for the former, responding mentally, "Give me the basic information."

[ The Cosmic System is a system devised to facilitate the integration of primitive planets into the broader cosmos.

Newly formed planets fall into two distinct categories: modern worlds, which rely on external resources to bolster their strength, and non-modern worlds, which derive their strength from internal sources.

Your world belongs to the first category, typically exhibiting lower survival rates than the second type. This is attributed to the tendency to weaken over time and neglect the development of physical forms.

Each planet must overcome five disasters to transition from a primitive state to a fully realized world.

The tower serves as a transformative haven for the planet's inhabitants, a place where they can nurture their growth and development. It is structured into five divisions, each corresponding to a class: unranked class, first class, second class, third class, and fourth class.

Within each division there will be a town to meet the individual needs including nutrition facilities, equipment shops, repair workshops, skill shops, an auction house, training grounds, places for ascending from one class to another etc. The exclusive currency within the tower is tower points, obtainable from a variety of sources. each individual get 100 point at the start.

Advancement to higher divisions is attainable by passing specific tests, regardless of one's class. For example, even an unranked individual can ascend to the first-class division if they possess the necessary strength.

As one ascends in class, they gain the ability to develop their unique talent rank, a feature exclusive to first-class and higher. The unique talent rank holds immense importance, as it significantly influences class progression. For instance, if one's class is a fire mage, possessing a fire-related talent eases development. As in higher classes, understanding becomes necessary for continuing in your path.

Upon entering various establishments like skill shops or repair workshops, more specific details can be obtained. A map appears automatically, providing information and guidance for navigation within the tower by just thinking ]

Once Ashen finished reading the notification, it vanished, and he found himself transported to the heart of a bustling city, specifically near a public square in the town center. The city's inhabitants appeared unfazed by his sudden arrival, continuing with their daily routines as if he had always been there.

Taking a moment to explore his surroundings, Ashen noted the city's architectural charm, reminiscent of the late 19th century. The town featured tiled streets, picturesque and colorful houses, and an overall unique aesthetic.

Seeking guidance, Ashen addressed the map interface, "Map, show me the way to the place where I can acquire more information about earning tower points."

In response to his request, a semi-transparent arrow materialized before him, indicating the path he should follow to reach the information shop. Ashen followed the guidance, eager to learn more about how to accumulate tower points as it seemed to be the only currency he could use to become stronger.

As Ashen followed the semi-transparent arrow, the atmosphere of the town gradually shifted, blending with an enchanting and magical ambiance. He passed by shops adorned with armor displays, stores offering potions brimming with mystic properties, and skill stores . The town seemed to transform into a fantastical realm before his eyes

Another thing he noticed was the Decrease in the number of people. At first it was a bustling town but now it become Half deserted.

After a few more minutes of walking, Ashen arrived at his destination—an unassuming shop with a sign that read "Information Store." As he entered, the tinkling of a bell above the door announced his arrival. Inside, the shop's interior appeared simple, constructed from wood. Wooden chairs flanked the sides of the room, and behind a table stood an elderly man. The man's white hair contrasted with an air of shrewdness and sagacity that clung to him. He wore a single eyeglass over his right eye, adding to his intelligence demeanor.

The elderly shopkeeper, engrossed in his book until Ashen's arrival, looked up with a warm smile as he greeted him. "Welcome to my humble store. How can I assist you?"

Ashen got straight to the point, asking, "Hey, I want to know how I can acquire tower points."

The shopkeeper recognized Ashen as an outsider and nodded in understanding. "Ah, an outsider, I see. Well, I recommend purchasing a Basic Knowledge Book."

"A book for what?" Ashen inquired, intrigued.

The shopkeeper explained, "It's not precisely a book in the traditional sense. It's more of a name. When you entered the tower, some basic knowledge integrated with your system. However, that knowledge is quite limited. By acquiring a Basic Knowledge Book, you gain the ability to ask the system any questions you have, and it will provide you with answers. Of course, for more advanced knowledge, you'll need more advanced books, but that's a concern for the future. A Basic Knowledge Book should be enough for your current needs."

Ashen, questioned, "Okay, how much does this book cost?"

The elder shopkeeper maintained his friendly demeanor as he replied, "It's priced at 50 tower points."

Ashen couldn't hide his surprise at the relatively high cost, especially since he only possessed 100 points. "50 points?!" he exclaimed, concerned about wasting half of his points.

The shopkeeper reassured him, "Knowledge is priceless, kid. but don't worry; while for you the price might seem high, there are numerous ways to earn points once you've obtained the book."

Satisfied with the explanation, Ashen asked, "Alright, but how can I pay you?"

In response, the shopkeeper retrieved a crystal ball from beneath the table and instructed Ashen, "Simply place your hand on it, and a notification will appear, asking for your confirmation."

Ashen followed the instructions, laying his hand upon the crystal ball's surface. A violet, glowing pattern materialized on his hand, and a confirmation notification rang in his mind. Unbeknownst to Ashen, a flicker of surprise flashed across the shopkeeper's eyes upon seeing the pattern, though he concealed it well enough that Ashen remained unaware.

After confirming the purchase, Ashen received another notification.

[ You have obtained the Basic Knowledge Book. Your information library has expanded. ]

Content with the transaction, Ashen was ready to depart, but a lingering question compelled him to address the elderly shopkeeper.

"Can I ask you something?" Ashen inquired.

The shopkeeper, with an ease demeanor, replied, "While I cannot claim omniscience, I will try to provide answers to the best of my knowledge."

Ashen's question was straightforward, "I was just curious, why did you refer to me as an outsider? And how do you have knowledge about the system? Do you possess a system as well?"

The elder's smile widened slightly as he responded, "Well, that's a complicated question."

hello everyone! I hope you had an amazing day. here is your daily chapter and sorry for the late

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