
Apocalypse : rise of the extraction sovereign

entry for OCT&NOV WPC, adding to library and power stone are much appreciated _________________________________ What would you do if you fell from the world's pinnacle to the depths of hell? If you witnessed your loved ones dying, your life's work crumbling to dust, and you were powerless to stop it all? After losing everything and teetering on the brink of death, what if you were granted a second chance, a second chance with limitless potential? When everything you once know changes and the unimaginable becomes achievable, what path would you choose? Will you forsake it all for vengeance, or will you rise to the peak, turning a blind eye to the past? follow Ashen's journey in an apocalyptic world, filled with danger, mystery and the unknown to know the answer _________________________________ 100 power stone = 1 additional chapter 200 power stone = 2 additional chapters 300 power stone = 3 additional chapters

sword_katana · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

Awakening the unique talent

" Is that woman already dead? " he wondered, his mind racing." Well, that's the only explanation. What I need to do now is to find a way to get rid of this weird dog" decided Ashen.

The average person would have panicked at a situation like this, unsure of what to do, The world they once knew was falling apart. A woman had been eaten alive by a mutant dog right before their eyes, and now this mutated monster was in front of them wanting to kill them.

But Ashen was far from ordinary, The life he lived made him a very tough person who does not shake even in the most difficult situations. As long as a glimmer of hope remains, he will continue to move forward unshaken.

Ashen reached for his backpack slowly and unzipped it. There were few things in the bag so it wasn't hard to find what he wanted. He put his hand in and pulled out two sharp daggers. All this while looking directly into the dog's eyes without any fear.

" I bought these daggers just in case that person comes back so I can give him what he deserves " He muttered. "but I think they can do this job too. "

With determination in his eyes, Ashen took his first cautious steps forward, closing the gap between himself and the mutated dog to a mere ten meters. Adrenaline surged through his veins, his heart pounding as it pumped blood to prepare him for the upcoming battle. He didn't attack immediately. Instead, he observed the dog very precisely, his eyes unwavering and his mind sharp.

He didn't attack immediately. Instead, every movement and step the chihuahua took was analyzed by Ashen's sharp eyes and his focused mind. He began to anticipate the paths the dog might take, calculating its potential moves.

This extraordinary ability was Ashen's secret weapon, his unparalleled talent for analyzing what he saw. To an outsider, it might have seemed like a high battle IQ, but Ashen knew it was far beyond that.

This was the card that took Ashen to the peak, an unnatural ability to analyze the things he saw. It can't be just a high IQ.

As the dog accelerated toward him, Ashen had already plotted the next ten moves in his head. The dog charged, mouth agape, menacing teeth bared. It jumped towards Ashen's head pointing its claws directly at his eyes. And then at that moment, he acted.

" Now "

The moment the dog's feet left the earth Ashen already dodged to the left while raising his daggers to take the animal's life but due to Ashen underestimating the dog's strength and overestimating his own strength, his plan failed miserably.

he didn't expect the dog to possess such a fast reaction speed. The moment he moved the chihuahua changed its trajectory mid-air using its body. Targeting his lower body and when he wanted to defend himself he found his speed very slow.

His calculations did not take into account that he was much weaker than his normal condition as in the first steps he took, his body was supported by the adrenaline but its effects had already started to disappear at the first moment of the fight and he guessed that it was because of his bad condition.

As a result, he had to pay for his mistake with blood. The dog's claws pierced through Ashen's waist all the way to the middle of his thigh.

Blood poured from the wound and Ashen fell to one knee. Pain filled his mind, but even so, his expression remained the same, he didn't even flinch.

He got up with one stable leg as the injured one was trembling and he turned around and looked directly at the dog's eyes

" Come on you piece of shit," Ashen shouted through gritted teeth. "It will take more than a dog to take me down "

The battle continued, and as time passed, Ashen's strength waned steadily. His limbs grew increasingly weak, his vision blurred, and his movements slowed down.

" My apologies for missing that part. Here's the corrected version:

"Huff... huff... huff... huff... Damn it, fuck this shit. Can't this dog just die?" Ashen muttered under his breath, desperately gasping for air. His lungs felt like raging fires, devouring every ounce of oxygen within his chest.

In just five short minutes, Ashen's stamina had reached its limit. Standing there, his breath ragged and labored, his chest heaving with each gasp for air, he bore little resemblance to the once-vigorous fighter. His stance had crumbled into a weary, slumped posture, and the weight of fatigue had etched itself onto his face, with every muscle in his body crying out for respite. All of this, while he depended on the support of his ability.

Trembling hands tightly clutched his two daggers, their edges still gleaming with the remnants of his determination. Yet, those daggers now felt burdensome, each swing demanding the last reserves of his strength.

Facing him was the mutant chihuahua, a frightening and growling creature that seemed to have infinite stamina despite Its small size. Its teeth were visible and covered in drool, while its eyes gleamed with a dangerous hunger.

This relentless dog had pushed Ashen to his breaking point, matching all of his movements with unnatural speed. Despite being covered in injuries and blood, it appeared as though the dog's madness only grew stronger with each wound. Ashen was in a dire situation, struggling to defend himself against this ferocious monster.

The dog readied itself for another attack, and though Ashen knew where it would strike, he couldn't muster the strength to raise his hand, let alone move and fight. He stood just there, seemingly glued to the ground, refusing to crumble despite his desperate situation. His eyes burned with unwavering determination as he locked onto the dog's eyes, his gaze cutting through its soul.

"If you wish to bring me down," Ashen declared, "you must be prepared to pay the price with your own life."

For a brief moment, the madness in the dog's eyes flickered. It hesitated, taking a tentative step backward, only to be engulfed by anger. Ashen's defiance had wounded its pride and it was about to make him pay for this insult.

With renewed fury, the dog charged once more. Ashen raised his daggers, hands trembling, ready to trade his life for victory against this relentless dog.

But right before the dog's paws could leave the ground, a deafening thunderclap echoed through the air with such force that it felt like the world itself was shaking. The ground beneath them trembled violently, making it impossible to keep steady. A blinding light erupted, engulfing the sky and the earth in a dazzling display, obscuring everything from view. The cracking sounds seemed as if the sky was breaking apart.

Amidst this overwhelming chaos, the dog lost its footing, veering off course, and the blinding light only made it worse.

After a few moments passed, the blinding light slowly faded away. The dog blinked its eyes open to find itself staring directly at Ashen, who was now on his knees, positioned right in front of the mad Chihuahua, their fight taking a dramatic turn.

Before the dog could react or retreat, Ashen seized the opportunity and thrust his two daggers directly into the dog's eyes. Blood sprayed out, covering Ashen's face, but he paid no attention to it, relentlessly pushing the daggers deeper and deeper, aiming straight for the creature's brain.

The dog, in agony and fury, howled and used its front legs to attack Ashen's hands while attempting to break free with its hind legs. However, despite the chihuahua's fierce struggle, Ashen refused to release his grip, recognizing that this was his only chance for survival. Unfortunately, his strength paled in comparison to the ferocity of the enraged dog.

As a result, Ashen found himself rolling on the ground, with the dog atop him, inflicting several wounds to his face with its sharp claws. Yet, even then, he did not relent.

After a minute of relentless struggle, Ashen's efforts finally paid off as he sensed his daggers reaching the dog's brain. He summoned the last ounce of strength left in his body and delivered one final, decisive stab. The dog ceased its movements, letting out a final, painful cry before becoming still. Ashen had emerged victorious, even if he was covered in blood and wounds.

"Huh...huh...huh...huh... Finally, this damn monster is gone. Does this little dog have an endless amount of energy? I seriously thought I was dead there," Ashen grumbled, his breathing still ragged.

As the adrenaline rush faded away, a wave of pain washed over him, hitting him over and over again. It felt like every muscle in his body was on the verge of tearing apart. His wounds and injuries burned like crazy, making even the act of opening his eyes a huge task. It seemed like an eternity before he could catch his breath and start to assess the damage.

But the bad luck didn't end there, The hunger that had receded earlier returned with an even bigger amount, gnawing at him with a ferocity he couldn't ignore. His consciousness began to slip away slowly, and panic set in.

"No, no, no, you must be joking," Ashen thought furiously. "I can't die of hunger now, not after all the suffering I've endured, not after getting a chance to fight, to seek revenge. I can't."

He scoured his mind for a solution, his brain cells burning with the effort, yet he found no escape from this sudden catastrophe. Panic tightened its grip as his consciousness slipped away with each passing second.

Desperation consumed him, and he scanned his surroundings, hoping for salvation, a glimpse of someone or something that might come to his aid, but all his efforts proved futile. The bleak reality of his situation loomed ever larger.

With a final, despairing look at the world, Ashen was on the verge of closing his eyes, prepared to accept his miserable end, having failed to find a way to survive. But then, a glimmer of hope flickered before him—the lifeless body of the chihuahua, lying on its side.

"Can I even eat this? No, I don't have another choice. I'll die anyway. At least I can go down trying," Ashen resolved in his mind.

His trembling hand reached out for the dog's body, and with immense difficulty, he managed to pull it towards his mouth. Without hesitation, he began devouring the raw meat and drinking its blood with a frantic desperation.

Good evening, I hope everyone is having an amazing day. This is the daily chapter. I hope you like it.

sword_katanacreators' thoughts