
Apocalypse Reign: The Harem System

This is a novel that combines elements of post-apocalyptic survival and supernatural abilities. The story is set against the backdrop of a zombie outbreak, where the protagonist, Michal, unexpectedly awakens a mysterious system called the "Harem System." This system grants him superhuman abilities and promises that as long as he rescues beautiful girls and makes them his women, he will receive system rewards, enabling him to rise to the top in the post-apocalyptic world. Michal was originally an orphan working as a security guard in a luxurious residential area, often despised and ridiculed by his wealthy classmates. When the apocalypse strikes, he finds himself trapped with the aloof class beauty, Simona. Simona, who had previously shown little interest in Michal, is now forced to seek his help and even knelt down and begged to follow him. Using his newfound powers, Michal not only manages to protect himself and Simona but also gradually attracts other female characters, such as the top student, the sports goddess, a mature lady, and a stunning celebrity, bringing them all back to his refuge. In the harsh post-apocalyptic environment, Michal must face not only the threat of zombies but also the treachery of human nature. He has to make decisive choices, using his wisdom and strength to lead the women around him to survive and gradually expand his influence. Michal's growth and adventures, along with his complex relationships with the numerous female characters, form the core attraction of this story.

plmoknnb · Sci-fi
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86 Chs

stay in this base and contribute

Jordan spat a mouthful of blood mid-air, his face full of shock and confusion, unable to form words.


Before he could hit the ground, still flying through the air, Michal flashed again, caught up to him, and stomped him down.




Jordan was instantly stomped into the ground, creating spiderweb-like cracks all over the solid concrete surface.


"Cough cough!"




He spat out another mouthful of blood.


His eyes were filled with fear.




Incredibly strong!


Ridiculously strong!


As a Level 2 superhuman, he couldn't even see the opponent's movements!


Moreover, when he was kicked and sent flying at an incredible speed, the opponent managed to catch up with a single step. Such speed was beyond human capability!


What kind of monster had he provoked?!


Since becoming a Level 2 superhuman, Jordan had felt immensely powerful, to the point of feeling invincible.


He thought he had become the strongest in this area.


So when he saw the survivor base, his first thought was to become its leader.


In the apocalypse, strength ruled.


He believed that being the strongest entitled him to be the leader.


But after being kicked by Michal, Jordan realized there were always stronger individuals out there.


He was like a toy in front of Michal, being stomped on without resistance.


Just as the survivors had said, he was merely an ant, while Michal was like a god!


Michal looked down at the bloodied Jordan and said coldly, "So you wanted to replace me as the leader of this survivor base?"


Michal had been busy during the day gathering resources and at night training with the beauties. Today, through the zombie guard, he had seen over a thousand new survivors joining the base. He was pleased, but he hadn't expected superhumans to cause trouble.


And the troublemaker was strong, defeating both Egbert and the newly upgraded Level 2 Scar Mouse.


Michal had no choice but to come personally.


Hearing Michal's cold voice, Jordan was terrified.


All the hairs on his body stood up, and his back was drenched in cold sweat. With a weak voice, he begged Michal for mercy, "Big... Big Brother, I was wrong. Please spare me. I'll be your loyal dog from now on. If I had known this base belonged to someone as strong as you, I wouldn't have dared to act up."


Michal moved his foot off Jordan's face and looked around. The new survivors, seeing Michal, were all trembling with fear.


They had seen how Jordan defeated Egbert and Scar Mouse. They thought Jordan was invincible, but he was like an ant before Michal. How strong must Michal be?


With Michal's gaze sweeping over them, they felt as if a living god of death was staring at them, ready to claim their lives at any moment.


Michal coldly said, "This base is mine! The rules here are my rules! Anyone who disobeys will face only one consequence—death.


Today is your first day, so I'll let it slide. But if I see anyone causing trouble again, I won't be so forgiving! Understand?"


"Yes!!!" The new survivors shouted in unison.


The loudest voice was Jordan, who was still on the ground.


Jordan, like any rational person in the apocalypse, knew that strength ruled.


Whoever was the strongest was the leader.


When he thought he was the strongest, he wanted to be the leader.


But now, completely subdued by Michal, he had no such ambitions. He just wanted to follow Michal.


Michal walked over to Scar Mouse, helped him up, and asked, "Are you okay?"


Scar Mouse, feeling honored, quickly replied, "I'm fine, boss. Just a minor injury."


"Good. Make sure to register all the new arrivals. According to the usual rules, each person can borrow 50 pounds of potatoes for planting.


Also, distribute 10 pounds of rice to each person for free. And count the heads; reward Egbert one pound of rice for each new person.


From now on, you superhumans will handle the base's affairs together. Scar Mouse and Egbert, you two will take the lead."


"Got it, boss. I'll get on it right away."


Scar Mouse stood up, gestured to his trusted aides, and began preparing for the registration.


Not far away, Egbert, hearing Michal's words, quickly thanked him, "Thank you, boss!"


Egbert knew his strength was no match for Jordan, but he still stood up to fight him because he knew Michal was powerful. Even if he couldn't win, he had to take a stand.


Clearly, Egbert 's stance had paid off. Michal had now elevated his status above the other superhumans, placing Egbert on par with Scar Mouse.


Michal then turned his gaze to the fallen Jordan.


Seeing Michal's gaze, Jordan trembled with fear.


This boss was terrifyingly strong.


He didn't know what his fate would be.


If this boss wanted to kill him, it would take just a flick of his finger.


Unexpectedly, Michal said, "You have good strength. In the survivor base, there is a testing stone monument. You can test yourself there. With your strength, you should be able to reach the top 100 of the Yellow List. You might even get a good reward."


Upon hearing this, Jordan finally breathed a sigh of relief, his face showing excitement as he hurriedly said, "My strength is nothing compared to yours, boss."


Michal chuckled and said, "Oh, you're already comparing yourself to me? Is that humility or arrogance?"


"No, no, no!!! I didn't mean it that way. I just meant that I'm weak, a nobody, and would never dare compare myself to you," Jordan shook his head vigorously.


Michal patted him on the shoulder and said, "It's okay. You just thought you were invincible, which made you arrogant. I don't blame you.


But once you test yourself on the monument, you'll realize there are many stronger than you.


When you're healed, go test yourself. From now on, just stay in this base and contribute. I won't mistreat you guys, got it?"


"Yes, yes, you're right, boss. I'll work hard for the base!" Jordan nodded repeatedly.


"Good. That's settled." Michal said, then began walking towards the warehouse.




Michal noticed that with over 1,000 new survivors, each receiving 10 pounds of rice, the initial 5 tons of rice were gone.


So he went to the warehouse and deposited another 10 tons of rice.


He also left 30 tons of potatoes for distribution among the 1,000 new survivors.


After completing this, Michal left the base feeling assured.


The base now had over 1,000 new survivors, including six superhumans.


Moreover, Jordan's combat ability was quite strong.


Even if Molters attacked the base, the presence of these superhumans should be enough to fend them off.


Seeing the base grow stronger made Michal happy.


The base now had 2,000 survivors.


He had lent each survivor 50 pounds of potatoes, and in a year, they each had to return 200 pounds, totaling 400,000 pounds of potatoes.


That's 200 tons of potatoes!


Michal's resources would increase explosively!


Potatoes were great.


Rich in starch, they could be a staple food. They also propagated asexually, simply needing to be cut into pieces and planted in the soil.


One potato could be divided into dozens of pieces for planting!


In the apocalypse, they were much easier to grow than rice.


Michal also considered the villa area.


The villa area had 100 villas, each with up to 50 rooms, meaning it could house up to 5,000 people.


However, if all 5,000 people were to plant crops, the land in the villa area wouldn't be sufficient.


So, housing 2,000 to 3,000 people was the optimal density.


Currently, there were over 2,000 people.