
Apocalypse Reign: The Harem System

This is a novel that combines elements of post-apocalyptic survival and supernatural abilities. The story is set against the backdrop of a zombie outbreak, where the protagonist, Michal, unexpectedly awakens a mysterious system called the "Harem System." This system grants him superhuman abilities and promises that as long as he rescues beautiful girls and makes them his women, he will receive system rewards, enabling him to rise to the top in the post-apocalyptic world. Michal was originally an orphan working as a security guard in a luxurious residential area, often despised and ridiculed by his wealthy classmates. When the apocalypse strikes, he finds himself trapped with the aloof class beauty, Simona. Simona, who had previously shown little interest in Michal, is now forced to seek his help and even knelt down and begged to follow him. Using his newfound powers, Michal not only manages to protect himself and Simona but also gradually attracts other female characters, such as the top student, the sports goddess, a mature lady, and a stunning celebrity, bringing them all back to his refuge. In the harsh post-apocalyptic environment, Michal must face not only the threat of zombies but also the treachery of human nature. He has to make decisive choices, using his wisdom and strength to lead the women around him to survive and gradually expand his influence. Michal's growth and adventures, along with his complex relationships with the numerous female characters, form the core attraction of this story.

plmoknnb · Sci-fi
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72 Chs

I won’t sell my women

"Are you an idiot? Money is useless in the apocalypse; you can't even buy a loaf of bread with it! Not leaving? Fine, then you can stay. I'll take Nelly back to the base. As the athletic goddess who exercises every day, she should be perfect for having children." Michal touched his chin and smiled playfully.


Nelly wasn't just one of the Four Campus Beauties; she was also an athlete.


She was incredibly beautiful, with delicate features, a slim figure, and long, powerful legs with healthy muscle lines, giving her a highly explosive look.


Her tanned skin and clearly defined abs made her look extremely vibrant and attractive.


It was said that athletic women gave birth to healthier children.


Moreover, as an athletic goddess, her stamina would be better. Other girls would be exhausted after two hours with him, but Nelly should be able to handle it perfectly!


He could expand his harem with her as much as he wanted!


Hearing Michal say this, Dawson's face changed instantly. He nervously stood in front of Nelly to protect her, warily watching Michal.


"Michal, what do you think you're doing? Don't act recklessly! Nelly is my girlfriend! She won't go with you!"


"A girlfriend, huh? Not even married. And even if you were, so what? I liked married women too! Dawson, you can leave now, Nelly stays with me." Michal said casually.


"No... no way! She's my girlfriend. You want to take my girlfriend? I'm the Student Council President! My family has assets worth over a billion! You think you can compete with me? Besides, what do you have that's better than me? Nelly would never choose you!" Dawson said angrily.


He feared Michal's katana but couldn't tolerate the idea of his girlfriend being taken away. As the Student Council President, he was once highly respected at school. Who wouldn't greet him with respect?


Not to mention, his family owned a billion-dollar company.


He was a true rich second generation.



Usually, he came to school in a BMW!


Back at school, he was always showing off, basking in the admiration of everyone around him.


And now, this loser Michal dared to take his girlfriend in front of him?


Could Dawson tolerate this?


If Michal didn't have a sword, Dawson would have wanted to kill him right then and there.


"Impossible? What's impossible? Do you think you can stop me from getting the woman I want?"


"You think you're so great with your billion in assets, but look at you. You're pale, weak, probably can't even get it up. What's the use of having such a beautiful girlfriend? Can you satisfy her?"


"Looks like you haven't eaten for days? Since the apocalypse started, you still haven't found food, have you?" Michal said mockingly.


Dawson was embarrassed, having been hit in his sore spot.


He stammered,


"Not… not finding food, so what! Anyway, my girlfriend won't go with you! We have a great relationship; don't even think about it!"


"Is that so? Alright, I was thinking of just taking her by force, but now that you say that, I won't. I want to see how strong your relationship really is. Here, what do you think of this?"


Michal pulled out a vacuum-sealed chicken drumstick, opened the packaging, and let the aroma fill the air.


Instantly, the smell reached Dawson and Nelly's noses.


They both sniffed greedily, their mouths watering uncontrollably.


They had been starving in the school for four days, finally leaving to find food but finding nothing for two days. All they found were two rats in the sewers, which they killed and ate.


But those two rats weren't enough to fill their stomachs.


During their search for food, they had almost been caught by zombies.


Running away had drained a lot of their energy.


Now, their stomachs were empty.


The smell of the chicken made their stomachs ache even more.


"I'll give you a chicken drumstick in exchange for your girlfriend. Do you agree?" Michal said playfully.


Dawson had just been boasting about his great relationship, saying they would never part. Michal wanted to see how much their so-called unbreakable love was worth in terms of food.


Sure enough, after Michal made his offer, Dawson hesitated for a moment.


But then he shook his head quickly.


"Impossible! Nelly and I have been together for a whole year! My girlfriend can't be traded for a chicken drumstick! Who do you think I am? My family has billions in assets. I've seen everything..." Dawson said with a determined look.


Hearing this, Nelly was deeply moved.


She had thought her rich boyfriend was just playing around. They had been together for a year, but Nelly still considered Dawson in a probationary period and hadn't let him get close, keeping their relationship platonic.


But now it seemed Dawson's feelings were genuine!


In this state of hunger, he refused to trade a precious chicken drumstick.


Honestly, when Nelly saw and smelled the chicken, she herself had considered going to Michal.


Seeing Dawson's determined expression made her realize how shameful her thoughts were.


How could she sell herself for a chicken drumstick?


She needed to learn from Dawson! Never give in to hunger.


Just as Nelly resolved to stay with Dawson, Dawson suddenly held up five fingers and said to Michal:


"If you want my girlfriend, you'll need to pay more. Five, unless… five drumsticks!"


Hearing this, Michal was stunned.


He had thought Dawson's determination meant he wouldn't agree, but it turned out he just wanted more chicken drumsticks.


As expected from President Dawson!


Even now, he hadn't forgotten to haggle!


"Three! Or no deal!" Michal said firmly.


"Deal... deal!" Dawson quickly agreed, afraid Michal would change his mind.


Michal took out two more chicken drumsticks and threw them at Dawson's feet.


Dawson hurriedly bent down, picked up the chicken drumsticks, and stuffed them into his clothes.


This whole operation left Nelly stunned.


Three chicken drumsticks, and her boyfriend sold her out?


She had been secretly deeply moved just moments ago, but now it seemed she had been moved too soon!


Angrily, she said to Dawson, "Dawson, you!"


"What do you mean 'you'? If I don't eat, I'll starve to death! Do you want to watch me starve?


In the apocalypse, women are just for men to vent on. Who cares who they vent on?


I've been with you for a year, and I've spent at least a million on you. You never even went to a hotel with me, pretending to be so pure. I've been fed up with you for a long time.


Before the apocalypse, I wanted to force myself on you, but you were stronger than me! After starving for a few days, I even thought about eating your flesh. If you weren't a sports student and stronger than me, I wouldn't have kept you around!


Now, trading you for three chicken drumsticks shows you have some value. Understand? Be grateful!"


With that, Dawson ran off to a safe area, fearing Michal would regret it.


Hearing this, Nelly felt heartbroken. She never expected that, in her boyfriend's eyes, she was just an item to be discarded at any moment.


At the same time, she felt a bit relieved that she had remained chaste during their year-long relationship. Otherwise, she would have been abandoned even sooner.


This rich boyfriend was just playing around after all.


She finally saw Dawson's true nature.


Utterly disappointed, she walked over to Michal, her face ashen.


"See, that's your boyfriend. He sold you for three chicken drumsticks," Michal said with a smile.


This was the apocalypse.


This was reality!


One moment, love seemed unbreakable.


The next, a few chicken drumsticks were enough to sell out a girlfriend!


"Give me three chicken drumsticks, and I'll sell myself to you. I'll do whatever you want," Nelly said to Michal with empty eyes. Having been sold by her boyfriend, she had lost all hope.


She no longer cared what would happen next. She just wanted to fill her stomach first.


At worst, she would die.


At least she'd die with a full stomach.


"Here, take this," Michal handed her a chicken drumstick and said,


"Don't worry. With me, you'll have all the chicken drumsticks you can eat. Not just three, but even 300 if you want. I won't sell my women. Now, let's go raid the supermarket together!"


With that, Michal led Nelly into the supermarket. Before entering, he controlled a zombie to guard the entrance to prevent others from coming in.