

[Giant Wild Bear Lv. 5]


Michael's blade cuts through the Bear's muscles, allthough the wound is not too deep it still infuriated the beast.

Kill or be killed, that's how it has been for the last 2 weeks since Michael arrived on this forest.


The Bear's paw sent Michael flying until he crashed on a nearby tree.

Those kind of wounds weren't anything new to Michael, he was used to it by now.

''As expected of this green hell..'' He said.

*SFX for bones moving*

Michael realocated his previously deslocated shoulder back into it's socket.

Survival on this kind of enviroment wasn't easy at all, despite the abundance of natural resources.

The world had truly changed, and by ''changed'' it means restored and improved.

All the wildlife seems to have gone through mutation thanks to the heavy alma particles in the air and for some reason they are always particularly agressive towards Michael.

Little did he know it wasn't just towards him. It just so happened he was the only human in this place and ironically all the Fauna had evolved enough to be considered a predator to the humans.

Michael chose to not ponder over such things.

''The more the merrier'' He said, chuckling lightly.

His gaze turning serious, with a light tap of his feet he disappeared from the spot he stood previously and reappeared by the bear side.

This was the most common movement art of the Nightingale clan, [Feather Feet].

Michael however executed it brilliantly, to the brink of perfection.


The bear right hind leg suffered a grievous wound as the bear lost balance and tilted to the left.


The growled in pain as it stared at Michael with it's menacing eyes.

Another light tap and Michael dodged a incoming paw as he reappeared behind the Bear's back.

A series of slashes followed as his [Shoddy Sword Intent] did it's job perfectly.

Michael had never felt so connected to a weapon at all.

The bear cried in pain but he could only endure it as he rapidly turned around and once again tried to assalt Michael with a huge paw that could rival a fridge in thickness.

''No, no, no.'' Michael let out a grin

''This won't work a second time.''


Catching the Bear's back wide open again, Michael jumped on it and with a reverse grip, [Orion] was stuck all the way in the Bear's cervical.


The sound of bones being crushed resounded.


[Backstab's multiplier triggered, damage multiplied by 3]

The [Giant Wild Bear] mustered his final breath as it's eyes turned dull and it fell to the ground with a loud thud.

[You have killed a Giant Wild Bear Lv. 5]

[You have acquired a beast core]

[You have leveled up!]


''good work, me.'' He said

''Shall we have bear meat for dinner, me ?''

''Yes, i shall'' Michael said ironically.

A screen then appeared before his eyes.

Michael Nightingale

Level: 6

Class: none

Race: Human

Status: 6 points left

STR: 13

AGI: 13

VIT: 13

INT: 13

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

''Hmm, i guess it's about time...''

''I see no point in increasing my intelligence right now''

''Strength and Agility are working fine as well..''

''No, wait... what if i found something way tougher than a Bear?''

Michael Nightingale

Level: 6

Class: none

Race: Human

Status: 0 point left

STR: 16

AGI: 13

VIT: 16

INT: 13

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Michael then felt all the fatigue from the battle dissapear, followed by a substancial growth of strength that filled his muscles with power.

Everything was just like Aurora had told him.

Things were still 'manageable', Actually she could not have made a better choice of words.

'Manageable' is all it is.

Michael then recalled an unpleasant event one and a half weeks ago where he almost got killed by a [Mutated Bald Eagle].


[Basic hp potion used]

[Body condition fully restored]

''Tsc, at least she was sensible enough to give me those'' He said begrudgingly.

He put the bear's body into the storage and resumed his hunt.

He truly looked like a modern Tarzan, wearing only a pair of dirty and tattered trousers as well as a gloomy looking belt.

Stopping on a giant tree branch, His eyes focused 70 meters away, on a glade.

There were 6 figures resting, some were sleeping and others were eating what Michael deemed to be another animal's flesh.

It was an extremely gore scene, blood dripping from their mouths and ''crunch'' sounds from bones being chewed.

[Mutated Forest Wolf Lv. 7]

[Mutated Forest Wolf Lv. 7]

[Mutated Forest Wolf Lv. 7]

[Mutated Forest Wolf Lv. 7]

[Mutated Forest Wolf Lv. 7]

[Mutated Forest Wolf Lv. 7]

Carefully analysing, he found a figure that stood out from the rest. It laid resting on a boulder and was at least half as bigger as the other wolves. His indifference to the rest of the pack could only be categorized as the same indifference a noble had to peasants.

[Forest Wolf Alpha(ELITE) Lv. 10]

''Oh ? Does ''ELITE'' means he is on different level from his peers?'' Michael pondered while caressing his short sword.

He got up and straightened his belt as he looked at it with inquisitive eyes.

He found this belt very mysterious.

The clasp had the superior half of a demon's face while the joint had a gold coin followed by the inferior half of a demon's face.

When the belt was clasped together one could see the menaceful figure of a demon which didn't look funny at all, depite the gold coin in it's mouth.

''damn...'', he said as he looked down and noticed his trousers looked smaller.

''Perhaps... Am i growing bigger ?'' He pondered, puzzled.

''Ah-ah, i liked those...'' He said

Michael also felt the constant need to eat.

Some people like to joke about being able to eat an entire horse when they are hungry, as for Michael, it was no laughing matter.

He really could eat an entire horse alone, even two on a good day.

For the past two weeks he has been feeding on mutated animals and luckily enough their meat wasn't poisonous or anything.

Getting down from the tree, he decided it was not very smart to engage in a head on confrontation with those wolves. Michael knew wolves were cunning and very dangerous creatures once they worked as a pack.

He decided to shorten their numbers a little.

He then picked a couple of rocks and threw one in the direction of a bush near to the glade. The bush shook and some wolves raised their heads, staring at the bush and then at the Alpha, awaiting it's instructions.

The Alpha didn't think much of it, he just nodded, allowing 3 wolves into the forest.

A moment later, loud dog-like whines could be heard through the forest

The three other wolves rapidly stood on guard while growling at the bush's direction.


A rock flew from the same bush wolves had disappeared into earlier and hit the Alpha's left eye.

The Alpha stood immediately, keeping the wounded eye closed.


It howled at the skies as if trying to soften the pain but to no avail.

He then signaled two wolves to go to the right and one wolf to the left while he went straight in the bush.

Michael's face turned a little serious when he saw that, gripping tighly his short sword he didn't dare slack off.

He thew another rock but this time the Alpha was prepared, It evaded the rock and ran towards the direction the rock had been thrown from.

Using his assassin's expertise, Michael skillfully tapped on the ground and disappeared, vanishing as if blending with the scenery.

Suddenly, a DING sounded in his head.

[Congratulations, due to your repetitive efforts your movement art has been perfected]

[Feather Feet]: A demand for every assassin, while running or evading there's a chance to double your movement speed for a short period of time.

Grade: Rare

Michael was rapt.

This is the second skill he had acquired due to repetitive efforts.

A week ago, he had also acquired an improved kind of [Backstab] and now, his movement art has also become a part of his arsenal.

''And what's more, another rare skill ? But feather feet is a skill passed down in the Nightingale family... how could it be rare ?''

''Maybe it has something to do with your proficiency...'' He thought.

He decided to keep this in mind and focused on the task at hand.

Tapping his feet on the ground he disappeared and reappeared next to a lone [Mutated Forest Wolf] that was separated from the rest.

He then stabbed skillfully on the wolf's spine.

The wolf could only let out a painful cry before falling on the ground, immobile, as his spine was destroyed.

Not waiting for another whine, Michael stabbed between the wolf's eyebrows, ending his life.

[Mutated Forest Wolf has died]

[You have acquired a Beast Core]

He was about to vanish again when he suddenly felt killing intent being directed to him.


He turned his back only to find a giant wolf pawn decending, trying to rip his face off.

He evaded to the left and heard a DING

[Feather Feet triggered!]

He looked back and saw the Alpha staring menacingly at him. It's left eye was blood red thanks to the stone Michael had thrown earlier and it's right eye was a dark yet imposing yellow.

The alpha was growled at Michael, about to attack.

The wolf looked very sinister with big and sharp white teeth that at that moment, seemed like the sharpest blades in existence.

Three more forest wolves popped from the threes behind Michael and his countenance changed.

He looked at the Alpha and said with a smile on his face, ''So you used one of your own as a bait to catch me on a trap''.

''Not bad'' He chuckled.

''However, you can only consider yourselves unlucky for popping in right now.'' He said with a devilish smile

He tapped his feet on the ground and disappeared.

His speed twice as fast, thanks to the newly improved [Feather Feet]

Reappearing behind the two wolves that were behind him, then slashed 3,4,7,10 times in a row before the wolves could even turn towards him.

A red exclamation popped above a multated wolf's head as [Heaven's wrath] was triggered, instakilling it.

Michael then kicked the other one away, crushing it's ribs.

[Mutated Forest Wolf has died]

*SFX for dog whines*

[Mutated Forest Wolf has died]

[You have acquired a beast core]

He thought no more and tried the same tactic against the Alpha, but how could the Alpha let him do the same as he did to those wolves ?

One step ahead of Michael, the Alpha clawed towards his back only to find Michael's bare chest.

Three bloody red claw marks were imprinted on his chest as he was sent flying away.

His chest bones had caved in a little as Michael felt the sweet taste of blood on his throat.

Facing this unbearable pain, Michael still quickly shot on his feet, just in time to prevent a worse outcome.

A large wolf could be seen poucing at him, it's giant white teeth that looked like little sabers were bitting towards him, the Alpha wanted to tear his head off.

He quickly vanished again, this time he reappeared 20 meters away from the wolf, in the forest.

*SFX for fabric tearing*

He took off a hp potion from his spatial belt and gulped down, not planning to bear another second of this agony.

His pale facing regaining the usual collour, Michael steeled his resolve as he shot towards the Alpha like an arrow leaving the bow.

He then withdrew a pebble from his pocket, throwing it straight into the damage wolf's damaged eye.

Once again the wolf fell to this cheap trick as he didn't expect the human to be so shameless and Michael wasn't so gentle as to let this opportunity pass by.

Going into the wolf's blind spot, he slashed vertically, horizontaly, stabbed and dragged knife through the wolf's skin, taking advtage of the wolf's momentarily stunned state.

Slashing the wolf's body from all sorts of angles, blood started gushing as a series of whines scaped the Alpha's maw.

The wolf tried to to bite and claw towards Michael a couple of times but how could he keep up with Michael's sudden burst of speed and skillfull movements?

Michael vanished a final time, behind the wolf he urged ''Backstab''

[Backstab's multiplier triggered, damage multiplied by 2]

The wolf finally let out a last howl before falling to the ground, his eyes closing to never open again.

[You have killed Alpha Forest Wolf(ELITE)]

[You have acquired a beast core]

[You have acquired Forest Wolf's Fang]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

Michael then looked at the single wolf left as if asking ''do you want some too ?''

The wolf growled at Michael begrudgingly and dashed into the forest.

Michael then fell to the ground, exhausted.

''Hah~'' He gasped, perspiring a lot.

''Double the effectiveness, double the stamina cost, right ?''


AN: I don't know if the battles sound a little dull to you, it's just i spend so much time typing a battle scene that it stops making sense to me after some time, lol. I'm also accepting recommendations on good battle novels involving PvE or PvP. I need some refference yk~

NOTE: This version is raw, not editted. I try to always edit my stuff at least 24 hours after i publish it so bear with it for now XD. Self editting is tiring.

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