
Apocalypse Operation Apex : 5 Demons

New Novel: Nexus Bloodline Our main protagonist finds themselves thrust into a new world through reincarnation, with a determined goal of joining the military at the age of 18. However, fate had other plans in store. Just as the protagonist was ready to embark on their military journey, an unexpected apocalypse descends upon the world. For seven long years, the remnants of humanity struggle to survive in a ravaged and dangerous world. Unrelenting monsters dominate 60% of the planet, while 15% are under the control of rioters who thrive amidst the chaos. The remaining 25% of the world is held by the government, desperately attempting to restore order and civilization. Tragically, the protagonist meets their demise during these perilous times. But in a twist of fate, they are granted the Apocalypse Special Forces System upon their death. Armed with this newfound power, the protagonist sets out on a treacherous journey with a single-minded mission: to establish their own group and eliminate every monster that plagues the world, ultimately seizing control over the remnants of society. As the protagonist assembles their team, they face numerous challenges along the way. Battles against monsters become grueling tests of skill and strategy, forcing the group to push their limits to survive. However, they soon discover that their true adversaries are not just the creatures that roam the land, but also the complex political landscape, the ruthlessness of rioters, and the power struggles within the remnants of the government. Other Novel: Remembering Christmas, The New Santa,A Vampire Knight Destiny, do check them out if you want.

Danger_God · Urban
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22 Chs

Shadows Rose

The clock struck 4 PM as Leon continued his journey through the desolate streets. Having recently leveled up from 1 to 2, he now possessed 20 attribute points and 400 force points, a reward for his progress. With a cautious stride, he allocated 5 attribute points to strengthen himself, reserving the rest for future needs. His senses were heightened, and he remained on high alert, continuously checking his watch and the map displayed on its screen. He wanted to ensure there were no liberated individuals nearby or approaching his location.

The setting sun painted the sky with shades of crimson and cast long shadows over the abandoned streets and alleyways. Unbeknownst to Leon, a silent presence trailed him, a small drone stealthily hovering above. Its propellers spun quietly, almost imperceptible, a constant reminder of the hostage rescue mission he had recently undertaken.

Leon maneuvered through the alleyways, with eagle sight an his instincts sharp and honed from years of evading danger. He had learned the hard way never to let his guard down, as his troubled past had taught him that enemies often hid in the shadows, patiently awaiting the opportune moment to strike.

As he turned a corner, a stray cat darted across his path, its eyes gleaming in the sunlight. Yet, it was not the feline that captured his attention. Instead, it was a glimmer of metal caught in the corner of his eye. Curiosity piqued, Leon sought the source of the reflection, peering into the darkness.

His gaze fell upon a faint red light blinking intermittently as a drone. Adrenaline surged through his veins as he realized he was being watched. But by whom? And for what purpose?

Thoughts raced through Leon's mind as he weighed his options. Should he confront the drone head-on, or would it be wiser to evade its gaze? Choosing the latter, he glanced behind him and swiftly veered into a narrow alley. Skillfully maneuvering through tightly packed crates and bins, he eluded the drone's pursuit. However, his relentless observer showed no sign of giving up, skillfully navigating the tight spaces and maintaining a constant distance.

As Leon weaved through the maze of alleyways, his breath grew ragged, and the feeling of being hunted intensified. The drone persisted, tracking his every move with unwavering precision. Its silent presence unnerved him, a constant reminder that danger loomed nearby, concealed from his sight.

Suddenly, his instincts kicked into overdrive as he recognized the layout of an abandoned warehouse up ahead. Summoning his remaining strength, he sprinted towards it, hoping to find sanctuary within its dilapidated walls. The drone pursued him relentlessly, closing the gap between them.

Breathless, Leon reached the entrance of the warehouse. He hurriedly slipped inside, his heart pounding in his chest. The drone hovered just outside the door, scanning the darkness within. Leon held his breath, his senses heightened, awaiting the inevitable confrontation.

However, fortune seemed to favor him as the drone abruptly ceased its pursuit. Its propellers fell silent, and the once-blinking red light faded into an eerie silence that permeated the desolate warehouse. Cautiously peering out, Leon searched for any sign of his relentless pursuer. When he saw no immediate threat, he cautiously stepped back into the alleyway, his gaze fixed on the drone's flight path.

'I must keep up and discover who is following me,' Leon pondered, his thoughts filled with uncertainty. Who had controlled the drone, and why were they so interested in his movements? Questions swirled in his mind, but one thing was certain he needed to find the person behind the drone; they might prove to be a valuable ally.

Following the drone's flight, Leon observed it enter a ten-story hotel. However, the room it flew into was boarded up, covering the windows. Determined to unveil the mystery, he ventured into the hotel, knowing he would have to rely on the stairs due to the lack of electricity.

As Leon climbed the stairs, he reached the tenth floor. With each step, his anticipation grew. He raised his gun, wary of any potential danger. He noticed several small cameras positioned in the hallway, confirming that the drone's operator had already spotted his approach.

"Tap, tap!"

Leon lightly knocked on the door, his knuckles rapping against the aged wood. Moments later, the door creaked open, revealing a 5'5" petite figure, with silver eyes with wavy White hair cascading over her shoulders. She sat in a wheelchair scared looking, at leon with two robot arms firmly gripping onto two pistols aimed directly at Leon.

"What are you doing here?" the girl questioned, her voice attempting to sound authoritative.

"Shouldn't I be asking you the same?" Leon retorted, his frustration evident.

The girl's finger hovered closer to the pistol's trigger.

"What do you want?" she asked tentatively, her voice barely above a whisper.

Leon noticed her wheelchair and wondered about her circumstances. His gaze swept past her, trying to catch a glimpse of the room's only seeing the covered windows.

"Why was your drone following me?" Leon inquired, maintaining a cautious tone.

"Alright, so you were just following me," Leon replied, a tinge of uncertainty coloring his words.

"Yes, I wanted to get someone's attention to help the hostages... but then you came along and did it," the girl confessed.

A flicker of apprehension danced in the girl's eyes as she regarded Leon, a stranger standing at her doorstep.

"I fly my drone around the city as part of my daily scans. I happened to witness your heroic act rescuing the hostages from the Crocket city police precinct," the girl quickly explained in a soft tone.

Leon immediately understood. The girl had sought to bring attention to the hostages, hoping someone would come to their aid. Little did she expect that he would accomplish the task himself.

Slowly, Leon began to trust the girl, lowering his gun with caution.

"What's your name?" Leon greeted, offering a reassuring smile. "I'm Leon. How about we sit down and chat?"

Rose's gaze flickered with curiosity and uncertainty. Accustomed to keeping to herself, she found the outside world overwhelming. Yet, there was something about Leon's presence that intrigued her.

"Okay," she acquiesced, her voice filled with hesitance. "My name is Rose. You can come in, Leon, but don't touch anything."

Rose's wheelchair silently moved backward without her physical effort, indicating its electric propulsion.

"Thank you," Leon acknowledged, stepping into the dimly lit room. His eyes widened as he took in the sight of an extensive server rack, multiple desktops and monitors illuminating the space, and a black drone resting on a desk with wires and half-assembled counterparts scattered about. It was clear that the room relied on a generator for power.

"This room is impressive," Leon remarked, astonished by Rose's setup.

"Please sit over there," Rose directed, gesturing toward a chair.

As Rose settled into her wheelchair and began typing on her keyboard, Leon obediently took a seat.

"Now, let's talk," Rose initiated, her tone indicating her willingness to share information.

"You mentioned scanning the city daily. I would like to know more about what's happening in Crochet City," Leon inquired.

Rose didn't respond immediately but pulled up a map on her screen, marked with various spots.

"The orange areas represent the parts of the city mostly under the control of the liberated. The red spots indicate safe houses or bases that have been destroyed or taken over by the liberated. And the green spots represent safe houses or bases that are still functioning," Rose explained, her voice filled with a tinge of sadness.

Leon studied the map, realizing that almost 80% of the city had fallen under the control of the liberated.

"So, the liberated have nearly completed their hold on Crochet City," Leon mused, a sense of frustration creeping into his words.

"Yes, and most of the safe houses and bases have been destroyed," Rose confirmed, her tone heavy with the weight of the situation.

The realization dawned on Leon that the survivors who had sought refuge in those safe places were either forced to flee or had succumbed to the dangers that lurked outside.

"Can you tell me what happened to the bridge that connected Croket City and Quieter City?" Leon asked, his voice filled with a glimmer of hope.

Again, Rose remained silent but swiftly typed on her keyboard, summoning a video to the screen.

The footage revealed a staggering horde of walkers and frostbites on the bridge, confirming the survivors' accounts. Joint Terror Division (JTD) soldiers, dressed in white and black attire, were engaged in a fierce battle with the horde. Among the chaos, liberated fighters emerged, attacking the JTD soldiers from behind. The military contingent fought valiantly but eventually began retreating as the horde closed in, flooding into the city.


Leon slumped back in his chair, feeling a mixture of anger and despair. The military had withdrawn due to the onslaught from both the horde and their former comrades. His old team members were likely among the fallen, either joining the military or succumbing to the horde's relentless advance.

"What about the White House? I know they would have made their way back there," Leon inquired, his voice laced with a hint of hope.

Once again, Rose selected another video, showcasing the immense White House. Upon the military's arrival, they faced a fierce onslaught from the liberated. Weakened and already nursing injuries from previous battles, the soldiers succumbed to the overwhelming force, leaving the White House in the hands of the liberated.

"The liberated are truly gaining control over the entire city," Leon stated, his tone reflecting a mix of anger and determination.

Leon fell silent, his mind racing with thoughts about their next course of action.