
APOCALYPSE ONLINE: I Became Over Powered Thanks To My Clones

Alice received an invitation from her friend Vanessa to join a new open-world VRMMO. Despite Alice's inclination to laziness, Vanessa's insistence compelled her to participate. "Hey, there's a skill that lets me create clones of myself," Alice mused, her interest piqued. "I absolutely need to get my hands on this skill." With a mischievous laugh, she contemplated the possibilities of having free helpers through her clones. *[Ding! Your Clone has practiced [Sword Arts] while you were offline. You've gained 1,231 experience points in your [Sword Arts] skill.]* *[Ding! Your Clone has been busy chopping down 2,567 trees and gathering 4,152 pieces of wood during your offline time. Your [Wood Chopping] skill has gained 5,321 experience points.]* *[Ding! Your Clone has successfully defeated 100 level 1 Slimes, granting you 100 EXP.]* While other players grappled with the challenges of surviving in the game's apocalyptic setting, Alice's clones industriously farmed resources in the nearby vicinity. "Hmm... What an intriguing game!" she thought, recognizing the unique advantage her clones provided. ==========================

D_Rich_13 · Sci-fi
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132 Chs

Volume 2 Chapter 27: Bad News

[Author's Note: For bonus chapters, the goal every week is:

- 25 Power Stones

- 50 Power Stones]

Volume 2 Chapter 27: Bad News

If their current [Bat Transformation] skill is at level 3 with a time limit of 2 minutes, then at level 5, the skill should theoretically have a longer time limit, possibly 3 minutes or more, considering the pattern of skill progression where time limits usually increase with skill level.

Carmilla added 2 increments of 30 seconds (which totals a minute) to the current 2-minute time limit of their [Bat Transformation] skill to estimate the potential time limit at level 5. By doing so, she arrived at a provisional time limit of 3 minutes for Daniel's skill at level 5.

Carmilla decided not to base their potential victory solely on the expected 3-minute time limit of Daniel's skill, as she believed it would make their strategy too predictable.


So, she anticipated that Daniel would preemptively deactivate the skill when they least expected it, granting him enough time to reactivate the [Bat Transformation] skill again.

Carmilla relayed this information to Eve and Pepper through their connection, advising them to prepare as Daniel might deactivate his transformation when he nears the ground.

Daniel repeatedly flew close to the ground, seemingly taunting them as he hadn't transformed back into his human form even once.

Unknown to the trio, a faint green magic circle began forming on Daniel's back while he circled around them. Upon completion, Daniel ascended to twice the height he was previously flying at.

Observing this, Carmilla experienced an odd sensation. Without hesitation, she commanded Pepper to transform into a bat and tail Daniel, prepared in case he attempted to escape.

Carmilla's premonition proved accurate as Daniel transformed back into his human form above the trees, catching her off guard. She hadn't anticipated that Daniel's [Bat Transformation] skill would abruptly expire, and it seemed intentional on his part.

Carmilla and Eve didn't dwell much on the reason behind Daniel's action, opting instead to focus on the more pressing task of turning him into a pincushion of sorts.

At that moment, a light green magic circle illuminated on Daniel's back. Suddenly, they heard a faint explosion resembling a weakened version of a sonic boom.

Just before the explosion sound, they heard Daniel mutter.

Daniel: "Too predictable."


Upon investigating the spot where Daniel had been, they found he was nowhere in sight. Alarmed, Carmilla attempted to contact Pepper, who also seemed to have vanished without a trace.

Carmilla urgently communicated using their connection.

Carmilla: "Pepper, what's your status? Have you managed to pinpoint Daniel's whereabouts?"

Pepper then responded after a short while.

Pepper: "I'm okay, master. Somehow, I've managed to catch up to him."

Carmilla then further inquired.

Carmilla: "Great. He hasn't noticed you, right?"

Pepper: "No, master. He shouldn't be able to see me as he's out of range of my [Night Vision] skill."

Carmilla: "Pepper, his [Night Vision] skill is at level 5 and should have a greater range than ours. Are you absolutely certain he hasn't spotted you yet?"

Pepper: "I'm aware, master. Don't worry. I'm positioned at a considerable distance; I can only see his silhouette. I've transformed into my bat form and am grounded."

Carmilla exhaled in relief after confirming one last time.

Carmilla: "Phew. Make sure you aren't spotted and attempt to get closer to him, Pepper."

Pepper: "But, master, there's a risk of being seen if I attempt to get closer to him."

Carmilla then advised her.

Carmilla: "Do your best to tail him without being spotted. We'll utilize your location to launch our attacks on him."

Pepper: "I'll do my best, master. I'll update you later. Daniel is on the move again."

Pepper diligently trailed Daniel, ensuring she wasn't discovered. Each time Daniel paused, Pepper swiftly concealed herself behind the nearest tree, deactivating the [Bat Transformation] briefly to reset the skill's time limit.

As she lay on the ground behind the tree, ensuring her transformations remained silent, Pepper was also meticulously cautious, avoiding stepping on scattered twigs littering the ground to prevent any inadvertent noise.

As Pepper stealthily tracked Daniel, she pondered where he might be heading.

Returning to Carmilla and Eve, the two were busy crafting additional arrows for use. However, the arrows they were currently creating were not as potent as the ones they had previously used to pursue Daniel.

As they worked on crafting more arrows, Carmilla and Eve anxiously awaited updates from Pepper. Carmilla harbored concern that Pepper might get apprehended by Daniel during the pursuit.

Periodically, Carmilla would concentrate on sensing Pepper's location and well-being. After a while, Carmilla and Eve finally received a report from Pepper regarding the situation.

Pepper: "I have four updates. Two of them are bad news and the other two are good news, master. Which type of news would you like to hear first, the good news or the bad news?"

Carmilla then instructed her.

Carmilla: "Please share the two pieces of bad news first."

Pepper start then reporting.

Pepper: "The first bad news, master, is that Daniel has ceased moving upon reaching the far side of the battlefield, quite a distance from your current location."

Carmilla: "It's a bit further than I anticipated, but we can manage. We'll start moving in your direction just in case. Now, what's the other piece of bad news?"

Carmilla assumed control of the arrows they had just fashioned, along with managing the remaining half made from the components of the blood dome. However, instead of the initial count, only 75% of these arrows remained intact.

Due to the pursuit with Daniel, a portion of the arrows had shattered, either from striking trees or colliding with the ground during their chase.

While Eve handled the other half, both Carmilla and Eve divided the remaining shield—the remnants of the blood dome—fashioning it into a batch of additional arrows. This process managed to restore approximately 13% of the previously lost arrows.

As they worked on controlling the arrows, Pepper began sharing the second piece of bad news.

Pepper: "Master, I suspect that Daniel is preparing to cast some kind of spell. From my estimation, the magic circle is about half the size of the one created when you cast the blood dome spell. Additionally, he's amassing a significant amount of blood. I strongly advise both you and Eve to hasten your pace before he completes the spell."

Carmilla then exclaimed upon hearing what Pepper said.

Carmilla: "WHY!!! didn't you mention that earlier?"

While conversing with Pepper, Carmilla and Eve navigated through the forest. Upon receiving Pepper's message about Daniel's spellcasting and blood gathering, they hastened their pace, understanding the urgency of the situation.