
APOCALYPSE ONLINE: I Became Over Powered Thanks To My Clones

Alice received an invitation from her friend Vanessa to join a new open-world VRMMO. Despite Alice's inclination to laziness, Vanessa's insistence compelled her to participate. "Hey, there's a skill that lets me create clones of myself," Alice mused, her interest piqued. "I absolutely need to get my hands on this skill." With a mischievous laugh, she contemplated the possibilities of having free helpers through her clones. *[Ding! Your Clone has practiced [Sword Arts] while you were offline. You've gained 1,231 experience points in your [Sword Arts] skill.]* *[Ding! Your Clone has been busy chopping down 2,567 trees and gathering 4,152 pieces of wood during your offline time. Your [Wood Chopping] skill has gained 5,321 experience points.]* *[Ding! Your Clone has successfully defeated 100 level 1 Slimes, granting you 100 EXP.]* While other players grappled with the challenges of surviving in the game's apocalyptic setting, Alice's clones industriously farmed resources in the nearby vicinity. "Hmm... What an intriguing game!" she thought, recognizing the unique advantage her clones provided. ==========================

D_Rich_13 · Sci-fi
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132 Chs

Volume 1 Chapter 66: Information About Quest Item and Soul Bound Items Part 1/2

[Author's Note: For bonus chapters, the goal is

25 Power Stones

50 Power Stones

Every Week]

Volume 1 Chapter 66: Information About Quest Item and Soul Bound Items Part 1/2

The trio watched as the chest's lid gradually lifted, and once fully open, a round pearl-like thing came into view.

However, as it floated higher, the three of them noticed that the pearl-like thing was actually cut in half, resembling a hemisphere.

Observing that nothing else emerged from the chest except for the hemisphere, Carmilla approached, reached out, and grabbed it before stepping back once again.

At that moment, the chest began to disintegrate into particles, gradually fading away until it disappeared entirely.

Once the chest had vanished, the trio's attention focused intensely on the hemisphere that Carmilla held in her hands.

Pepper: "What's this?"

She inquired, while poking at the hemisphere.


Carmilla, standing with the hemisphere held delicately in one hand, playfully swatted away Pepper's inquisitive fingers. Pepper, a mischievous glint in her eyes, had been poking at the hemisphere's smooth surface. The delicate curve of the hemisphere resembled a pearl elegantly sliced in half, its surface reflecting a unique hue—an entrancing shade of blood red.

Carmilla said with a hint of exasperation.

Carmilla: "Stop poking it. I'm just as baffled as you are. This is the first time I've ever come across something like this."

After Carmilla's reprimand and a gentle swat to her hand, Pepper ceased her poking of the hemisphere, her curiosity now channeled into a focused, unwavering gaze upon the pearl like object.

Eve, who was also studying the hemisphere intently, leaned in and offered a suggestion to Carmilla.

Eve: "Master, why not try using [Analyze Lv:1] on it?"

Carmilla: "I was just about to attempt that. Let's discover the true nature of this hemisphere."

With that, she activated [Analyze Lv:1] on the hemisphere.


[Quest Item]

[Soul Bound to: Carmilla]

[Part of a [???] required to unlock the [???], obtainable only in [???]—there are [1/?] parts needed to form the complete [???]. Integral to the [???] quest, it serves a purpose during the quest's progression [???].]

Upon perusing the details of the hemisphere, Carmilla was somewhat taken aback by the abundance of [???] that greeted her.

Pepper chimed in.

Pepper: "Master, you're spending quite a bit of time reading through the item's details. Is it a lengthy description?"

Carmilla, momentarily lost in thought, was jolted back to reality by Pepper's inquiry. Seeing that Carmilla had snapped out of her daze, Pepper repeated her question.

Pepper: "Master, what's the deal with that hemisphere? It seems to have quite an impact on you."

Carmilla's momentary daze dissipated, allowing her to fully grasp Pepper's words.

Pausing briefly to gather her thoughts, Carmilla contemplated how to respond to Pepper's question. The limited information about the hemisphere left her considering her words carefully.

Carmilla: "I've determined that this hemisphere is, in fact, a quest item."

Carmilla's words hung in the air, and she chose not to add anything further to her statement at that moment.

Both Eve and Pepper waited with anticipation, hoping that Carmilla would provide additional details about the hemisphere and its significance.

The two of them remained in patient anticipation, but as the silence persisted and Carmilla's attention remained fixed on the hemisphere, it became evident that no further information would be forthcoming for the time being.

Eve maintained her silence, continuing to wait for further information from Carmilla. In contrast, Pepper's approach differed. Unlike Eve's unwavering obedience, Pepper's disposition was occasionally characterized by complaints and a more vocal response to Carmilla's instructions.

In light of that, despite sharing the same loyalty to Carmilla as Eve, Pepper's distinct personality prompted her to take a different approach. Rather than waiting silently like Eve, Pepper's eagerness led her to actively inquire and ask Carmilla for further details about the hemisphere.

Pepper raised her question to Carmilla with curiosity.

Pepper:" Master, are there more details about the hemisphere beyond it being a quest item? And could you explain what exactly a quest item is?"

Hearing Pepper inquire about the hemisphere in search of answers that Carmilla lacked, she could only respond with a single word.

Carmilla: "Nothing"

Upon absorbing Carmilla's concise response, Pepper's expression shifted to one of surprise. Even Eve, who typically refrained from displaying strong emotions, mirrored Pepper's reaction momentarily, before swiftly returning to her usual composed demeanor after a few seconds of gathering herself.

Unlike Eve, who managed to swiftly regain her emotional composure, Pepper found it difficult to rein in her emotions. Her curiosity and eagerness led her to persist in asking further questions.

Despite the barrage of Pepper's unrelenting questions, Carmilla remained remarkably composed. Her own preoccupation with the incomplete details revealed by the [Analyze Lv:1] skill prevented her from becoming irritated. Ordinarily, this might have led to Carmilla taking a firmer stance, but the current circumstances spared Pepper from such a response due to the unusual situation.

Aware of Pepper's persistent inquiries, and faced with limited options, Carmilla made a strategic decision. She used Eve as a means to deflect Pepper's continuous questions about the hemisphere. Without hesitation, Carmilla tossed the hemisphere towards Eve, using the action as a way to momentarily shift Pepper's focus.

However, just before Carmilla let go of the hemisphere, her expression softened into an apologetic look directed at Eve.

As Carmilla's apologetic gaze landed on Eve, a flicker of confusion registered in her eyes. Yet, her attention swiftly shifted to the airborne hemisphere heading her way. Glancing at Pepper, who continued to pester Carmilla with relentless questions, Eve quickly understood the purpose behind Carmilla's action.

Externally, Eve maintained her characteristic nonchalant appearance. However, beneath that composed exterior, a growing sense of apprehension was building within her as she anticipated the incoming onslaught of Pepper's unceasing inquiries.

Amidst Eve's internal conflict, she was brought back to the present by Carmilla's voice, which cut through her inner turmoil.

Carmilla's voice resonated with a mixture of resignation and amusement as she addressed both Eve and Pepper.

Carmilla: "Since you're both so eager to examine it, go ahead and have a look yourselves. Ciao!"

Having delivered her statement, Carmilla's actions took a dramatic turn. In a swift and astonishing transformation, she morphed into a bat and took flight in a seemingly random direction, appearing to escape the ongoing situation.

Observing Carmilla's departure, Eve felt the impulse to call out, "Take me with you, Master." However, her intention was cut short as Pepper swiftly closed the gap, gripping Eve's shoulders with both hands in a firm hold.

As Carmilla soared away, her keen night vision allowed her to catch a glimpse of Pepper gripping Eve's shoulders. This sight prompted Carmilla to increase her flight speed, putting more distance between herself and the duo who seemed to be caught in a lively exchange.

Facing the situation at hand, Eve decided to take action. Driven by her own curiosity about the hemisphere, she activated her own [Analyze] skill to glean insights from the object, all the while being mindful of Pepper's presence beside her. doing all of that Pepper was still grabbing her shoulders.

Recognizing Eve's intention to examine the hemisphere, Pepper intuitively backed off, allowing Eve the space to investigate. Pepper patiently awaited Eve's findings, prepared to listen to her account of the hemisphere or receive it from her if needed.

Why didn't Pepper or Eve use the [Analyze] skill when Carmilla was holding the hemisphere a few seconds ago, and why hesitate to use it now that Eve is holding it?

It's worth noting that both Pepper and Eve attempted to use [Analyze] when Carmilla had the hemisphere, but their attempts were unsuccessful.