
Apocalypse Leveling

The day was relatively calm and silent, making it gorgeous and tranquil. The inhabitants that resided in this aloof and serene world were going through the day like usual... Until the heavens fell. It all changed when lustrous and radiant lights fell from the ocean-like heavens like shooting stars treading through the azure skies. The falling radiance lightened the entire day for a single moment before making their landing on the earth. And upon crashing into the ground of the earth below the heavens, they brought city-wide destruction in their wake. Mushroom clouds emerged, followed by shockwaves that broke everything in its path. The heat of the fall vaporized anything below the radiance. And outside of the heat was nothing more but a wasteland of a former beautiful world. Thousands of such things fell into the cities of all nations worldwide. Nothing was left behind, resulting in the inevitable fall of humanity. Left behind by the disastrous landings of the gleaming lights was a pitch-black monolith and abominations resembling that of monsters from the abyss. It was the beginning of a new era. The era of the long-lasting apocalypse. And in this dark age was a young girl, Samara Grimes. She was someone who had to survive through the apocalypse while also leveling up. ――――― [Disclaimer: I do not own the cover of the book. All credits will goes to the creator of the cover. If you wish for its removal, tell or pm me, and I will remove it.] 

OrdinaryHuman · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

The Grave Matter

Silence enveloped the entirety of the classroom as the lustrous sunlight pierced through the window. Samara stood frozen, unmoving, while quietly staring at the fish eyes of the pale creep outside and above the windows. It was somewhat of a precarious situation for Samara. After all, this was relatively unexpected.

Something beyond her expectation.


'When did this bastard crawl here, and why the hell is it staring at me with the fish eyes.'

'Damn, I'm gonna die, aren't I?'

Numerous unwanted thoughts hastily passed through Samara's mind. She was horrified, nervous, and worried about her current circumstances. She didn't know what to do at the moment other than to stand unmoving and silently stare at the abomination before her.

Samara then threw the unwanted thoughts out of her mind and focused on the important ones. How does she survive in her current and unfortunate state?

'What do I do? Should I run away? I have no other way than escape this damnable classroom.' Samara thoughtfully questioned herself as the only way to survive was to run as fast as possible. It didn't matter if the pale abomination started chasing her. She simply needed to run away.

With this in mind, Samara surveyed the surroundings outside and inside the classroom. She only found one bastard staring at her through the window while being upside down. It was fortunate to discover that only one creep was in the area. Otherwise, any more than one would be things complicated.

It didn't take much time for her to conclude what she needed to do.

With only one creep, it was plausible.

So with this thought, Samara heavily gulped as her heart wildly beat within her chest. Chills resonated throughout her spine as she took a deep breath and immediately ran without a hint of hesitation and delay. Samara escaped the classroom almost instantly while grabbing the first-aid kit along the way.

Samara ran out of the classroom and sped off with all her might and stamina. She escaped through the hallway while having a horrified expression on her face. It was utterly terrifying for Samara to do such an action, as she knew what might happen to her if the bastard caught up.

'Sh*t! Sh*t! Sh*t! Sh*t! Sh*t!'

'Sh*t! Sh*t! Sh*t! Sh*t! Sh*t!'

Panicking thoughts kept repeating and clouding Samara's mind. She continued running without thinking about the monster and instead kept cursing herself. She needed to be fast. Otherwise, the abomination might catch her. What happens if the bastard caught up was only up to her imagination.

'Why the f*ck do I have to end up in these circumstances?'

'Who the hell cursed me to be this unlucky?'

'Did I do something bad in my past life?'

Samara's thoughts became more apparent by the second, though they were nothing but sentences of regret and pure anger. Samara didn't want to die, but even then, she continued thinking about a way to do something about the state she found herself in. Should she continue running away from the monster?

Samara questioned herself, and it continued. 'Running away wouldn't solve anything' 'Hell to you, brain... Fighting doesn't solve anything either.' Samara seems to be going mad while running away from the monster. Her sanity was being eaten, which was somewhat unfortunate.

Anyhow, Samara was fearful of the situation she got dragged into. And unfortunately, the reality seemed to be a sadist in giving Samara some grave circumstances.


The classroom's windows were broken through, and their deafening noise resonated throughout the school building. In addition, it echoed in every bit of the hallway, causing some strange noises. Dust then enveloped the entrance and exit of the classroom as the creep had identified its target.

Meanwhile, Samara, who was running through the hallway, heard it in its echoing form. She increased her speed without sparing a glance at her stamina. The reason for this was the chills echoing throughout her spine. The monster had broken through, and the chase had begun.

Such was the thought trapped within Samara's mind and heart.

'D*mn, I'll die...' Despite having a severe thought in her mind, Samara's expression didn't change much. It was cold, concentrated, and emotionless. Only her thoughts had a varying amount of emotions and were highly chaotic. Therefore, those outside her perception might see her as someone wholly concentrated on what was in front of her.

'Should I check?' Samara quietly questioned herself as she looked back while running. Fortunately, she saw nothing behind her, making Samara sigh in relief. 'Do someone beyond this world hate me? And cursed me to become an unfortunate young girl?' Samara thought, wondering if someone cursed her.

Being cursed doesn't seem improbable for Samara, especially in her current grave and terrifying state.

'Haiz, I hope that it doesn't find me. I'm becoming tired by the second.' Samara silently thought as she sighed to herself. She felt exhausted as her body slowly gave up from all that running. She also almost arrived at the staircase of the second floor, which led to the first floor of the school building.

'I hate these bastard abominations! Why do they have to exist at all? Life was better when they didn't exist. I wasn't running for my life like a damn idiot on a horror movie.' Samara then bombarded herself with cursing thoughts regarding her tragic situation.

She clearly disliked being chased by some pale abomination wanting to eat her guts. Maybe if she didn't give the creep her consent, the monster wouldn't eat her?

At any rate, within these cursing thoughts, Samara was grateful that the creep didn't manage to get her. Maybe she lost it during the long run in the hallway. Nevertheless, it seems she was about to be blessed by the heavens from her unfortunate fate.

Or so she thought.

Samara turned her gaze towards her back and saw something from afar in the hallway. Silence and calm enveloped the surroundings, but then it revealed itself. Samara furrowed her eyebrows as a shocked expression emerged on her face. 'Oh, sh*t!'

It was nothing more but a shadowy figure crawling through the ceiling towards Samara at a hasty speed. It acted like a snake with its crackling footsteps, giving shivers to Samara's skin.

Samara's muscles tensed as a result of her fear. The beat within her heart got louder and louder as a strong thump kept resonating in her chest. She breathes in and out, wanting to circulate better as she has difficulty running away.

But unfortunately, with the monstrous abomination behind her. It was hard for Samara to concentrate and calm herself. The only thing she could do was run and run, hoping for the better. But, relying on such a thing wasn't a good idea. Though... There was nothing she could do about it.

Samara gritted her teeth as she thought about death, nearly grasping her neck. She would sooner or later die as the creep crawled faster than ever. Unfortunately, and fortunately. While passing through intersections, Samara overlooked the ones hiding in the darkness, making crackling noises.

Otherwise, she would have gotten a heart attack.

Though sadly, they did notice her. It wouldn't take long for a couple of creeps to emerge out of nowhere and chase her from behind.

It didn't take much for Samara to arrive at the staircase. She surveyed the area after her arrival and concluded the area was clear. Without delay, Samara climbed downwards to reach the first floor of the school building.

Arriving at the bottom floor, she found herself basked in sweat as she had difficulty breathing.

Her chest was tight, and she couldn't see clearly anymore. Everything was hazy, making Samara realize how much her stamina sucked. "I-I must continue..." Samara quietly mumbled to herself as she ran towards the cafeteria. It was a place that had better utilities than other rooms.

Samara stepped into the cafeteria's entrance, leaning on the walls and making it her guide to the kitchen. Upon entering the kitchen, Samara lay on the floor at the bottom of the counter. She felt sick and wanted to puke, though nothing would leave her stomach as there was nothing within it, to begin with.

Calming herself down, Samara surveyed the quiet and calm kitchen.

'This sucks, big time... I don't want to move.' Samara softly uttered within her mind as she rested her head on the wall. She wanted to close her eyes and sleep. She desired to not run or escape from the monsters and stay in this kitchen, holed up until rescuers arrived.

With this in mind, Samara noticed a couple of fridges. She wondered if she could hide within it until the rescuers could save her. It wasn't the best way and most optimal path Samara could take. But, at least she could live for tomorrow and survive.

'I don't want to run anymore.'

'I'm tired of running away from monsters.'

'I simply don't have unlimited stamina.'

However, before she could continue such thoughts, another random idea emerged within her battered and tired mind. 'Why can't I kill the bastard and be done with it? Wouldn't I stop trying to escape if I murdered the one that made me escape?'

It was nothing more but a random thought with a leap of logic.

'Another dumb idea appeared in my pathetic state of a brain...'

Then. Samara started cursing herself for her foolishness to even have such an idea that popped into her mind. Reality itself wasn't as easy as a game. Samara only had one life and had to treasure it at all cause. She somewhat lacked the will to risk her life for a wavy result.

But Samara knew that if she wanted to survive, she had no choice but to face the problem head-on. It doesn't matter if she gets injured, as growth requires sacrifices. 'Sacrifice, eh? I'm really not cut out for that. At the very least, I only want to grow stronger and reach my family.'

'My family...'

Samara repeated it as she realized something important. It was a horrible thought, but it was a probable one. Her train of thought was relatively simple. If she was in this pathetic state, what situation could her family be in? It was nothing but a terrifying thought.

But it jolted Samara's body to begin moving.

With such grave thoughts within her mind, Samara knew there was no use in running away from the monster. Instead, she had to stand in its way and kill it to reach her family. Samara needed to kill the bastards that dared to separate her from her loved ones.

No matter how many sacrifices were needed.

'I must be crazy, but if becoming mad gives me a chance, I'll gladly eat away my sanity.' With this thought, a creepy smile emerged on Samara's face. If she was crazy to do such a thing, then she must actually be a mad person.

Samara looked around and turned her gaze towards the knives within the kitchen. She stood up as she stopped lying on the floor and stepped forward, taking hold of the sharpest and biggest knife she could find. It was the best weapon within the kitchen with its sharpness and possible penetrating power.

Her pale hand was shaking in fear with the knife tightly in its grasp. Holding a knife with the plan of stabbing someone was something she had never done. But it was something she needed to do. Samara had to kill to be free from these grave circumstances, and she would do it even if bloodshed occurred.

Samara had to gather her confidence for the sake of her family.

Running away wouldn't solve her problem. Would she escape if her family gets in danger? No! She wanted to protect her family from danger. Not run away from it like a goddamn coward. She must stand her ground. Otherwise, defending her family wouldn't be possible.

'The monster's here...' Samara thought to herself as the crackling footstep sounded from the cafeteria entrance. She gulped as she readied herself for the battle of life and death.

What a wild lad.

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