
Apocalypse Leveling

The day was relatively calm and silent, making it gorgeous and tranquil. The inhabitants that resided in this aloof and serene world were going through the day like usual... Until the heavens fell. It all changed when lustrous and radiant lights fell from the ocean-like heavens like shooting stars treading through the azure skies. The falling radiance lightened the entire day for a single moment before making their landing on the earth. And upon crashing into the ground of the earth below the heavens, they brought city-wide destruction in their wake. Mushroom clouds emerged, followed by shockwaves that broke everything in its path. The heat of the fall vaporized anything below the radiance. And outside of the heat was nothing more but a wasteland of a former beautiful world. Thousands of such things fell into the cities of all nations worldwide. Nothing was left behind, resulting in the inevitable fall of humanity. Left behind by the disastrous landings of the gleaming lights was a pitch-black monolith and abominations resembling that of monsters from the abyss. It was the beginning of a new era. The era of the long-lasting apocalypse. And in this dark age was a young girl, Samara Grimes. She was someone who had to survive through the apocalypse while also leveling up. ――――― [Disclaimer: I do not own the cover of the book. All credits will goes to the creator of the cover. If you wish for its removal, tell or pm me, and I will remove it.] 

OrdinaryHuman · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Awakening of the Distraught.

Every single part of her body couldn't be felt as she also lost most of her senses. She didn't know if her eyelids were opened or not, but the only thing she could see was the pitch-black darkness of the void. Silence enveloped every inch of this void, leaving Samara with nothing but a couple of lone thoughts escaping her consciousness.

It was particularly depressing, and she became a bit nervous because of this lonesome situation.

Samara didn't know if she still had her body or had lost it. Though... She did have questioning thoughts escaping from her consciousness. Was this what comes after death? If this was the afterlife, wouldn't that mean that Samara had died? Samara thought she had died, but how did she die?

Seconds passed as Samara's consciousness continued to dim, and everything became hazy for her. She couldn't clearly think as her fading consciousness was shrouded by endless pitch darkness, though she decided to calm herself and think about the situation before falling mad.

'Be calm... Samara. Don't fall mad and investigate the situation.'

'In an emergency and unknown circumstances, one must be calm.'

Samara thought to herself as her extinguishing consciousness began to gleam with radiance. It was fortunate that calming herself halted her fading consciousness, and it didn't take long to entirely gather herself. Afterward, her thoughts became calm rather than erratically flooding her mind.

Samara never found herself trapped in this strange and dark situation, which was troubling for an ordinary 16-year-old teenager, making her reaction somewhat understandable. But, even then. It wasn't a good excuse to fall mad. In a troublesome situation, one must keep their calm no matter what.

Continuous thoughts then surged into Samara's mind. 'So is this what comes after death? Did I really die?' She thoughtfully questioned herself as she couldn't believe the precarious situation she found herself in. Being alone in the pitch-black darkness of the void wasn't a pleasant feeling for her, and she'd instead get out of it if possible.

Before she could continue questioning her situation, something surprising happened.

Memories flooded Samara's mind like a storm surge as images of her life emerged before her cluttered perception. One of the last scenes she had seen was the brilliant lustrous lights falling from the heavens and crashing onto the city, bringing unimaginable destruction while flattening some blocks near the landing zone.

It was pretty horrifying to see the explosion decimating everything on its path. Such a scene made Samara's consciousness waver, though she quickly calmed herself to avoid falling into madness. But no matter how hard she pacified herself of intense emotions, a reminder would always surface.

Remembering everything brought upon a revelation that destroyed Samara's calm. She recalled her last thoughts before the shockwave of the explosion hit her. Upon her recall, she couldn't help but shiver as she worriedly thought within her mind.

'M-My family... Where are they!? Are they okay!? Are they even alive!? What do I do!?'

Dozens of questioning thoughts bombarded her mind emotionally as she felt an ache within it. Samara was worried sick, and she knew she needed to go back. She must go back no matter what. Her family was still there in that destruction. She must not leave them or even bring sorrow to them.

Samara lost her calm as she fell a bit mad. The brilliance of her consciousness fluctuated as a result. Her family was important to her. Her little sister and father would be worriedly waiting for her. They will be disappointed if she doesn't appear before them.

With how it was going, Samara's thoughts were raging within her flimsy consciousness.

Fortunately, before the surging thoughts could continue their rampage, thousands of luminous lights emerged in the darkness. It instantly brought Samara's attention, making the surging thoughts fade. If she had eyebrows, she would have furrowed them.

After all, she wondered where the luminous lights came from and what it was doing in the void.

Looking at the brilliance clearly. The luminous lights weren't actually orbs of lights but shining cards instead. They orbited around Samara as if wanting her to pick one of them. But how could she even do such a thing when she doesn't even have a body?

Anyhow... Samara decided to pick one of them as they might be a clue to leave this damn place. The one she picked looked the same but was entirely different. It shone the same light though the design on its body looked a bit unique compared to the others.

Though, whether it was unique or not wasn't the subject. Samara needed to leave this place, so she wondered what she should do with the card. Many would have wondered how she managed to pick it. But Samara did nothing more than stare at it, and it automatically got closer to her.

As the shining card stood before her brilliant consciousness, it faded and disintegrated into hundreds of flimsy sparks. Samara wondered where it went but then...

A silver radiant light exploded in the pitch-black darkness of the void. Its luminous glow rivaled that of a thousand suns and conquered the entirety of the black abyss which covered Samara's consciousness. Upon the lustrous silver reaching her consciousness, Samara felt a tremendous pull that seemed to take all of herself.

It pulled her from the pitch-black darkness that shrouded the abyss and woke her up from her unusual heavy slumber.

Samara then opened her eyelids as she was awoken from her deep unconscious state. Her coal-black irises revealed themselves and immediately inspected the area around her body. What Samara had seen upon opening her eyes was relatively a terrifying scene.

She found herself lying on the ground as the misty dust shrouded the entirety of the hallway. Numerous cracks and fissures could be seen throughout the broken walls and the radiant sunlight pierced through them. Dozens of shattered pieces of glass were also all over the ground, alongside dust and rubbles.

It was a terrifying scene, and Samara needed to adapt to it.

"What kind of nightmare was that..." Samara remarked as she looked around and found that she had lost her eyeglasses. She inspected the surroundings and discovered her eyeglass, which wasn't in an excellent state. One of its lenses was slightly broken, a saddening fact.

Samara could still see despite not having eyeglasses, but it severely inhibited a lot of her sight. It was like she only had 80% of her perception. It would be natural to seek 100%.

After wearing her eyeglasses, which she had cleaned, Samara investigated every inch of her body and found that her arms were covered in minor cuts. Currently, they weren't severe injuries and didn't need immediate treatment. So it was nothing to worry about.

But in these peculiar circumstances, an infection might hit her out of nowhere as the environment she found herself in wasn't relatively clean. She'd have to properly medicate her minor cuts to avoid unnecessary problems.

Samara then saw her phone and immediately held it under her pale fingers. She tried opening it, but it seemed to have been broken. She furrowed her eyebrows as a result and slowly stood up with the help of the dusty and broken walls. Samara placed the phone in her pocket afterward and looked in the direction of the nurse's office.

She was disappointed that the phone didn't happen, but she needed to medicate herself for now.

Samara sluggishly walked towards the nurse's office, which was in the opposite direction of the gymnasium. She didn't know what had happened after the explosion. "Are they alright?" She questioned as she immediately shook her head and decided not to think about them.

She was in a precarious situation in itself. After all, just because everything was calm now didn't mean the danger had disappeared. Instead, it's simply lurking in the darkness, waiting to strike when one's guard lowers.

Walking towards the nurse's office, Samara coldly gazed towards the hallway and used the broken and dusty wall as a guide. But she knew not to rely entirely on it as it might unexpectedly break apart and bring death upon Samara. Dying wasn't something Samara wanted.

Samara continued treading through the hallway as she turned her gaze towards the windows, which only had a few pieces of glass sticking out of them. What Samara saw beyond the broken window was the portrayal of the current state of the whole world.

The gorgeous and calm day became eerily decimated into ashes. The beautiful and bustling city in the distance from the Gloss Highschool was left in a crumbling state. It was a sad sight to see.

The towering buildings that previously pierced through the heavens collapsed. And some of such buildings broke apart like thin sticks. The crimson flames burned ablaze as they conquered without fear and devoured life. They left ashes in their wake as the echoing screams sounded from the dead city.

It was as if a war had taken place.

"I hope they are okay," Samara uttered with a calm and soothing voice as she noticed something at the center of the collapsed city. She furrowed her eyebrows as she couldn't even express her shock. She didn't know what the lustrous lights were, but now...

She had seen them in their entirety.

In the middle of the decimated city was a towering monolith piercing the ocean-blue skies. It stood above all like a behemoth, uncaring of the things below it. Samara was sure that such a monolith wasn't there before. It made her believe that the dark monolith was the lustrous radiant light that fell from the heavens.

This simple realization made Samara's muscles tense.

The one that had brought destruction, suffering, and death stood above all, proudly as if looking down onto those below it. Such a fact made Samara angry, but her expression didn't change that much other than it became colder and colder.

Samara didn't curse, nor did she throw her fit. But within her was an intense amount of rage and hatred. She even never felt such an emotion when her mother left her. The black monolith was the one who had brought her into these circumstances.

She was angry at it, but now, she was nothing more than an ant trying to hate an immovable object of destruction. It was of no use. The only thing she could do at the moment was survived and find her family.

Samara then shook her head and continued her pace through the decimated hallway. She stopped observing the ruined city, and a minute later, she arrived at her destination. It didn't take much time for her to arrive at the nurse's office as it wasn't far from her last location.

Standing before the nurse's office door, Samara gently opened the door. The circumstances of the nurse's office revealed themselves as a result. Samara raised an eyebrow as her body shivered. Cold sweat dripped from her forehead as a chill resonated throughout her spine.

Half of the nurse's office collapsed and fell into the ground floor. That included everything atop it, making the collapsed look turbulent. It was quite a dreadful sight, and most would have avoided it. But Samara needed the things in the nurse's office, so she would have to step into it.

"T-This... What the hell..." Samara remarked as she looked back at the hallway and took a peak. Then, seeing it clear, Samara stepped into the nurse's office as cautiously as possible. The nurse's office was shrouded in silence as an eerie sound of a gust of wind hummed.

Samara surveyed the half-collapsed part of the nurse's office and walked toward the office table of the nurse. As she stood in front of the table, Samara smelled something foul. She wondered where that smell came from and turned her gaze towards it.

"A foul smell? Where did it come from?"

Samara was staring at the collapsed half of the nurse's office as the foul smell seemed to be from the rubble-crowded bottom. She grimaced as she had a bad feeling which seemed to unsettle her pale white skin.


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