
Apocalypse: I Choose To Stop Time

"It was the year 2030 and the world had fallen into darkness. Pollution spread pervasively and all sorts of diseases permeated Earth. Countless lives were mutated by the shadows and turned into the living dead. Faced with such a haunting world, Thomson was surprised to wake one day with a newly implanted system. With living dead scattered all over the world, the system gave him two choices. 1. A hundred sets of individual equipment. 2. To stop time. The system gave Thomson two choices and he replied, ""Stop time!"""

Thoughts of A Foodie · Sci-fi
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40 Chs

"One: 100 tons of gold."

"Two: a peerless beauty."

"Three: the ability to stop time."

Looking at these three options, Thomson was stunned.

100 tons of gold. A gram of gold could be worth 400 dollars.

100 tons of gold would be about 40 billion dollars.

40 billion dollars. In the world before Thomson transmigrated to this world, this amount was enough for him to live comfortably for the rest of his life.


This was the end of the world.

Money was useless.

Your life was on the line. What did you need money for. The bank was probably empty now.

As long as you had the courage, you could go to the bank vault unscrupulously and carry the sack of money.

The premise was that you could get out of the zombie encirclement alive.

'Therefore, these 100 tons of gold was of no use to me.'

'I might as well use these 100 tons of gold to exchange for 100 tons of food and drinks.'

A peerless beauty.

Ah, if it was not the end of the world, this beauty would be quite a good choice.

The company of a beauty was probably every man's dream.

'However, in the end of the world, I wouldn't be able to enjoy a beauty.'

There was a saying, "life was more important than anything else".

The woman that Thomson had saved earlier was also pretty good-looking.

Obtaining a beautiful woman and being able to reproduce for humans. What else could a beauty do?

After entering the sage moment, he would probably regret it so much that he wanted to cry.

Thomson weighed the options in his heart.

Obtaining a beautiful woman, for the current Thomson, was not very useful.

On the contrary, having to prepare an extra meal was most likely not a good thing.

The third option, time freeze.

Thomson was the most surprised to see this option.

Thomson had seen some similar movies before his time travel.

They were all about time freeze.

Some of the movies were so good that the main character would get a watch or a clock.

When the main character pressed it, time would stop.

Whether it was people or animals, they would be stopped.

Even time would stop.

Only the main character in the movie could move freely.

Basically, he could do whatever he wanted.

In the words of the world before Thomson came to this world, he could do whatever he wanted.

Yes, in this zombie-infested apocalypse, he had a power to stop time.

With this ability, Thomson believed that he could do whatever he wanted in this zombie-infested world.

'System, I choose option 3.'

Thinking of this, Thomson shouted in his heart.

"Ding dong!"

[Host, congratulations on choosing option 3. Time-stopping power loading.]

[Loading successful.]

Just as Thomson made his choice and the system loaded it...

There was a loud "bang". The wooden door was already broken through.

In the last moment, a zombie's hand had pierced through the door.

The terrifying zombie could already be vaguely seen.


The socialite who had just been saved shouted beside Thomson.

"Zombies, zombies are coming in.

"We're about to be eaten by zombies.

"I've never been in a relationship, I don't want to die.

"Who can save me?"

The socialite started to become hysterical.

Due to fear, the socialite's face had turned green.

Thomson had not noticed it before, but now, the hysterical woman was shouting.

Thomson saw a part of the woman's ear that had been hidden by her hair.

There was a wound as long as a finger.

Dark brown wound, apparently from a zombie's scratch.

In this apocalypse, if you got scratched or bitten by a zombie, you became a new zombie in a very short time.

This meant that the socialite next to Thomson was basically a zombie.

The socialite stopped shouting and looked straight at Thomson.

At this moment, the socialite's eyes had turned blood-red.

A line of blood-red tears flowed out of the socialite's eyes.

"I want to eat meat."

The socialite's face began to twist. Her originally beautiful face had now become ferocious and terrifying.

The socialite took advantage of the moment when Thomson was stunned.

She pounced on him.

If he was scratched by this socialite, he would become another zombie.

This crazy socialite was too close to Thomson.

Moreover, Thomson, who was shocked by the socialite's transformation, was a little caught off guard.

Seeing the socialite pouncing on him, Thomson thought of the time stop superpower that he had just obtained.

'Time Freeze!' Thomson thought to himself!

In the next moment, the socialite's long nails stopped just three inches away from Thomson's head.

The hideous wound on the socialite's ear was even more shocking to Thomson.

Fortunately, Thomson was a brave person and it had been more than a day since Thomson had transmigrated to this world.

He had seen quite a few groups of zombies, so the socialite's twisted face was not so scary that he could not move.

Thomson looked around.

The surroundings were silent. The zombies that were banging on the door had all stopped moving.

Now that he had used time freeze, all the people and things had been frozen in place.

"Since time has been frozen, I can do whatever I want."

With that in mind, Thomson flashed a devilish smile.