
Apocalypse: I Choose To Stop Time

"It was the year 2030 and the world had fallen into darkness. Pollution spread pervasively and all sorts of diseases permeated Earth. Countless lives were mutated by the shadows and turned into the living dead. Faced with such a haunting world, Thomson was surprised to wake one day with a newly implanted system. With living dead scattered all over the world, the system gave him two choices. 1. A hundred sets of individual equipment. 2. To stop time. The system gave Thomson two choices and he replied, ""Stop time!"""

Thoughts of A Foodie · Sci-fi
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40 Chs

The Hero Saves the Damsel in Distress!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Although the face could not be seen clearly, Thomson could see Nina's curvaceous figure clearly.

Thomson swallowed his saliva.

Such a tall figure and that pair of astonishing long legs. The woman in the opposite building, was she not a professional model?

Such beautiful long legs, it really was captivating!

Thomson smiled wickedly.

He had already determined that the long-legged girl in the opposite building was a beauty.

Logically, he should go and save her. If he saved her, he would he be a hero saving a beauty. In the TV series, if a hero saved the beauty, the beauty would marry him.

More importantly, he could complete the mission given by the system. This way, he would receive a generous reward. This was killing two birds with one stone.

Also, those zombies wandering on the road could be used as practice materials.

Save the girl and kill a wave of zombies along the way. Perhaps, his mission of killing 100 zombies would greatly improve his progress.

Thomson glanced at the street. It was densely packed and there were many of them.

Although he could better complete the system's mission by rashly went downstairs, he was afraid that he would fall into the zombie encirclement.

If ordinary people fell into the zombie encirclement, they would definitely die.

If ordinary survivors faced zombies, one or two of them would be fine and they might be able to escape.

However, if they encountered the zombie encirclement, it was hard to say.

Although the zombies were slow, once the zombies completed the encirclement, the survivors would have nowhere to go.

However, for Thomson who had the ability to stop time, this was a piece of cake.

Thomson looked at the long-legged girl again and waved at her.

He had to save her.

Seeing that the long-legged girl had not encountered any zombies yet, she was still safe.

Thomson sniffed himself again. He was too smelly. He could not leave a bad impression on the girl.

He searched first to see if he could find some water sources. Then he could eat something and take a shower.

Thomson began to search the nearby rooms. After all, this was a hotel so there were many rooms.

Thomson searched several rooms in succession but found nothing.

In the fifth room, Thomson finally found more than half a bottle of mineral water.

F*ck, it was someone else's mineral water.

The owner of this bottle of mineral water had probably been digested by zombies by now.

Thomson looked at his dirty hands. He used half a bottle of mineral water to wash his hands that were covered in black dirt.

He looked at his fingers that had suddenly become clean. Thomson's heart was happy.

It seemed that after using the genetic optimization liquid, his skin had become better.

The texture of Thomson's skin was now even better than that of an ordinary girl. It was as if he had taken care of it every day.

His skin had become better and his face had become more handsome.

Thomson even felt that he had grown a few centimeters taller.

Although he had not measured his height, Thomson believed that his current height must be more than 1.8 meters.

He thought about which girl would be able to capture this handsome man in the future. He was curious which girl would benefit from his looks.

Thomson smiled wickedly and continued to search for supplies.

Soon, Thomson came to the end of the corridor, except for the last room.

All the other rooms had been searched but nothing of value was found.

There were a box of useless condoms and a plastic lighter.

It was difficult to find water.

There was only one room left. The sound that he had heard earlier came from this room.

It was obvious that there were two persons who stayed in this room before the apocalypse.

There should be some supplies inside.

Thomson thought and kicked open the wooden door.

Thomson's physique was quite strong now. So, with one kick, the wooden door was knocked over.

In the next moment, Thomson was stunned.

On the floor of the room, a male zombie was lying on the ground with a female zombie on top of him.

What kind of strange posture was that?


Could it be that the voices he had heard before were the indescribable voices of these two zombies?

Before the end of the world, these two people were doing something. Then, when the end of the world came, these two people became zombies in this manner.

This was really an eye-opener.

Thomson stared at the two zombies with his mouth agape.

The two zombies also looked at Thomson, who suddenly barged in, a little dumbfounded.

The next moment, there was the zombies' instinctive thirst for flesh and blood. They lunged at Thomson.

Thomson saw that the male zombie had a bitter face. He looked at the female zombie who lunged at him with amusement.

The male zombie was struggling to get up.

"Ho, ho!"

The female zombie had already lunged at him.

Thomson raised his leg and made a high lift kick. The female zombie was kicked to the ground.

The male zombie finally got up. He looked at his companion who was kicked away.

"Ho, ho! Ho, ho!"

The male zombie panted and rushed over without fear of death. He was really persistent.

'Forget it, I'll set you free.'

Thomson pulled out his tang knife with the posture of a top Japanese swordsman.

He cut the male zombie vertically. The male zombie who had rushed over was almost cut in half!

The sharpness of the tang knife was beyond Thomson's imagination.

"Ho, ho!"

The female zombie crawled to the male zombie's half-body.

She licked the flesh.

Thomson felt a little nauseous again.

These zombies really only had the instinct to eat. Perhaps the zombie's flesh was not tasty.

The female zombie had stopped eating at this time. A pair of big eyes stared straight at Thomson.

The female zombie's instinct told her that the man in front of her was not simple.

However, she could not resist the thirst for flesh and blood of living people.

The female zombie directly jumped up and grabbed at Thomson's vital parts.

If he caught this female zombie, she would be decapitated.

Thomson looked at the female zombie with pity.

The tang knife in his hand struck out again. This time, the female zombie's head flew out.

'I did a good thing. You two can continue to be lovers on your way to the afterlife.'

With this thought in mind, Thomson began to gather the resources in this room.

"Chicken legs, ham sausage, chocolate..."

The resources in this room were obviously much more than the other places.

Thomson guessed that the couple might have rented this room for a long time that they had prepared a lot of food and drinks. This way, they could stay in the room all day.

Thomson was very satisfied with the food he had collected.

What made him even more satisfied was the two big buckets of pure water under the table.

That solved his immediate problem.

'Long legs, long legs, wait for your brother to take a bath, then I'll save you.

'Wait for me to take a bath, then I'll take you in as my subordinate!'