
Chapter 52: I dig gentle girls

After chowing down, Olivia and her crew got a boost of energy and kept on the hunt for the Black Scorpion gang members.

With Zane around, the journey was a breeze. Those wild zombies just vanished into thin air.

It almost made Olivia feel like it was just a regular chill afternoon, strolling down the street.

Zane was catching up with the gang, chatting about random stuff like cherry picking and making dumplings, all while walking through Apocalypse Avenue like it was no big deal.

Richard and the others exchanged looks.

They didn't dare ask or say anything, just quietly followed behind, trying to blend in like they were invisible.

But they noticed Olivia, usually the quiet type, was chattier today...

Far behind, on top of a tall building, Jake, Zoe, and Nathan were watching with fierce eyes.

"Why's the boss rolling with humans now?" Zoe sounded a bit jealous.

"Don't underestimate that human lady; you might not even be a match for her," Nathan chimed in.


Zoe was skeptical, "If it weren't for the boss's orders, I'd be munching on her brain already!"

Nathan just looked over at Jake.

"The boss is looking for some sneaky humans, right? They're heading towards your turf, aren't they?"

"Yeah, sure, but they must be mistaken. I've patrolled that area loads of times; no way humans could be there," Jake said confidently.

Below them, a horde of elite zombies were ready to spring into action, also enjoying the drama unfold.


By now, Zane had reached the edge of his territory, his first patrol there since it expanded.

From afar, he could smell blood – definitely human.

The street ahead used to be lined with KTV bars, once the most happening spots, alive with music and bright lights.

Now, it was just ruins, buildings cracked, signs fallen, glass shattered everywhere, bloodstains and broken bodies scattered around.

Abandoned cars were covered in thick cobwebs.

One building, in particular, had its first-floor glass doors shattered, weeds growing on the front steps, and it was eerily quiet, just like the rest.

But the second floor windows were boarded up.

Clearly, someone had modified it.

"We found it."

Olivia's eyes sharpened, sensing something too.

Richard frowned, knowing the Black Scorpion gang's reputation for being ruthless and cruel, he couldn't help but speak up.

"Intel says there are over a dozen awakened ones robbing supplies and holding three hostages. The plan is to retrieve the supplies and rescue the hostages."


Zane seemed puzzled by the term, as if the word was completely foreign to him.


Richard paused, unsure what to say next.

Landon looked at Zane.

"I heard the Black Scorpion gang is pretty brutal. Maybe you should stay here while we handle it."


Zane was familiar with that word.

"No worries, I'll go in and check it out with you guys."

"Alright, just stick close to me then."

Landon nodded, confident in his abilities.

After all...

He was the 002nd awakened one from the shelter!

With that, they headed straight towards the KTV.

Inside the KTV, there were thirteen members of the Black Scorpion crew chilling, six of whom had leveled up big time with Core crystals, making them pretty tough cookies.

Among these six, there was this lady with a buzz cut and a wicked black scorpion tattoo on her right cheek – total psycho vibes.

She was a psychic type, with some serious sensory skills.

Suddenly, she popped up from the couch.

"Yo, Yang, we got company coming!"


The bald dude leading the pack squinted his eyes, looking all menacing. Hiding out here and they still got found?

"How many?"

"Six, but only two with Core crystals," she reported.

She couldn't sense Zane at all.

The bald guy snorted.

"Just two Core crystal folks think they can mess with us? They're way too cocky. Let's go say hi."

"Yeah, hehehe."

A dude next to him snickered, not taking it seriously at all.

They left only three to watch the hostages and the rest stepped out.

Meanwhile, Zane and his squad were already crunching over broken glass on the first floor.

Soon, they heard shuffling footsteps from upstairs.

"They're coming down."

Olivia was cool as a cucumber, stepping forward alone.

Richard and the others weren't exactly fighter material, so she figured she'd handle this showdown herself, quick and clean.

At the top of the stairs, the bald guy appeared first, mean as ever with his shaved eyebrows and a glare that could scare a ghost. He was a minor boss in the Black Scorpion gang, Song Yang.

Behind him, his crew looked like a punk rock band gone rogue – nose rings, lip rings, face tats, you name it, all giving Olivia the stink eye.

"Hehe, so it's really her."

One of the guys in a leather jacket lit up with a twisted kind of delight.

Someone next to him asked, "You know her?"

"Yeah, saw her profile on the shelter's official site."

Leather Jacket had a sleazy grin. When he first saw Olivia's pic, he was totally smitten – thought she was a knockout!

He'd been daydreaming about meeting her.

And today, it seemed like his lucky day – she was actually coming to him.

Plus, he remembered this line from her profile that stuck with him, 'Me, a gentle girl, afraid of pain.'

"I dig gentle girls, Yang, let me handle her," Leather Jacket volunteered.

"You got taste, kid. Go for it," Song Yang smirked, not really caring.

It wasn't that they were dumb or underestimating her; it's just that Olivia, in her normal state, didn't give off a strong vibe – just an average B-grade awakener.

To most, she was undetectable.

Leather Jacket, pumped, pulled out a shiny alloy dagger from his boot, blade gleaming dangerously.

"Hey, beauty, let's have some fun!"

He dashed towards her, dagger in hand, fast as lightning – he was a speed-enhanced awakener.

But Olivia just stood there, big eyes locked on him, not even flinching.

The blade's cold gleam grew larger in her eyes, the dagger inches from her face!

Then suddenly, Olivia reached out, grabbing the blade!

'Blood spurted out, running down her wrist, staining her delicate skin with a shocking shade of red...

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