
Apocalypse: Going All-Out To Survive

Doomsday suddenly arrived with no warning, plunging the world into chaos. People panicked, and the order collapsed. Zombies, ferocious beasts, unknown monsters, and other unimaginable horrors began to emerge in the wake of the chaos. Shawn, our protagonist, only wants to survive in this hellhole. This desire of his, however, might be the most difficult thing to accomplish. Simple survival depends on the strength of one's fist. In the chaos that followed the world's collapse, Shawn found himself scrambling for every opportunity to survive. Every day was a battle against the horrors that lurked in the shadows. And death became the main theme in this apocalypse. But perhaps even more terrifying were the other survivors. Desperation had turned them into ruthless predators, willing to do whatever it took to ensure their own survival. Shawn had seen things that made his blood run cold, things that made him question the very nature of humanity. And so, armed with nothing but his wits and his determination, Shawn pressed on. Each day brought new challenges, new horrors to face. But he refused to be beaten. Because in this hellhole of a world, survival wasn't just a choice – it was the only option. =============== Author's Note I aim for this novel to focus more on survival and I will do my best to stay on this goal of mine. This is my first novel, and forgive me if I ever commit mistakes. The setting of this story will be different, since I didn't know much in detail regarding geography. I might just commit blunders if I were to do that. I'll still be using the same name of the planet, though. Regarding the updates, as a college student, it might be irregular and changing. However, it's vacation now, so I have some free time for a few months, I guess. That's all, happy reading!

NotAZombie · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

Chapter 16: Plan

[Arcane Knowledge: Fire Manipulation]

[Rank: None]

[Effect: Grants the user the ability to manipulate fire.]

[Note: It requires intense study and practice to master.]

"Arcane Knowledge? Fire Manipulation? This item actually gives me the ability to manipulate fire. In comparison, my meager Fireball skill is like a firefly compared to the sun," Linley exclaimed, amazed by the untold possibilities this treasure had.

Shawn was unable to suppress his curiosity and asked, "You know the value of this scroll? Where did you get that information? "

Linley looked at Shawn weirdly. "I have no idea what in the world you are talking about. The name just sounds valuable, is all."

In his response, Shawn takes out the Origin Source Encyclopedia and slams it atop Linley's head.

"Take a look into this book. We'll need to plan our next steps, and we need more information for our plan to be more foolproof. You're more astute and insightful than me, so I'll leave our following arrangements to you," Shawn said casually.

Linley then started to read the book, and his astonishment grew as he continued reading. Every word in this book is new to Linley, and it's like it opens a new, wonderful world in his mind.

The information recorded in this book is very crucial to any person, or rather, survivor in this apocalypse. Any survivor will scramble to get this book if its content leaks.

Although the information therein is critical, the survivors who possess this book need to have the courage to explore and feasibly risk their lives in order to truly showcase its value.

Otherwise, the book would just be a useless piece of manual whose only purpose is to be thrown in the fireplace and ignite the fire.

After some minutes, Linley finished reading the book. He didn't say anything at first and just placed his right hand on his chin, contemplating what to do.

Shawn didn't disturb him and let him ponder in silence. Linley is always very perceptive and knowledgeable; his involvement in drug dealings pressured him to think before moving.

Especially with the involvement of law enforcement units and even some other drug dealers. He needs to think of a method of transaction that will not cause him to get caught.

Standing up, Linley looked at Shawn and said, "First, we need to build up a team and gather every survivor we can get."

Shawn asked, "Why? More people only means more burden. We don't have the ability yet to take care of liabilities."

Linley didn't agree with his opinion and insisted on his stance. "We don't need to take many people at once. We can just take it slow and garner people steadily; otherwise, those we take in will only be useless baggage. Nobody can survive in this apocalypse alone, Shawn."

Shawn can only nod his head and give his approval. "We'll just need to pick the reliable ones then. Those who are obviously selfish, shady, deceitful, and treacherous can fuck off."

"That's already given. Secondly, we need to find Heather and the others. If we manage to establish a group, we need trustworthy people to help us manage it. Besides, I'm quite worried about their safety. According to this book, all kinds of communication will be stopped, so we can't get to know what circumstances they're in." Linley sounded worried for the safety of their other companions.

After several hours passed when Origin Source first made its entry, communication and even the internet are still working. Shawn was still able to call Old Jack and search for information on the internet.

Later that day, when Shawn gets back after killing the Level 25 Mutant Snake, he suddenly finds out that there's suddenly no signal and he can't call anyone. He soon understood the reason why when he finished reading the Origin Source Encyclopedia.

It turns out that significant interference with radio waves and other wireless communication technologies has resulted from the influx of origin energy. Using conventional communication methods, including cellular phone services, the internet, and satellite communications, will be practically impossible due to the signal disruption caused by this interference.

Fortunately, the electrical grids and water systems remain largely intact. Power plants and water supplies continue to operate, providing electricity and water to the survivors. Despite that, it's only a matter of time for even those two necessities to collapse if no one can keep maintaining and managing these systems.

"It will also be for the best if we manage to secure some dungeons or secret realms mentioned in this book. Those are the truly precious resources we need for us to grow as a function." Linley concluded his analysis and then began to advance toward the door.

Shawn was somewhat confused and hurriedly caught up to him. "Is that it? Don't we need a more concrete plan? "

Linley looked back at him, rolling his eyes. "It's only the second day of the Origin Source arrival, and we are still mostly in the dark regarding the dangers it carries. Hastily planning and rushing ahead will only endanger our lives. We need to be steady and accumulate our resources. That way, we can get stronger and increase our chances of coping with the changes."

Slowly understanding his point, Shawn acknowledged Linley's words.

After going back inside, they discovered that Lily had already calmed down and was now conversing with Troy.

"Are you that friend of Big Brother Shawn that he talked about earlier? That uncle called Troy? "

The first thing that they encountered was Lily asking Troy a question while calling him an uncle.

Black lines can be seen forming in his forehead as Troy replied to Lilly, "My name is indeed Troy, but I'm not an uncle. I'm the same age as Shawn. You can also call me Big Brother Troy."

Lily nodded obediently and said, "Alright, Uncle Troy."

Troy's face turned blue as he heard her. This young girl doesn't seem to like him very much.

"Alright, alright, you can just call me Uncle Troy. It doesn't matter. Anyhow, what did Shawn tell you earlier about me? " Troy had no choice but to go along with this young girl's wishes.

Lily steals a glance at Shawn and whispers somehow hesitantly. "Big Brother Shawn mentioned that you were chased by a dog while running naked, and you even cried and asked for help."

Silence suddenly fell in every corner of the room. Troy looked around and glanced at every person there.

"It's Shawn's fault! Besides, that looked very terrifying and scary. It has big, sharp teeth and muscular muscles! You can't blame me for that! " He hysterically screamed until his voice turned coarse.


Everyone burst out laughing, which broke the silence earlier. Even Aunt Vivian and Lily's mother, Ella, was laughing with their hands in their stomach.

His face turned red as Troy attempted to stop them. "Stop laughing. There's not a single funny thing about that story."

Wiping the tears that formed in the corner of his eyes, Linley barely managed to stop his laughter. When he did, he told them the plan that he and Shawn had discussed, asking for their opinions. Shawn also gave them the Origin Source Encyclopedia, allowing them to read it.

Once again, silence enveloped the room as they deliberated over this newfound information.

Troy was the first to break the silence.

"Have you thought about who we should take in first? I will only approve of those sensible and honest ones."

Shawn and Linley nodded and expressed their understanding. Linley proceeded to ask for any suggestions. "Any suggestions? Do any of you know any people who might still be alive here at Harper Town?"

At this moment, Lily's mother, Ella, spoke timidly, "I think those people at the clinic will be passable. I mean, they're doctors, nurses, and patients. I also know them personally, and they weren't the traitorous kind."

Her voice, as beautiful and gentle as her appearance, resounded. She was full of uncertainty, not knowing if this group of people might listen to her suggestion.

Shawn nodded thoughtfully. "Doctors and nurses would be invaluable. Their skills could mean the difference between life and death in this chaos. Plus, if you know them personally and trust them, that's a good start."

Linley agreed but still cautioned them: "We'll need to be careful, though. Just because someone is a doctor or nurse doesn't mean they're trustworthy under these circumstances. People can change when their survival is at stake."

Troy, still somewhat recovering from the earlier embarrassment, chimed in, "Miss Ella's right. We need people who have their own set of skills. Starting off with the clinic seems to be a good choice."

Aunt Vivian, who had been quietly listening, spoke up with a calm and wise voice. "Don't forget about the medicines stored in the clinic. Remember to take them with us in case someone gets sick."

Everyone concurred with the mature woman's proposal.

Shawn turned to Ella. "Do you think you can get us to the clinic safely? Are there any routes that are less dangerous? "

Ella nodded, her confidence growing as she spoke. "I've worked there for a few years, so I know my way there. There's a back route in the alleys, avoiding the main streets. We can proceed from there. It's less crowded, but we still need to be cautious."

Linley looked around the room as he gouged everyone's condition. "It's getting late and the sun is setting, so we should rest for the day first. We'll continue our plan tomorrow morning. Is that good? "

"Yes," said everyone.

They then proceed to survey the room and see if there's something they can sleep on. They managed to find three blankets to cover the floor.

Linley gathered some broken wood and piled it up. He activated his skill and set the wood on fire. With that, they have something to give them warmth on this cold night.

Later that night, Shawn couldn't fall asleep. He turned to his right, only to find out that Linley was studying the Arcane Knowledge: Fire Manipulation scroll.

As if noticing his stare, Linley looked at Shawn and rolled the scroll. He put it away and led Shawn out of the room. They didn't want to disrupt everyone's sleep.

"Sigh, that scroll is full of mystical knowledge and useful guidance. I even found out that my skill, Fireball, is leveling up as I continue to read it. It's not to the point of increasing the level, but it's still quite surprising. How come you didn't use it for yourself. " Linley's eyes were full of wonder as he said that. His last sentence wasn't even a question and was more like telling Shawn that he missed something good.

"You should've read the information regarding the Force, right?" Shawn asked.

"Yeah. What about them? " Linley replied, thinking that Shawn seemed to be hinting at something.

Shawn pulled out his sword with his thumb, unsheathing it by an inch. A white, silver light can be seen emanating from its exposed body. "Well, it's just that I've awakened the Sword Force already. I'd like to focus my attention on it first and not get distracted by something else. Dabbling on many things will only be a hindrance, considering that the apocalypse has just started."

Linley was lost for words, struck dumb by Shawn's revelation. "How did you do that? The book stated that it's difficult to awaken, and yet... you're a monster."

By the end of it, Linley was just shaking his head in disbelief.

Shawn just smirked and said, "It's because I'm a genius.