
Apocalypse: God-level Zombie Synthesis System

Ye Li was transmigrated into a zombie world and acquired a zombie synthesis system. Two level 1 zombies can be synthesized into a level 2 zombie, and the synthesized zombie is 100% loyal to its creator. The higher the level of the zombie, the more attractive its appearance. Zombies possess exclusive skills such as the Earth-Shattering Fist and the Deadly Triple Ghost Sword. Zombies also produce zombie treasure chests every day, which contain valuable items. After obtaining the super synthesis system, Ye Li began crazily synthesizing zombies in this world. With the system in hand, I reign supreme! Zombies, tremble in awe! I, Ye Li, have descended!

Hundred Battle Green Armor · Urban
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1105 Chs

Gene Testing Center

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

"Dad, are you really cured?" Yun Man looked at Yun Feng and asked eagerly.

"Yes. I can operate my techniques now, so I must be cured." Yun Mu smiled and said.

Then, Yun Mu looked at Ye Li and quickly cupped his fists. "Thank you for saving my life, Sir."

"No need to thank me." Ye Li said slowly.

The dozen or so doctors in the hall looked at each other in bewilderment.

They thought to themselves, Has Master Yun's hidden illness really cured?

Miracle Physician Bai was also somewhat dumbfounded. He had been a prominent figure in the medical field of Annan Base City for decades, but he had never seen anyone treat a disease like this before.

He couldn't believe it, truly couldn't believe it.

"Master Yun, may I examine your pulse?" Miracle Physician Bai looked at Yun Mu and asked.

Yun Mu, one of the top ten powerhouses in Annan Base City, naturally knew what Miracle Physician Bai was thinking.

"Please, Miracle Physician Bai."