
Apocalypse Doctor

Agent: None Power: None Debt: 7,794,798,793 souls Punishment: Eternal Servitude An evil sinner who is trying to annul his sins trapped in a never ending nightmare. In order to live a normal life, he has to save the world!? **** Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction.

IamBoredGuy · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 3 - Doctor

(This chapter is unedited, please kindly point out the mistakes.)


A strange doctor


it was a nice day.

"Who is that?"

The sun was shining brightly on me. With the looks other people are sending me, it felt like my confidence would break through the skies.

"A model? Do you know his name?"

"Hey, should we get his number? I've never seen someone as hot as him."

Wearing the trademark attire that I used to wear, a brown buttoned vest, and my black professional tie, I smiled at the onlookers who gazed at me with awe.

I look like a mafia boss male lead in a female romance novel.

[If there was a narcissism stat, then you would probably have an infinity symbol]

The voice of a wise and irritated old man reached my ears.

Turning to my left, I, again, flashed another charming smile.

"Are you jealous?"

[I am stupefied. What kind of idiot puts all of his stat points into charm? Shouldn't a more rational protagonist place it on the agility or just a more balanced build?]

"Haha! Oh, Gantz. Didn't you read my personal information? According to your analysis, I have the Genius trait. Naturally, my way of thinking cannot be compared to your normal average everyday beta male protagonist."

For a futuristic ball that was made by God himself, you're pretty stupid Gantz. I should trick this thing later so I could get freebies.

[What kind of thought process lead you to do something so incomprehensibly stupid!?]

"It was simple really." Raising a finger, I replied. "Beauty = attraction."


"Don't you know that beautiful people always survive in the apocalypse?"


It was true. if I was a girl, then I can survive by seducing a handsome, strong, and reliable simp. And if I was a man, I could exert my alpha male dominance over a group of weak-minded people.

They say that beautiful people emit harmless auras. As a beautiful person myself, I couldn't agree more.

Beauty = Power.

it was basic math.

Although beautiful people are only protected because the fans demand it, with my god-like appearance, surely I would get the same preferential treatment.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. As a machine, you wouldn't understand my aesthetic sense. After all, your design is that of a plain metal ball."

[...Then what would you do if you get into a fight with other survivors?]

"It's simple really. Why would I get into a fight if I avoid one in the first place?"

[But still... I got the impression that you like to impress others.]

I stopped walking.


[Based on your records, you like showing off, right?]

I was shocked. Does this thing really think of me like that?

"What the hell? I don't exist to impress others. Get that through your thick metal skull."

[Then what are you going to do when you're forced to fight?]

Raising my head, I could see my destination. Fixing my tie, I raised the gun in my hand.

"That's what this thing is for."

[You should've gone for the sword.]

"Hey, you're the one who gave me choices. Blame God for giving me free will."

[If you chose the sword, then you can have the power to name cool moves...]

I knew that. But how the hell am I supposed to use a sword when I don't know shit about fighting?

I am just your average everyday genius psychopathic doctor.

There is no way I would instantly master the art of fighting when the situation calls for it. If someone picks a fight with me, then running is all I can do.

At worse, I could threaten them that I can inflict some sort of deadly disease through physical contact.

"Let me show you why guns are cooler."

Standing in front of an automated door, I grinned at the nurses and patients staring at me.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Dr. Sherlock Strange. I would like to request a duffle bag capable of storing 2 first aid kits, pain killers, sanitizers, a shit ton of unnecessary meds, and a few surgical tools."



Seeing that they were too distracted by my appearance, I pulled my pistol and shot a few rounds in the ceiling.

Bang-! Bang-! Bang-!

"If you don't give it to me in five minutes, I will start killing patients~?"

Startled, some of the nurses ran in panic, while the patients wearing gowns laid on the ground with fearful expressions.


Twirling the gun in my hand, I pointed it at a nurse nearby.


"A-Ah! P-Please don't shoot! I have a family!"

"Sigh... just get what I asked for."

The pitiful nurse hurriedly nodded her head and ran away.

"She's not coming back is she?" I asked out loud.

Instead of going through the cabinets and searching for the things I had requested, the nurse fled through the backdoor and headed for the emergency exit.

[If you had a sword, then it would've made a more impactful appearance. Just one word from you and then they will immediately listen.]

"Oh, shut up."


It took me 30 minutes to get what I needed. Seeing that there were no law enforcement to stop me, I could conclude that the apocalypse has already started.

"Gantz. How much time do I have?"

[Approximately 5 minutes and 31 seconds before the first encounter.]

"Good, I still have time for shopping and finding an appropriate base of operations."

[...Sometimes I wonder how your genius brain perceives things around you.]

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing."

If I were going to survive alone, then this duffle bag is all I need. But it isn't like that now. I need to save people. If I don't, then what's the point of me being here?

"Can you give me my location?"

[I don't have a GPS function.]

"Then download one through your wifi function"


"Tell me where are the nearest grocery stores and a high school with talented kids."

[I could understand the grocery stores but why a high school?]

"If I am going to save people, then I might as well save the useful ones. Besides, as an adult it is my job to guide these pitiful children to safety."

[Not brainwash them?]


[You just paused for two seconds.]

"Just tell me where they are. I don't have time for banter."

[There is a grocery store on your left, as for a high school, there is a school for the genius in 34km north.]

"That's a bit far... wait. Did you say genius?"

[It is a newly built elite high school called Hope's Peak Academy, that accepts talented "Ultimate" students of the highest caliber in various fields each year.]

Ultimate? That's interesting.

"Thats too far. Mark that place down and search for an alternative that is closest to me."

[There is another one close by. Its called Fujimi Academy.]

"I'll go there after I secure a few food supplies."

[You do know that you cant kill people right?]

"Its fine as long as I shoot them in the leg."

[No, that would count as your kill and if I were you I would be running by now.]

I tilted my head.

"Why? I have 6 stat in stamina, I wont function properly if I ran out of it now."

[Your five minutes is up.]

"I see."

Speaking off, I finally noticed that the people around me are getting restless. I better hurry.

"Gantz can you pull up my kill count."


[Name: Redacted

Abilities: None

Weapon: Evolving Pistol

Traits: Genius Psychopath, Unlicensed Doctor, Poker Faced Devil, Adonis Beauty

Mission: Save 7,794,798,793 lives]

It didnt change.

Earlier I was planning on shooting down that nurse but I held myself back to see if it really was based on Karma.

It seems I was wrong. I might need to put in some effort in order save 7 billion lives.

"Hah. What a pain in the ass."

Sweeping my hair back, I raised my hand at a passing pink cadillac.

The window lowered before me and a beautiful face popped out.

"Yes? Is there anything you need...?"

Before the red-head could finish her words, her intelligent blue eyes widened as she stared at the gun hidden in my lab coat.

"My name is Dr. Sherlock Strange. I require this vehicle to save the world. Would you please move aside?"

I calmly explained to her with a polite smile.

"Eh?" Her eyebrows scrunched in confusion before she stared at my face. "Not... youre not robbing me?"

"Haha! No, I only need your car." Gazing inside her car's compartment, I briefly noticed that she too was also wearing the same lab coat as me.

Moving hesitantly to the other seat, she gazed at me in worry. "Can you please return my car later?"

Hm? Has my charms already took effect?

[...You are a handsome phsycopath holding a firearm while literally robbing a car in broad daylight. I wonder which suicidal idiot wouldnt comply in this situation.]

Ah, I guess my face is kind of a double edged sword.

Fixing the seatbelt on, I glanced at the petrified fellow doctor in the compartment.

Seeing her scared apperance, an insidious idea sprouted inside my skewed brain.

"Are you okay?" I asked worriedly. "Relax, I wont hurt you."

In response, the girl gulped nervously.

I chuckled at her cute appearance. Leaning over to her, she visibly tensed and evaded me as I reached for her seatbelt.

"Pft! Dont be nervous. In fact, you should be glad."

"G-Glad?" She whispered while I buckled her seatbelt to her hips.

"Yeah... after all..."


An explosion rang behind me as I smiled at the shocked woman.

"I'm saving your life."


The car roared to life.

Stepping onto the accelerator, I grinned.

"Whats your name?"

The girl who was now pale stuttered.

"M-Makise K-Kurisu..."

"Well Makise Kurisu, you better hold on tight or you might fall off~!"




We both laughed madly, holding on to dear life as chaos ensued in our surroundings.

"Next stop! The convenience store! Wahahahaha!!"

A genius encounter

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