
Chapter 1 - Prologue

"For killing 7,794,798,793 humans in ten years, you are hereby sentenced to existential deletion. How do you plead?"

A booming voice echoed.

Surrounded by a curtain of darkness, I looked up from my position.

There, a being surrounded by the universe stood before me, even though it doesn't have eyes, I could feel it glaring at me.

"Not guilty." I swiftly replied.

"Not guilty...?"

As if not liking my answer, its voice turned colder. In an instant, a pressure so heavy descended upon me, making me kneel to the ground.

"Thou had the opportunity to save the world, correct?"

I nodded my head.

"And save the world I did."

I was speaking the truth.

When the world was plagued with fear and despair, it was me who saved them.

"Then why hast thou chose to forsake them?"

Technically, I did save the world...


"I did it! You bastard! I managed to find the cure!"

I remember it started when my childhood friend came out of his room.

"Shut up! It's so late at night, what the fuck are you screaming about?!"

We were both students of a med school. It was when I was preparing for my master's degree and he was holed up in his room doing something in secret.

"I found the cure to covid! Fuck yeah! I'm gonna be a fucking billionaire!"


"Be more surprised asshole! Your friend is about to go to space baby!"

"Are you sure you found the cure for it? Maybe your just dreaming..."

"Hell no! I wasted three weeks of sleep for this! Look at my genius!" Saying so, he handed me a stack of papers containing the cure.

I held it in my hand for a few minutes, silently reading the contents before handing it back to him.

"Good job. You deserve it."

I knew what made him so desperate about finding the cure. It wasn't because of the money, it was because his parents were afflicted with the virus.

"Now that you're a future billionaire, you can suck each other's dicks once you reach space."

"Pft! Hahaha! What the fuck man, shouldn't you suck my dick?"

"Nah, no matter how rich you are, I won't throw away my pride for money."

"Damn. Just tell me if you need money, my dick is always ready."

It was just our normal friendly conversation.

Even though he was joking, I knew he would help me if I needed it.

"So... what now?" I asked.

He brushed his hair back and sighed.

"I need some sleep, after that, I'm going to submit this to the WHO and get them Nobel prizes!"

"Bitch you aren't even a scientist."

"Hah! Once your rich enough, being a scientist is a piece of cake!"

We continued our banter like that before he eventually got tired and fell asleep.

Or more like he just suddenly passed out on the chair.

I left him there thinking that he was okay and proceeded to play WoW with my friends.

Once I returned to our dorm, I saw his face was pale and he was no longer breathing.

As his best friend, I did the most logical thing to do.

I grabbed his papers and rewrote them, after that, I burned the house.

I shouted there was a fire and ran away to the fire department by myself.

A few weeks later, I attended his funeral.

Along with his dead parents.

They were buried together.

I felt sad that he just died like that. But since we were friends, I decided to continue his legacy.

After submitting my thesis to the World Health Organization, countless countries sought me out to patent my work.

I became famous due to my young age and handsome appearance.

After that, I used all the money I got to enjoy life to the fullest.

Buying yachts filled with models.

Giving away free shit and posting it on the internet.

Doing drugs while scuba diving.

Skydiving while being naked.

And of course, going to space while my dick was being sucked.

It was a very eventful life thanks to him.

I even made him a statue in my backyard.

Alas, I should have believed in karma.

I didn't expect that the intern I was fucking to suddenly bite me in the neck.

Thinking back on it, it was probably my fault.

I escaped to space because the world turned to shit.

I thought the virus was contagious through the atmosphere or body liquids so I escaped to space with my lover, but it turns out that it was actually the vaccine I made(Stole).

I got sucked to death in the end.

Get it?

Cause that stupid zombie broke the ship using her abnormal strength, thus hurling me and her on a double suicide across the galaxy.

Fucking ironic.


"It was an accident."

"Accident? Thou has the ability to solve the plague, yet why hast thou chose to flee?"

"...That was an accident too. In fact, I was planning to make a cure in space-"

"Enough! As much as I wish to place thy head in an exploding star, I will give thee a concession."

A red light gleamed in the darkness.

"For turning your back on the world." It spoke in a grand manner. "I sentence you,"

Like a criminal getting judged, I lowered my head awaiting my punishment.

'Hell! Send me to hell!'

"To eternal servitude."

As its voice fell, I noticed a malevolent glint flashing in that red star.

"For every life you took, you shall pay it back, life for life."


"I want you to suffer for eternity."

Wait, shouldn't you send me to hell? And here I was expecting a heartfelt reunion with my BFF.

"Without a name nor a home, you shall be forever lost in the paradox, neither alive nor dead."

"I demand a retrial! This is an abuse of power! Corruption I say!"

Before I could cry out my grievances, the world turned black.

"Oh, bringer of doom."

Its still voice penetrated my ears.

"Face your retribution."

"...Im back?"

IamBoredGuycreators' thoughts
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