
Athena's Harrowing Situation

Athena's POV

When the world descended into chaos, when the apocalypse tore through the fabric of our reality, I was at the shopping centre with my three closest friends.

We were on the third floor, lost in the trivialities of a normal day, oblivious to the nightmare about to unfold.

The first indication that something was terribly wrong was the sound—a cacophony of screams and shouts echoing through the vast halls of the shopping centre, a symphony of terror that chilled the blood.

Peering over the railing, we looked down to the ground floor, and the scene that met our eyes was something out of a horror movie.

People were running in all directions, their faces etched with fear. And there, in the centre of the chaos, was a woman.

She was dragging her body across the floor, a grotesque trail of blood marking her path. It was a sight so shocking, so visceral, that for a moment, time seemed to stand still.

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