
Apocalypse Buyback System

In a world teetering on the brink of an unfathomable apocalypse, Luke Teller finds himself inexplicably thrown back in time, given a second chance to avert the catastrophic end that awaits humanity. With only memories of the horrors that are to come and the mysterious Apocalypse Buyback System at his disposal, Luke embarks on a desperate quest to rewrite fate. Set against the backdrop of the Equia continent, Luke's journey is one of resilience and determination, as he leverages his newfound wealth and knowledge to secure a sanctuary in the mystical jungles of Jungoria. Amidst the towering trees, he constructs a haven, a bastion of hope not just for himself but for the one person he vows to protect at all costs—his young sister Emelia. As Luke navigates the complexities of preparing for a future only he knows is inevitable, his bond with Emelia deepens, a beacon of light in the growing darkness. But as the countdown to the apocalypse accelerates, the silence of the early mornings he once cherished becomes a harbinger of the chaos that breaks earlier than expected. With time running out and the very fabric of society beginning to unravel, Luke's preparations are put to the ultimate test. Can he shield Emelia from the brutal reality of a world on the edge of destruction? And as the lines between past and future blur, will the secrets he harbors and the choices he makes be enough to alter the course of destiny? This gripping tale of survival, sacrifice, and the unbreakable bonds of family invites readers into a world where the end is just the beginning. Will Luke and Emelia find salvation in the sanctuary of Jungoria, or will the shadows of the past prove too formidable to escape? The answer lies within the pages, where every chapter is a countdown to the unknown, and every moment is a fight for tomorrow.

BS_Entertainment · Fantasy
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179 Chs

Architecture Plans

*'DING'* Host has spent 100,000,000 (100million) Coins, activating 100x buyback system*

*'DING' 10,000,000,000 (10 Billion) Coins has been sent to account number ending in 3769*

With strategic investments, I expanded our territory to over 200,000 acres, transforming our initial plot into a vast expanse of potential sanctuary.

I was acutely aware that with each acquisition, the cost per acre crept higher, a safeguard put in place to prevent any one entity from monopolizing vast stretches of land like Jungoria on a whim.

This escalating cost was a necessary check, ensuring that the natural wealth and diversity of the region remained accessible to more than just the highest bidder.

Now, with the land secured, my focus shifted to the monumental task ahead: immersing myself in the worlds of architecture and construction.

This knowledge was the cornerstone of building a safe haven, a place where Emilia and I could weather the storm of the impending apocalypse.

The challenge was daunting, requiring not just an understanding of theoretical design principles but also practical knowledge of building techniques, materials, and sustainability practices.

The week stretched out before me, filled with the promise of long days and nights spent poring over texts, diagrams, and case studies.

The journey from novice to adept in these critical skills would be intense, demanding every ounce of my newly enhanced cognitive abilities.

But the stakes were too high, and the vision of our future home too vivid, to allow for anything less than total commitment.

It was going to be a gruelling week, but the reward—a safe, enduring refuge for us—was worth every moment of effort.




A week and some days flowed by with unwavering consistency, marked by a singular dedication to my goal, undisturbed by deviations or distractions.

The rhythm of my days was punctuated only by a significant milestone: the completion of my degree.

This achievement sent ripples of astonishment through the faculty, though their surprise was distant to me, a remote echo in the focused world I had constructed around myself.

Their astonishment was a footnote in my journey; I had never met them, and their validation, while perhaps commendable, was not the driving force behind my relentless pursuit of knowledge.

Then, as expected yet still somehow startling in its finality, the System chimed in, marking the culmination of my intense study sessions:

*'DING' Host has maxed out skill Architecture.*

*'DING' Host has maxed out skill Construction.*

These notifications served as a stark confirmation of my newfound mastery, a testament to the efficacy of my enhanced cognitive abilities.

The skills of Architecture and Construction were now fully ingrained, ready to be applied to the tangible task of building our refuge.

This accomplishment was more than just an academic feat; it was a critical step towards ensuring a future where Emilia and I could stand resilient against the coming chaos.

With these skills at my command, I was now equipped to turn the vision of our sanctuary into reality, to lay the foundations of a safe haven that would stand as a bastion of hope and stability in the uncertain world that lay ahead.

Following the significant advancements and skill acquisitions, my system interface had evolved to reflect the new heights of capability I had reached:

Name: Luke Teller

Age: 18

Income: 10 Billion Coins (90/100)

Appearance: 80/100

Intelligence: 90/100

Physique: 70/100


- **Architecture (MAX):** Mastery in the principles and practices of designing and constructing buildings.

- **Construction (MAX):** Expertise in the techniques, tools, and materials used for building structures.

- **Engineering (MAX):** Comprehensive understanding of the application of scientific principles to design and build machinery, structures, and other items.

- Blacksmithing (Level 5): Proficient skills in crafting, shaping, and working with metals.

- Herbology (Level 2): Basic knowledge of the study and use of plants for medicinal and magical purposes.

- Medicine (Level 1): Fundamental understanding of medical practices and healthcare.

- Corpse Dismantling (Level 5): Advanced ability in dissecting and utilizing every part of a creature efficiently.

- Combat (Level 6): Highly skilled in physical confrontation and self-defense techniques.

- Leatherworking (Level 2): Basic skills in working with leather to create goods.

- Weapon Mastery (Level 5): Proficient in the use and maintenance of various weapons.

**Passive Skills:**

- **Eidetic Memory (MAX):** The ability to recall images, sounds, and objects with high precision.


- **10,000x Comprehension:** An extraordinary trait that significantly enhances the ability to understand and learn new information rapidly.

This updated interface was a testament to the journey I had undertaken, showcasing the breadth and depth of skills I had cultivated.

With each skill honed to its current level, I was better equipped to face the challenges ahead, ensuring not just survival but the potential to thrive in the face of the apocalypse.

The balance of practical skills and knowledge formed a solid foundation for the uncertain future, with each ability offering a unique advantage in the construction and defence of our sanctuary.





Reaching out to a reputable construction firm based in Jungoria Metropolis, I initiated the first steps toward turning our vision into reality.

I provided them with the precise location of our expansive plot nestled within the vast wilderness and shared the meticulously crafted architectural designs that were to be the blueprint of our future home.

The design was ambitious yet harmoniously integrated with the surrounding environment—a 4 to 5-floor mansion treehouse that epitomized sustainable luxury.

The structure was conceived to coexist with the towering trees, perched among the canopy, blending the lines between man-made and natural.

Key to the design were state-of-the-art generators and an array of solar panels, ingeniously integrated to ensure a self-sustaining supply of electricity, minimizing our reliance on external sources and maximizing the use of renewable energy.

Proper plumbing systems were intricately planned to weave through the structure, providing not just convenience but also the warmth of modern heating, ensuring comfort amidst the wilderness.

Moreover, I emphasized the importance of water filtration devices within the design, a crucial feature to guarantee a steady supply of fresh drinking water.

This aspect of the design was non-negotiable, reflecting a deep understanding of the fundamental needs for long-term survival and the desire to create a haven that was not just safe but truly liveable.

The ambition was clear: to erect a fortress of solitude that stood as a testament to resilience, sustainability, and foresight, a beacon of hope and security in the unpredictable times that lay ahead.

The entrance to our envisioned sanctuary was through a wooden bridge, gracefully arched high among the trees, leading directly to the house.

This bridge, designed to blend seamlessly with the natural surroundings, was more than just a pathway; it was a symbolic gateway to a haven crafted with care and ingenuity.

Upon crossing this bridge, the front door awaited at the midsection of a colossal tree, its grandeur inviting yet formidable.

The interior of the tree had been thoughtfully hollowed out, expanding the living space without compromising the integrity or majesty of the natural structure.

This innovative use of space ensured that the first floor was not only a welcoming area but also a strategic failsafe.

Engineered with survival in mind, the first floor housed an array of defence mechanisms, a testament to my commitment to safeguarding our refuge against any threat that the apocalypse might bring.

These defences were to be meticulously crafted, combining my knowledge of engineering and combat to create a secure yet discreet barrier against any unforeseen dangers.

For mobility, a pull lift system was integrated into the design, allowing for easy access to a garage nestled at the base of the tree.

This garage was to be stocked with a variety of land vehicles, each specially equipped to handle the challenging jungle terrain.

The vehicles would ensure our ability to explore, gather resources, or escape if necessary, all the while maintaining the harmony of our treehouse with the untamed wilderness that surrounded it. This careful planning reflected a harmony of form and function, a sanctuary that was as resilient as it was serene, standing ready to face the challenges of the new world.

Ascending from the first floor, whether by the winding stairs or the pull lift, one would arrive at the second floor, greeted by the sturdy presence of an iron door.

This feature was not merely aesthetic; it served as a vital security measure, designed to thwart any potential threats that might attempt to scale the exterior to this level.