
Apocalypse: Blood Of Chaos

In a realm governed by mystical forces, Valen Sanguis emerges as a defiance to all conventions—a cosmic child burdened with an ancient curse that has metamorphosed into an extraordinary gift. His veins, transformed into an inexhaustible reservoir of life's essence, surge with an unstoppable torrent of blood, bestowing upon him unparalleled might. With each encounter with formidable females, Valen's power escalates, fueled by the potent essence they exude. Unperturbed by the uncertainty of his ultimate fate, Valen embarks on a relentless pursuit of pleasure, relentlessly pushing the boundaries of his power until the enigmatic climax of his inevitable demise. In this world where power, desire, and mortality collide, Valen Sanguis stands as an unmatched force, embracing the chaos that accompanies his undying quest for supremacy. Unbeknownst to him, he is the cosmic child, unfortunate to be born into a mortal realm. Yet, this is his saga—a mortal's odyssey to transcend the limitations of mortality and ascend to the status of a boundless entity. Valen's journey unfolds as the cosmic child grapples with destiny, forging a path from the confines of mortality to the limitless realms of cosmic power.

Dev_0096 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 17

In theoretical terms, the Holy Empress held the most elevated official position following the Empress Dowager in the hierarchical structure of the imperial court. However, in keeping with the singular nature of the title "empress," the same exclusivity applied to the designation of Holy Consort. Despite the hierarchical delineation that ostensibly placed the Holy Empress as the second-highest authority, the uniqueness of the roles underscored the rarity and singular distinction associated with both titles.

The imperial court, with its intricate web of protocol and precedence, thus maintained a discernible symmetry in conferring exclusive honors upon only one individual for each of these esteemed positions, embodying a symbolic reflection of the imperial order's distinctive and highly structured nature. The deliberate choice to bestow such unique titles on select individuals emphasized the exceptional status of those who held them, creating an aura of prestige and reverence within the courtly hierarchy.

Valen, aware of the nuanced significance attached to these titles, contemplated the strategic implications of aligning himself with the Holy Consort. The exclusivity and rarity of the role further enhanced the allure of contributing to her endeavors.

The position of the Holy Consort held a status that, in all practical aspects, equaled that of the Empress herself. In fact, she surpassed the Empress in her proficiency at navigating the intricate web of political intrigues. Beyond merely holding a comparable position, the Holy Consort wielded substantial influence, exercising control over more than half of the inner court and the concubines. Her mastery of the subtle nuances of courtly affairs allowed her to strategically manipulate the power dynamics within the palace.

In stark contrast, the Empress, adopting a more reserved stance, seldom made appearances and generally refrained from meddling in the intricate machinations that unfolded in the court. This stark dichotomy in their approaches further emphasized the Holy Consort's astuteness in matters of palace politics, establishing her as a formidable force within the inner circles of the imperial court. The Holy Consort's influence wasn't merely confined to ceremonial duties; it extended to the very heart of the palace's power structure.

The two eunuchs exchanged glances, their curiosity piqued by Valen's directive. "What is it that we're supposed to do?" Tanek inquired, his tone carrying a blend of eagerness and uncertainty.

Valen, maintaining a composed demeanor, leaned in slightly, "Nothing special. Just provide me with detailed information on Elowen."

"Elowen?" Sarion echoed, seeking clarification. "You mean the head palace maid?"

Valen nodded in affirmation, "Yes. The head palace maid. I want to know everything about her—her routines, her associations, her secrets. Every little detail. It's a task of great importance, and I trust you two can handle it discreetly."

In stark contrast to the Valen who first entered the scene, solely focused on his professional responsibilities, the two newcomers exhibited a proactive approach. Since their arrival, they had initiated the construction of a robust network and endeavored to cultivate favorable relationships with their superiors, strategically positioning themselves for a smoother professional journey. Their swiftness and efficiency were evident as they swiftly amassed a wealth of information about the various departments, meticulously understanding the dynamics and discerning whom to appease and whom to avoid causing offense. In this orchestrated dance of interpersonal dynamics, they were adept at navigating the intricate web of palace politics.

However, Valen, now cognizant of the formidable power he wielded, stood on the brink of a transformative shift in his own life. The realization of his influence promised to alter the trajectory of his professional journey, marking a departure from his previous modus operandi. The once passive observer of the cosmic drama within the palace was now ready to seize a more active role.

The task assigned to Tanek and Sarion concerning Elowen served as a pivotal move, a calculated chess piece strategically placed in the unfolding narrative of Valen's ascension. These two individuals, with their swiftness and efficiency in gathering information, now appeared as potential allies—a pair of capable goons in the intricate dance of influence and manipulation. Their proficiency in navigating the delicate balance of power and secrets within the palace rendered them valuable assets in Valen's emerging game.

"Well, there is a considerable amount to say about Head Maid Elowen, actually," Tanek began, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial hush as the trio found a secluded alcove in the palace's labyrinthine corridors. "You see, Head Maid Elowen is a rather special case among the head palace maids. What makes her stand out is the fact that she's the illegitimate daughter of an ancient count, a lineage that should have placed her among the ranks of ancient nobility. However, due to her unfortunate illegitimate status, she was sent into the palace at the tender age of sixteen."

Sarion chimed in, adding another layer to the unfolding narrative. "Yes, and it seems her arrival in the palace wasn't merely a consequence of familial circumstances. Rumor has it that there were certain unsavory elements involved in her hasty relocation. Whispers suggest political machinations, family disputes, and perhaps even a touch of scandal. Whatever the case, Elowen found herself thrust into the intricacies of courtly life, where her lineage became both a blessing and a curse. A blessing, because it hinted at a certain pedigree, and a curse, as her illegitimate status hung like a shadow over her prospects."

Tanek nodded in agreement, his eyes reflecting a shrewd understanding of the palace's undercurrents. "Indeed, her position as Head Maid grants her proximity to the Holy Consort, and by extension, a degree of influence. However, she navigates a precarious path, constantly treading the fine line between her noble blood and her tainted lineage. It's a delicate dance, Valen, and one misstep could send her plummeting into the abyss of palace intrigues."

Tanek's brows furrowed in contemplation, adding further layers to the unfolding narrative. "However, her magical prowess is far above average, surpassing the expectations set for those of her station. Despite the suppression she faced due to her illegitimate status, Elowen displayed an extraordinary aptitude for magic. In less than ten years, she ascended to the esteemed position of Head Palace Maid, a remarkable feat considering the hurdles posed by her lineage. Now, at almost twenty-five, it's rumored that her magical prowess has ascended to even greater heights. While she may not have reached the pinnacle of magical strength associated with the nobility, she's certainly not far from it. It's a testament to her tenacity and innate abilities that she thrived in an environment that often stifles potential based on rigid societal norms."

Sarion leaned in, a conspiratorial gleam in his eyes as he continued the tale. "Word has it that her ascent is a result of relentless dedication and clandestine training, conducted in the shadows to overcome the limitations imposed upon her. Her story is a curious blend of privilege and adversity, and it resonates with many within the palace who harbor their own ambitions."

Valen, immersed in the unfolding narrative of Elowen's remarkable journey, found himself caught in a moment of reflection. As Tanek and Sarion spoke of her relentless dedication and clandestine training, Valen's thoughts involuntarily drifted to the first time he encountered Elowen. The memory, tinged with a blend of admiration and desire, sparked a subtle fire within him. Reminiscing on her journey, he couldn't help but acknowledge the allure of her resilience, a quality that ignited a different kind of flame in his being.

While the conversation continued, Valen discreetly indulged in the memory of Elowen. Her image, framed by the complexities of her position and the whispered tales of her ascent, took on an enticing quality. The palace, with its undercurrents of power and desire, seemed to echo with the subtle rhythms of forbidden attraction.

Each layer of her story, intricately painted by the interplay of privilege and adversity, added to the allure that captivated Valen's thoughts.

Tanek and Sarion, the narrators of Elowen's tale, delved deeper into the intricacies of her life. With magical prowess that defied the limitations imposed upon her, Elowen had earned the right to choose a family name. However, the shadows of her half-human heritage continued to cast difficulties upon her path. Valen couldn't help but ponder the resilience that fueled her journey—a journey marked by the delicate dance of acceptance and the unyielding pursuit of recognition.

Within the palace, the undercurrents of power and desire seemed to weave an elaborate tapestry, and Elowen stood as a central figure in this cosmic drama. Her command of respect within the embroidery department, coupled with her diligence in work, painted a portrait of a woman dedicated to her craft. The whispers of her pursuit of high-grade magical pills only added to the layers of mystery surrounding her, creating an air of caution for those who dared to tread in her presence. Valen, attuned to the intricacies of palace life, recognized that Elowen was not just a figure to admire from afar but a force to be reckoned with, a realization that added a new dimension to the allure of the forbidden within the palace walls.

The intricate dance of power within the palace unfolded against the backdrop of a broader societal structure, where magical prowess held the key to nobility and ennoblement. Those who achieved a high level of magical prowess were entitled to the coveted "Arcane Sentinel" title, a distinction that not only marked their proficiency in magic but also opened the doors to ennoblement. For in this world, only nobles were granted the privilege of owning land and bearing family names, establishing themselves as the elite stratum of society.

As Valen, with his origins in the countryside, traversed the halls of the palace, he remained somewhat indifferent to the conventional importance attached to familial ties and noble status. The concept of a family had always been elusive to him. His formative years were marked by the presence of neglectful parents who, in an act of utter irresponsibility, chose to abandon him. This abandonment, a defining chapter in Valen's past, had fostered in him a resilient independence and a lack of regard for societal norms, leaving him with little inclination to seek validation through familial connections or noble titles.

As Valen reflected on his tumultuous past, an impulsive thought crept into his mind, prompting a wry smile. Was it this turbulent history that fueled his unbridled enjoyment of the carnal pleasures he indulged in with beautiful women? The fleeting satisfaction derived from those encounters seemed to serve as a counterbalance to the lingering echoes of abandonment. When questioned about this hedonistic pursuit, Valen's response was as nonchalant as his demeanor, "Nope, it just feels damn good." A clandestine dialogue ensued, where a companion sought clarification, "What did you say?" Valen's evasion, shrouded in a veil of secrecy, left the words hanging in the air, an enigma within the confines of the palace's decadent secrets.

The trio, comprising Valen, Tanek, and Sarion, navigated the intricate corridors of the inner court until they reached the sprawling domain of the palace's kitchens. In the microcosm of the inner court, this kitchen branch resembled a bustling city, teeming with activity akin to the rhythm of three hundred thousand inhabitants moving in orchestrated chaos. The logistical challenge of sustaining the vast inner court necessitated the existence of numerous kitchens, each assigned to serve specific departments.

The inner court's culinary complex was a colossal entity, featuring hundreds of large kitchens, each meticulously tailored to cater to the distinctive needs of various departments. From the fragrance of simmering spices wafting through the air to the rhythmic clatter of utensils against cookware, the kitchen buzzed with an energy that mirrored the bustling life within the palace walls.

Naturally, the culinary demands of the concubines were always accorded the utmost priority within the sprawling labyrinth of kitchens. These revered inhabitants of the inner court, entwined in the complex tapestry of palace life, had their gastronomic preferences intricately catered to by a dedicated culinary team. The kitchens, diverse and specialized, functioned as culinary workshops, each assigned to craft exquisite dishes that harmonized with the discerning tastes of the concubines.

The fragrance of various spices mingled in the air, creating an olfactory symphony that bespoke the meticulous efforts invested in each culinary creation. The rhythmic clatter of utensils against cookware resonated with the ceaseless dedication of kitchen staff, their skills honed to perfection in the pursuit of gastronomic excellence for the privileged denizens of the inner court. In this culinary arena, the concubines' meals stood as a testament to the intricate dance between tradition and innovation, a fusion that defined the gastronomic legacy of the palace.