
Apocalypse: Blood Of Chaos

In a realm governed by mystical forces, Valen Sanguis emerges as a defiance to all conventions—a cosmic child burdened with an ancient curse that has metamorphosed into an extraordinary gift. His veins, transformed into an inexhaustible reservoir of life's essence, surge with an unstoppable torrent of blood, bestowing upon him unparalleled might. With each encounter with formidable females, Valen's power escalates, fueled by the potent essence they exude. Unperturbed by the uncertainty of his ultimate fate, Valen embarks on a relentless pursuit of pleasure, relentlessly pushing the boundaries of his power until the enigmatic climax of his inevitable demise. In this world where power, desire, and mortality collide, Valen Sanguis stands as an unmatched force, embracing the chaos that accompanies his undying quest for supremacy. Unbeknownst to him, he is the cosmic child, unfortunate to be born into a mortal realm. Yet, this is his saga—a mortal's odyssey to transcend the limitations of mortality and ascend to the status of a boundless entity. Valen's journey unfolds as the cosmic child grapples with destiny, forging a path from the confines of mortality to the limitless realms of cosmic power.

Dev_0096 · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 13

Isabella and Margery, faces flushed with frustration and arousal, exchanged another glance. The realization that their initial pleas had fallen short dawned upon them. Swallowing their pride once more, they steeled themselves to delve into a more profound level of begging. The treacherous path that Valen had set before them in the cosmic dance of conquest and desire demanded a new depth of submission.

On their knees, with a vulnerability that mirrored the moonlit garden's celestial glow, Isabella began, her voice a fervent whisper. "Master Valen, please, we implore you. Allow us the privilege of tasting your power. Daddy, grant us the ecstasy only you can provide. Lord Valen, we beg for the mercy of your blood-infused pleasure. Please, we need it to complete us."

Margery, equally caught in the throes of profound begging, added her desperate plea. "Master Valen, our bodies ache for your touch. Daddy, let your blood power course through us. Lord Valen, we submit to your cosmic mastery. Please, we beg you to grant us the pleasure that only you can bestow. Without it, our existence feels incomplete."

Their voices, now laden with a new level of profoundness, echoed through the moonlit garden. Isabella and Margery, once formidable maids and skilled assassins, had now become supplicants in a dance that tested the limits of their desires and the mastery of Valen's blood-infused power.

As Isabella and Margery continued their desperate pleas, the cosmic currents responded, pulsating with a rhythm that mirrored the escalating intensity of the entwined trio's desires. The moonlit garden, bathed in an ethereal glow, seemed to vibrate with the cosmic energy that fueled the unfolding drama.

Without further ado, Valen decided to answer their profound begging with a display of his blood-infused power. A wicked gleam danced in his eyes as he intensified the blood power coursing through his member. Veins bulged and protruded visibly, creating a mesmerizing pattern on the enhanced organ. The aphrodisiac aura surrounding him increased, amplifying the irresistible allure that enveloped Isabella and Margery.

The celestial energies responded to the surge in Valen's blood power, intensifying the pulses of desire that reverberated through the moonlit garden. Isabella and Margery, still on their knees, felt the change in the cosmic currents—the promise of a pleasure that now seemed both tantalizing and overwhelming.

As Valen's blood-infused member throbbed with newfound potency, the skilled maids, caught in the cosmic dance, awaited the next phase of their encounter. The moonlit garden, now a surreal stage for desire and power, seemed to hold its breath as Valen observed the hunger in Isabella and Margery's eyes.

A wicked grin played upon Valen's lips as he beckoned them forward. "Bon appétit, attack it," he declared, pointing to his blood-infused member. The celestial energies, responding to his command, heightened the anticipation in the enchanted realm.

Without hesitation, Isabella and Margery, driven by a hunger that bordered on primal, pounced on Valen's enhanced organ like hungry beasts. Their movements, synchronized in the cosmic dance, were a testament to the insatiable desire that Valen's blood power had awakened within them.

The moonlit garden, now a witness to the explicit tableau of conquest and submission, echoed with the sounds of their fervent pursuit of pleasure. Valen, his eyes ablaze with a triumphant mix of dominance and arousal, reveled in the mastery he wielded over the skilled maids.

As Isabella and Margery indulged in the intoxicating taste of Valen's blood-infused member, the cosmic currents enveloped them in a whirlwind of ecstasy. Valen, standing amidst the celestial energies, surrendered to the sensations that surged through him. The moonlit garden, now a sanctuary of desire, echoed with the sounds of their fervent pursuits.

In Valen's mind, a cocktail of emotions brewed. Triumph mingled with the pleasure derived from the skilled maids' submissive feasting on his enhanced member. He reveled in the dominance he asserted over them, the conquest of their wills manifesting in the intimate dance that unfolded.

As Isabella and Margery, with ravenous hunger, continued to pleasure him, Valen's thoughts oscillated between the echoes of their initial defiance and the current submission that played out before him. The dichotomy fascinated him—the same maids who had once sought his demise were now, willingly, succumbing to the intoxicating allure of his blood power.

The cosmic currents, pulsating with the symphony of desire, painted a vivid tableau in Valen's mind. The moonlit garden became a canvas where power dynamics, lust, and the intricate interplay of conquest and surrender blended into an artistry that only the cosmic forces could orchestrate.

Amidst the pleasure that coursed through him, Valen's thoughts also wandered to the unpredictability of the cosmic dance. The tantalizing play of desire and submission, the ever-shifting dynamics between the conqueror and his alluring adversaries, fueled a hunger within him that transcended the physical.

In the enchanted realm, as Isabella and Margery continued to suckle on Valen's blood-infused member, the conqueror found himself navigating the realms of pleasure and dominance. The cosmic currents, now charged with the symphony of desire, responded to Valen's unspoken commands.

As the skilled maids fervently attended to his enhanced member, Valen's hands, guided by a primal instinct, ventured to explore the contours of their squishy parts. The celestial energies seemed to amplify the sensations, creating an intricate dance of pleasure and submission within the moonlit garden.

Isabella, her moans mingling with the cosmic echoes, felt Valen's skilled touch tracing the curves of her body. His hands, firm yet possessive, groped her squishy parts, eliciting a mixture of pleasure and surrender. Margery, equally caught in the cosmic dance, arched her back in response to Valen's touch, her fiery spirit momentarily subdued by the intoxicating sensations.

Valen, his eyes ablaze with a hunger that mirrored the entwined trio's desires, reveled in the mastery he exerted over Isabella and Margery. The moonlit garden, now a playground for dominance and submission, stood as a witness to the escalating symphony of pleasure that unfolded beneath the celestial glow.

As Isabella and Margery continued their passionate ministrations, Valen's hands skillfully manipulated their squishy parts, creating a sensory experience that built towards a climax. The celestial energies, responding to Valen's commands, intensified the aphrodisiac within his blood power, escalating the pleasure coursing through the entwined trio.

The cosmic currents, now charged with an irresistible allure, pushed Isabella to the brink. The culmination of desire manifested as a powerful climax, and with Valen's enhanced aphrodisiac at play, she moaned uncontrollably. Her pleasure erupted in a surge that painted Margery's face, leaving her stunned by the unexpected release.

Margery, caught off guard by Isabella's sudden climax, felt the warmth of her cum splattering on her face. The cosmic dance, once harmonious, now bore witness to the unexpected twist in the intricate tapestry of pleasure and conquest.

Valen, amused by the unforeseen turn of events, reveled in the dominance he had exerted over the skilled maids. With a wicked grin, he lifted Isabella, her body still pulsating with the aftershocks of pleasure. The celestial energies seemed to dance around them, amplifying the intimate atmosphere in the moonlit garden.

As Isabella hung weightlessly in Valen's grasp, he focused his attention on her, descending towards the source of her pleasure. With a deliberate and sensual movement, he used his tongue to explore and tease her clit. Isabella, suspended in the air, moaned in response to the unexpected and decadent pleasure that Valen orchestrated.

Margery, overjoyed by the turn of events, realized that she now had Valen's enhanced member all to herself. The anticipation and desire that had been building within her surged as she observed the intimate connection between Valen and Isabella. In the cosmic dance of conquest and desire, the dynamics shifted once more.

Valen, engrossed in the taste of Isabella's pleasure, reveled in the mastery he held over the two sexy maids. The moonlit garden, now a stage for an intimate spectacle, seemed to throb with the energies of desire and submission.

As Valen, engrossed in the taste of Isabella's pleasure, reveled in the mastery he held over the two sexy maids, the moonlit garden transformed into a stage for an intimate spectacle. The celestial energies pulsed with desire, creating an enchanting rhythm that resonated through the enchanted realm.

Isabella, suspended in the air, moaned in ecstasy as Valen expertly licked her clit. The cosmic currents, charged with an alluring energy, intensified the sensations coursing through her. "Oh, Valen," she gasped, her voice a symphony of pleasure. "Yes, like that. Don't stop."

Meanwhile, Margery, now on her knees, eagerly slurped on Valen's enhanced member. The sounds of her fervent ministrations echoed through the moonlit garden. "Mmm, Valen," she moaned, the vibrations of desire evident in her voice. "You taste so good. I've been craving this."

The scene unfolded like a cosmic dance of desire and submission, each movement synchronized to the pulsating energies that surrounded them. Isabella, with her body suspended, surrendered to the pleasure Valen bestowed upon her, while Margery, with fervent determination, indulged in the intoxicating taste of Valen's blood-infused member.

Sensing the heightened tension and desire in the moonlit garden, Valen decided to amplify the aphrodisiac within his blood power. The cosmic currents responded to his command, intensifying the sensations that coursed through Isabella and Margery.

With each expert lick, Isabella reached a new peak of pleasure, her moans echoing through the enchanted realm. The celestial energies seemed to resonate with the symphony of her ecstasy. "Valen! Oh, Valen!" she cried out, her body convulsing with the intensity of each climax.

Meanwhile, Margery, still fervently slurping on Valen's enhanced member, experienced waves of pleasure that surged with each movement. The cosmic dance, now a whirlwind of desire, entwined the entangled trio in a tapestry of passion.

As Isabella climaxed with every lick, Valen, driven by a hunger for conquest, swallowed her essence with an air of satisfaction. The moonlit garden, now a sanctuary of unrestrained passion, bore witness to the intimate exchange between the conqueror and his alluring adversaries.

Margery, caught in the throes of pleasure, moaned with each draw of Valen's blood-infused member. The cosmic currents intensified her sensations, pushing her to the brink of ecstasy with every moment of submission to Valen's power. The moonlit garden, now a haven of unrestrained passion, echoed with her fervent cries.

As the entwined trio continued in the cosmic dance, Valen, driven by a relentless hunger, decided to elevate the intensity of their shared pleasure. The celestial energies responded to his unspoken command, enhancing the aphrodisiac to new heights. Isabella and Margery, still in the throes of continuous climaxes, were pushed further into the realms of ecstasy.

Valen, now the only one who hadn't succumbed to climax, felt the desire for a more intimate connection. With a commanding presence, he signaled the cosmic currents to ease the relentless pleasure, allowing the skilled maids a moment of respite.

Isabella and Margery, their bodies quivering from the ongoing ecstasy, looked at Valen with a mix of anticipation and surrender. The moonlit garden, a silent witness to their desires, seemed to hold its breath as Valen, now fully aroused and ready, approached them with a newfound determination.

In the shifting dynamics of desire, Valen's preference leaned towards Isabella. Without warning, he seized her, pulling her towards him with a raw intensity that mirrored the cosmic forces at play. Isabella, caught off guard, felt the forceful entry of Valen, a mixture of pain and pleasure sending a shiver through her body.

The moonlit garden, once a serene haven, now bore witness to the breaking of barriers. Isabella's and Margery's hymens, symbols of untouched purity, yielded to the relentless advance of Valen's desires. The cosmic currents, now charged with a primal energy, resonated with the echoes of pain and pleasure that reverberated through the enchanted realm.

Valen's blood-infused member, possessing a girth larger than his fist, pushed the boundaries of pleasure and pain as he claimed Isabella. The moonlit garden, bathed in an ethereal glow, stood witness to the union of desire and conquest.

Isabella, gasping at the intensity of the encounter, surrendered to the overpowering sensations that enveloped her. Valen, with an air of dominance, dictated the rhythm of their intimate connection. The celestial energies pulsed with the echoes of their union, the entwined trio now fully immersed in the climax of the cosmic dance.

As Valen continued his passionate encounter with Isabella, his skilled hand found its way to Margery. With a force that mirrored the relentless thrusts, Valen's fist delved into Margery, amplifying the sensations that coursed through her.

In Isabella's mind, a fleeting thought acknowledged Margery's fortune. Valen's fist, while commanding and potent, offered a different experience compared to the girth of his blood-infused member. Margery, in this cosmic dance of desire, found herself spared from the intensity Isabella endured.

The moonlit garden, an arena of raw passion, echoed with the symphony of moans and gasps as the entangled trio navigated the intricate realms of pleasure and conquest. Isabella, with each thrust, felt the boundaries between herself and Valen blur, the cosmic energies weaving an intimate connection that transcended the mortal realm.

Margery, caught in the throes of ecstasy, embraced the sensations brought forth by Valen's relentless thrusts and the rhythmic movements of his fist. The celestial energies, now pulsating with a harmonious intensity, painted the moonlit garden with the hues of desire and submission.

In this climax of the cosmic dance, Isabella and Margery stood at the intersection of pain and pleasure, their bodies vessels for the cosmic forces that surged through them. The moonlit garden, now a sanctuary of unrestrained passion, bore witness to the unfolding spectacle of conquest and desire.