

When Okano Toyokuni woke up, he'd just had a great night with a chick named Everly he'd met on an impetuous spring break. Unfortunately, he couldn't dwell in those pleasurable thoughts for more than a moment before gigantic pangs flooded his stomach and washed him out of his delightful slumber.

The girl in question had just gone to the bathroom, folding her golden hair up into a bun, before giving him a gentle peck on the lips as he drifted off back to sleep. They felt softer than cotton, cherry flavored, and made his sore, aching body relax into an immediate calming slumber.

It happened a few seconds later, though, that a strange force traveled through the universe and into his mouth. It came at the same exact moment all the televisions in the building turned on, and the broadcasting event of the century began.

The Apocalypse was here!

The News anchors on the television had ten seconds to describe the comets, water zombies, and vampires sweeping across the planet killing everything in their wake. Millions of people were being completely devoured, eviscerated, or straight up bursting into flames as that girl Everly walked out into the room.

The next moment the door burst open and two large men ran in and grabbed the both of them, easily flipping the 140 pound Toyokuni, with his bleach blonde hair, and blue eyes over their shoulders.

When he awoke again, they were in a Jeep, coursing towards Everly's billionaire father's mansion as millions of strange creatures harvested all the human livestock they could find. Oh yeah, and Toyokuni had a strange screen blaring in front of his eyes.

[Ding! The Awakening System has activated as the last hope of humanity!]

[Loading… 15%...25%...95%.... 100%!]

[Awakening System has been fully activated! Please devour as much human blood as possible to increase your level!]

'What… that makes no sense… killing humans to save humanity? How much did I drink last night, man…' Toyokuni thought, groggily opening up his eyes and moving his hair from his sore countenance. Everly looked over at him with a smile on her face. Countless fires were burning behind her, and a few buildings were falling into piles of molten towering rubble.

'What the hell?' "Everly, are you seeing this?" Toyokuni gasped in shock as thousands of pedestrians screamed and unabashedly ran for their lives from a cloud of fire. "How much did we drink last night, babe?"

"Yes, I'm seeing this. It's terrible, Toyokuni… Millions of people already died this morning. My father is our last hope at surviving."

"Oh, so we really did… you know last night?" Toyokuni smiled sheepishly before he noticed two large men eying him like possessive fathers with large high caliber shotguns in their arms. "I mean… we shared that drink, right?"

"Yup, we certainly shared a lot of drinks!" Everly pointed at the two gentlemen in front of her. "However, you're looking at two of the best trained black op mercenaries my father has ever hired. Did I mention you happened to hook up with a princess on your vacation from Japan?"

"No…" Toyokuni smiled at the two guards with a worried expression. "I only wanted to make her feel good last night. Please don't kill me!"

"Shush, brat. There are millions of zombies on the road right now from the f*cking underground, and an entire vampiric water race invading our planet. We're just glad our little princess here finally lost her virginity," One security guard named Martin said, looking at Toyokuni with a coy, supportive smile.

"Huh, you mean it was your first time!" Toyokuni wasn't sure what shocked him more, it being her first time or the worldwide apocalypse sweeping the planet. "Also, what the hell! You two must be on some serious shit!"

"Just be glad you're in the car with us, Toy-kun, and yes… you took everything from me last night." Everly blushed, granting him a kiss with her soft lips. "Now, did I mention you're about to meet my father?"

Toyokuni gulped, and tightly gripped her hand. After desperately trying to gather his maddening thoughts, he once again heard a strange voice in his head. He heard it as a large nest of mansions appeared on the hills of Los Angeles. She really was rich!

[Hello, are you Toyokuni? I'm your daughter from the future… Are you hearing this?]

'Daughter…' Toyokuni thought, fully convinced of his utter insanity at this point, 'I don't have a daughter…'

[Yes you do… You made me last night, on August 17th… It's twenty-four years in the past when you are receiving this message,] the strange voice continued in his consciousness,

[You were… a pretty important man in my life obviously until I was five, before the zombies ate you in front from me, and I wanted to chose you to get all our hopes and dreams from the future…]

[You have the last hope of humanity inside of you. Please father! Please level up by killing people or we are all doomed.]

[I know your kingly disposition. In the future, you took in countless people and built one of the last cities. You saved mother from being eaten countless times.]

[Unfortunately, if you don't kill people father, you won't be able to Awaken as humanities greatest beacon of hope.]

[In the future, you'll learn why the creatures from the water and the earth mutated so fast, but… just know it has to do with their proximity to the core of the earth beneath them, and I really apologize about having to make you into a cold calculating murderer but it's our only hope!] The girlish voice paused and took a breath.

[However, obviously, don't let anyone know, okay? If you do, they won't believe you and they'll murder you as well! Protect mother, and her family! However, I suggest you kill the people in the basement of the mansion! They'll be good food for you!]

'I'm… I'm totally going crazy, right? If I'm not crazy, tell me something that is going to happen today…' Toyokuni saw a zombie burst out of the ground and pull in a blaring hot pedestrian into the Earth. 'Tell me why these damn creatures are attacking!'

[I… I'll let you know mother's last name…. Seraph. You've heard of it before, right?]

Toyokuni gulped and looked over at Everly. "You mean the one in charge of… that company! The one that owns ten percent of the military?"

[Yup! Have fun father… All of humanity is counting on you! Go out and kill some people dad, and make sure you name me Pearl again! I love my name!]

'Yes, thanks for the message Pearl! I'm officially out of my mind," Toyokuni laughed nervously before they pulled into an estate. Thousands of soldiers dressed in camouflaged attire were bolstering their weapons as the two-security opened up the door. The mansion stood nearly five stories high, and hundreds of trees were planted around a massive golden tile fountain…. What the hell? It even said Seraph on the building…

Everly patted him on the back before kissing him on the cheek. "He's with me gentlemen! Don't shoot him okay, and can you tell me where father is?"

"He's in his sweet!" Martin said, after talking with one of the army's commander's. "However, you know the drill Everly. He's going to have to go in through the basement."