
Outbreak of the Zombie Virus

Dorothy sighed, "I'm becoming more and more curious about Dylan. If it weren't for him, I might have been chased and bitten, ending up as just another piece of meat in a zombie's mouth!"


"Yeah! And perhaps end up being the one chasing others!" Alberta smiled bitterly.


The two of them silently watched, grateful that they weren't among those people.


They both felt thankful to Dylan for providing them with a warm and safe harbor.


Inside the space, Dylan took out many sets of winter training suits, military boots, and gloves. These clothes were thick enough to prevent scratches and bites from zombies under normal circumstances.


Then he brought out three magic sky swords, three military knives, and the only revolver, which had three bullets left.


The magic sky sword was the best weapon for killing zombies. With its long and sharp blade, if wielded properly, it could easily sever a zombie's head.


After finishing these preparations, he called down Alberta and Dorothy, who were still lost in thought on the third floor, and said solemnly, "You both should try on the equipment. Tomorrow, we'll go out together to kill zombies!"


"What?!" The two of them were stunned and couldn't help feeling nervous. "Are we going too?"


Dylan's face was stern. "Of course, you are. You'll have to face it sooner or later. This is for your own good!


This villa area has only 100 houses, with a total population of about 700. This is already a low population density.


 With low density, it means that zombies are relatively scattered and not concentrated, which makes it the best training ground for you two!"


"But..." Alberta hesitated, but before she could finish her sentence, Dylan coldly interrupted her.


"No 'buts.' In this apocalyptic world, only by constantly strengthening yourselves can you have a better chance of surviving! I don't want you to die in front of me!"


Looking at Dylan's cold eyes, Alberta suddenly felt a little fearful.


This man was always so rough in everything he did.


 He used to be so gentle before we got together!


Dorothy, seeing Dylan's attitude, made up her mind. "You saved my life. For you, I'm willing to do anything!"


Dylan looked at her, shaking his head and correcting her, "Remember, it's not just for me, it's for us!"


Dorothy looked deeply into Dylan's eyes and nodded, "Yes, it's for us!"




For the rest of the time, the three of them tried on their equipment and weapons.


Dylan explained to them the techniques for killing zombies and repeatedly warned them not to shout or scream, as it would attract more zombies.


That night, after dinner, the three of them went to bed early to rest.Early the next morning, Dorothy got up early to prepare a hearty breakfast. She had to make sure everyone ate well so they would have enough energy to kill zombies.


After finishing their meal, the three of them changed into their clothes and grabbed their weapons, ready to head out.


"Remember, when we go out later, I'll be in front, Alberta in the middle, and Dorothy at the back.


 We'll search through each villa one by one. If you encounter zombies on the way, don't move. Watch how I kill them.


If you encounter isolated zombies inside the villa, then you can practice!" Dylan instructed.


Alberta and Dorothy nodded quickly.


Stepping out of the villa's gate, Dylan glanced at the smooth snow on the road in front, with no traces of being trodden on, indicating that no zombies had been nearby.


He decided to start clearing from the villa directly ahead and then continue checking one by one.


Arriving at the doorstep of the first villa, the door was closed, but such a door couldn't stop him. He took out a crowbar and easily pried the door open.


Suddenly, a zombie, perhaps hearing the noise, lunged toward the door.


Dylan remained calm, drew his magic sky sword, and thrust it into the zombie's forehead. The zombie stopped its biting motion instantly. Dylan pulled out the sword, and the zombie fell to the ground lifeless.


Approaching it, Dylan deftly pried open its skull and extracted a white cylindrical crystal from its forehead.


Turning around, he showed the crystal in his hand to Alberta and Dorothy, only to find them covering their mouths, their faces pale, staring at him in astonishment.


Perplexed, Dylan wondered if women would just scream and cover their mouths when nervous.


"Can you see it clearly? We must retrieve this thing!" Dylan shook the crystal in front of the two women.


Alberta and Dorothy, watching the red-and-white object in the crystal swaying before their eyes, finally couldn't hold it anymore.


"Ugh... ugh..." Both of them started vomiting.


Dylan was bewildered. Were their stomachs really that weak?


But considering his past life, wasn't it the same for him at the beginning? He didn't say anything about it.


Fortunately, the two of them managed to control their actions and didn't attract any zombies.


Since each villa was at a distance from one another, as long as they didn't make too much noise, they would be safe.


Seeing that the two women were almost done vomiting, he quickly ushered them into the villa.


The door inside was open. Dylan led them through each room one by one and found two more zombies, one large and one small, both female zombies, presumably a mother and daughter.


The one Dylan killed at the door was a male zombie, indicating that this family of three had not survived.


Dylan easily took care of the zombie mother, then took out a baton and pinned the smaller zombie against the wall, rendering it immobile."Dorothy, you go kill it, follow my method!" Dylan ordered Dorothy first, after all, she had experience with using a knife on people before.


"She... she's still a child, I..." Dorothy's hand holding the knife trembled, finding it difficult to proceed.


Dylan reprimanded, "Remember, they are no longer human, they're just walking corpses! Hurry up!"


With no other choice, Dorothy gritted her teeth, closed her eyes, and swung the knife at the menacing little zombie.


The blade sliced through, splitting the zombie's head in half.


Dylan was satisfied. Those who had experience knew better; Dorothy's strength was good.


Dylan put away the baton, and the small zombie collapsed to the ground.


"Dorothy, well done, but in the future, you can't close your eyes like that. What you did was very dangerous!" Dylan encouraged with a warning.


Dorothy seemed absent-minded, responding with a distracted "okay."


"Alberta, you go and retrieve the crystals from the foreheads of the two zombies!" Dylan turned to face the terrified Alberta behind him, pointing to the two zombie bodies on the ground.


"Me?" Alberta was flustered.


"Yes, hurry up!" Dylan urged.


Though resistant in her mind, Alberta understood that Dylan was helping her overcome her disgust.


She reluctantly approached the zombies, took out her army knife, hesitated for a while, gathered her courage, and plunged the knife into the zombie's head. After a bit of stirring, she picked out a white crystal.


Then, she moved to the other zombie, tilted her head, and extracted another crystal.


After finishing these tasks, Alberta felt like she was about to collapse, feeling terribly nauseous.


Dylan watched quietly, somewhat satisfied with Alberta's performance.


"Not bad! Just make sure to be cleaner and quicker next time. Also, these crystals are very important. After removing them, put them away immediately. They are our lifeline!" Dylan emphasized.


Alberta nodded without rebuttal, quickly holding the two crystals in her hands.


Seeing that the two women hadn't quite adapted yet, Dylan let them rest in place for a while.


Men and women were indeed different; they needed some time!


After resting for a good half an hour, Dylan felt it was time to continue. He led Alberta and Dorothy to clear the next villa.


The gate of this villa was still closed. Dylan quickly pried it open and they entered.


Inside, they found a total of five zombies, two old ones and three young ones.


There were no wounds on the zombies' bodies, indicating that they had already died before the virus outbreak.


This was supposed to be a happy family, but unfortunately, they had all fallen.

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