
crystal nucleus of Animals

Immediately after, it ate another one, but couldn't eat anymore after that.


You should know that the sizes of these animal crystal nucleusvary.


The two it just ate were the smallest among all the crystal nucleus.


They were estimated to be about the size of a peanut, probably from that little Pekingese dog and the cat.


The others were about the size of marbles children play with, making it impossible for it to swallow even if it wanted to.


Putting away the remaining nuclei, it played with Coal Ball for a while. Jodie also, guided by Dorothy and Alberta, absorbed the crystals.


Dylan took a look, and indeed, it was different now.


The current Jodie had rosy cheeks, smooth skin, becoming whiter, and her skin seemed as if it could squeeze out water.


Standing together with Alberta, they were of similar height, just like a pair of sisters.


Hmm! Just that she's wearing pajamas now. If she were to wear a cheongsam, it would be even more wonderful.


Dylan didn't expect that after his rebirth, he would be so fortunate. He could actually stay in the same room with such a beauty, which was truly a feast for the eyes.


Indeed, strength is very important.


Without this villa and resources, could he still have such fate with them?


Of course not, he had never encountered them in his past life.


This just proved that saying, what was it again?


If a man has money, he has connections with everyone!


And in the apocalypse, resources are money. No matter how awesome you are, you still need to eat and drink!


And Dylan had all of this!




Dylan absorbed all the crystals, and the temporal energy had reached up to 620 years.


His physique had improved nearly twice compared to before.


Now he was full of energy, spirited, full of vigor, and his body was even more symmetrical.


Coupled with his handsome face, it made the three women opposite him somewhat fascinated.


"It's still early, let's go, let's watch a movie together!" Dylan enjoyed seeing the infatuated expressions of the three women and proposed.


Jodie also knew that there was a cinema in this villa, and she was excited, saying, "Okay! I haven't used my phone to watch short videos for more than ten days. It's great to be able to watch a movie!"


Dorothy didn't refuse either. After a tiring day, watching a movie to relax was also nice.


The four of them went to the private cinema on the underground floor. Dylan thoughtfully prepared fruits, snacks, and drinks, while he himself prepared a bottle of red wine and took out a box of cigarettes.


When it came to choosing what movie to watch, they all chose movies with an apocalypse theme.They felt that, given the current world background, watching an apocalypse movie would be more immersive.


 Dylan directly played"I Am Legend" for them.


Amidst occasional screams from the three women, he leisurely sipped red wine, smoked, and savored this beautiful time.


After one movie ended, they all looked at Dylan with lingering feelings.



Dylan thought, since there were only ten villas left in the villa area, and there wasn't much work tomorrow, nor did he need to get up too early, he played "Waterworld" for them again.


It happened to let them understand the even more brutal disasters they would face in the future.


The three women, watching this movie, all had various worries about the future.


But seeing Dylan being so carefree and enjoying himself, they thought to themselves: this man will definitely find a way.


At least, on this cold and zombie-infested night, they were leisurely watching movies in this warm private cinema. And all of this was provided by Dylan!


"Ah! Dylan, come down quickly!" Early in the morning, Dorothy downstairs woke Dylan up.


Dylan opened his eyes and looked at the huge double bed, only he was on it.


 Alberta must have slept in the room next door on the third floor with Jodie after their heart-to-heart talk last night and didn't come back.


He got up and ran downstairs to ask Dorothy, "What's up, Dorothy?"


Seeing Dylan coming down, Dorothy panicked and pointed to the corner of the living room where the birdcage was, "Bro, look, your bird, it's gotten bigger!"


Following Dorothy's direction, Dylan directly exclaimed, "Oh, damn!"


They saw that Coal Ball, who was the size of a palm yesterday, had now doubled in size, almost the size of an adult crow.


"Coal Ball?" Dylan couldn't believe it. He tentatively called the crow's name.


"Ahh~ Ahh~" As soon as Coal Ball heard Dylan calling it, it immediately flew excitedly towards Dylan and landed on his shoulder.


Dylan felt relieved; it was undoubtedly Coal Ball. He was worried that perhaps he hadn't closed the doors and windows properly, allowing other crows to occupy Coal Ball's nest.


But Coal Ball's growth rate was too fast. Could it be because he fed it crystals last night?


Hmm, it must be. Otherwise, there's no other explanation.


Coal Ball seemed to sense Dylan's anger and obediently started grooming his hair, making Dylan laugh as his scalp tickled.


"Alright, alright, here, have some crystals!" Dylan suddenly felt happy again and took out two crystal nuclei the size of marbles and fed them to Coal Ball.


Without hesitation, Coal Ball swallowed them both in one gulp.After finishing eating, Coal Ball kept staring at Dylan, indicating it wanted more.


Dylan sternly said, "You can only eat two, you can't digest more! Behave!"


Coal Ball tilted its head and listened carefully, as if it understood. It flew back to its perch from Dylan's shoulder and amazingly mimicked Dylan's voice, saying, "Behave! Behave!"


"Oh, damn!" Dylan and Dorothy were stunned on the spot.


"Dorothy, can crows talk?" Dylan asked.


Dorothy shook her head, "No... I don't know!"


Dylan wondered. He had heard that mynahs and parrots could mimic speech, but he had never heard of crows being able to talk. Could it be that he had a fake crow?


At this moment, Alberta and Jodie also heard the commotion and came downstairs hand in hand.


"What happened, Dylan?" Alberta asked curiously.


Dylan pointed to Coal Ball on the perch. Jodie saw it and exclaimed, "How did your bird grow so big overnight?"


"Not only that, it can also talk!" Dylan said, then said to Coal Ball, "Come on, say 'dad'!"


Coal Ball tilted its head, rolled its eyes, and said, "Dad! Dad!"


Dylan suddenly had a black line on his face!




After Dorothy prepared breakfast, Dylan, Alberta, and Jodie finally ended their joyful time of teasing the bird.


After breakfast, Dylan said, "There are still the last 10 villas in the villa area to be cleared, perfect for Jodie to practice!"


As he spoke, he also prepared a set of equipment for Jodie to change into.


Although Jodie was very nervous, she obediently went back to change into the gear. She also wanted to be brave like Alberta and Dorothy, so she couldn't lag behind.


After the four of them changed into their gear, they directly went to the area of the last 10 villas.


With Dylan and the others' careful guidance and practical demonstrations, Jodie quickly overcame her psychological barriers and successfully killed a zombie.


To help her train faster, the remaining villas were all cleared by Jodie alone, while Dylan and the others followed behind just in case.


By noon, all 10 villas had been cleared.


Finally, seeing that there were still a dozen zombies lingering at the gate of the villa area, Dylan didn't let Jodie go over. Instead, he let her use her ability to play the flute, attracting those zombies over.


Sure enough, as soon as Jodie played the flute, those zombies flocked over as if they had heard a call.

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