
This Woman Looks Familiar

All the way down, the zombies in the lower levels of the hotel were either eliminated by Glisson or by Howard and his group, so the journey was without incident.

Soon, everyone reached the main entrance of the lobby.

"Be careful, don't go near the glass doors; the street is full of zombies. If we're spotted, we're doomed!"

"Let's hide behind the wall and only come out when we hear gunshots!"

Cyril said anxiously.

Howard, along with two women, ignored him and walked straight to the hotel's main entrance.

"Hey, Quinn, come back! Don't be foolish with them!"

Cyril shouted nervously, watching as the three of them walked out of the main entrance.

"Madness, it's complete madness!" Cyril hid in place for a while, feeling it still wasn't safe.

If these three were spotted by the zombies, they would surely run back into the hotel, attracting all the zombies from the street inside!

"You are foolish, but I am not! I won't let you get me killed!"

Lying on the ground, he slowly crawled forward, fearful of being seen by the zombies outside.

He painstakingly crawled forward step by step until he reached the ground lock at the main entrance.

Just as he was about to lock the door, a pair of boots appeared beside his hand.



Cyril struggled to look up.

Under the sunlight, a female soldier holding a gun looked down at him with disdain.

"What are you doing? The convoy is here, and they're waiting for you!"

Cyril stood up and realized that the military escort convoy was already parked on the main road outside the Dofu Hotel.

The zombies on the street were gone, leaving only fragments of flesh and traces of explosions.

Several similarly dressed female soldiers stood in the distance, keeping watch around the area.

There were two armored vehicles and two black vans equipped with bulletproof glass.

In the middle, three modified buses were being escorted, with iron mesh welded to the windows and heavy protective iron plates hanging on the body. One of the buses was already full of people.

These people watched Cyril lying on the ground, each showing a mocking expression on their faces.

"Oh, okay!"

Cyril dusted himself off and walked over, feigning composure.

"Get on this bus!"

The female soldier pointed to the overcrowded bus.

Meanwhile, Howard, along with Miranda and Quinn, were boarding the empty bus next to it.

"I'm with them; I need to get on that bus!"

Cyril said urgently.

How could he let his fiancée ride on the same bus as Howard, that guy? It would be like sending a lamb into a tiger's den!

"They said you're not with them. There's exactly one spot left on this bus!"

"Please don't waste time; we have many important people waiting to be evacuated!"

The female soldier urged, frowning.

"You might not know yet, but once I reach the safe zone, I will be appointed..."

Cyril straightened his collar, trying to flaunt his status like an old cadre, but the female soldier pushed him onto the bus.

"Whatever you're appointed as has nothing to do with me; I only know that this evacuation must be completed on time!"


The moment Cyril was shoved into the bus, the door closed.

Several female soldiers jogged back to their armored vehicle.

As the engines roared to life, the convoy slowly started moving.

"Hey, kid, anyone who gets evacuated first has some connections, right? Don't flaunt your superiority, just find a seat and sit down, it's going to be a bumpy ride!"

"That's right, he can't possibly think he's the only one, can he? Haha!"

"Let's not mock each other, we're all survivors. Unity is most important."

"Ah, young people these days, they really don't know how high the sky is or how deep the earth is, unlike when we were young and knew how to be humble and courteous."

Cyril, finding no amusement, reluctantly sat down in the middle seat of the last row.

Meanwhile, on another bus.

Apart from the driver and a female soldier guarding it, only Howard, Miranda, and Quinn were on the bus.

"Master, I have broken up with Cyril. From now on, I belong only to you!"

Quinn said, sitting cautiously next to Howard.

She had always been reserved her whole life, except when being very open with Howard in those intimate moments.

Miranda, sensing the situation, took a seat across the aisle.

"Come sit up here!"

Howard patted his thigh and said.

"Ah? But... there's someone here!"

Quinn whispered shyly.

Actually, the driver and the female soldier's seats were positioned lower than those of the passengers in the back, making it difficult for them from their vantage point to see what Howard and Quinn were doing.

"Sit up here, and stick out your tongue!"

Howard commanded again.

"You really are..."

Quinn, having no way to resist Howard, obediently did as told.

Sitting face-to-face on Howard's lap, she wrapped her arms around his neck, bowed her head, and stuck out just the tip of her tongue.

She looked incredibly shy and cute!

Howard enjoyed this kind of coquettish resistance from Quinn.

Men are strange creatures, driven by a desire to conquer.

"Come closer, lick me!"

Howard slightly opened his mouth.


Quinn had never done anything so open in public before.

She had once seen a couple on the subway, where a girl was sitting on a boy's lap, passionately kissing him, and she felt her face flush and heart race with disdain.

Yet, unexpectedly, today she had become that kind of girl.

She opened her mouth and actively kissed him.

Howard's large hands caressed back and forth along Quinn's slender, beautiful legs.

Quinn truly was a goddess-level beauty, and what Howard liked most were her long, straight legs.

He hoisted Quinn's legs onto his shoulders, his hands wandering under her long skirt, boldly kneading, with his middle finger gently curling and slowly penetrating.

"Ah! I'm afraid someone will see us... mmm..."

Quinn shuddered under Howard's wicked fingers.

Pulling her mouth away, she took a rare breath and spoke a sentence, then at Howard's command, pressed her lips against his again.

At this moment, the evacuation convoy began to change formation.

For an efficient evacuation, buses with available seats followed the armored vehicles, while those filled with evacuees were placed in the middle to the rear of the convoy, ahead of the black vans.

Thus, the bus Howard was on accelerated past the one Cyril was on.

Through the bus windows, many people saw a beautiful woman with long legs passionately kissing a man. The intensity and passion of their embrace were absolutely thrilling.

However, because the bus windows were positioned high, they could only see the couple kissing and the woman's legs resting on Howard's shoulders.

Nothing else was visible.

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