
Apocalypse - Zombie Cultivation System

As the apocalypse descends, Howard unexpectedly acquires the Zombie Cultivation System. Instead of fleeing and fear, it's about dominance and attack! Now, these zombies that once devoured humans have become his private legion. As long as he cultivates the zombies, assisting them to become stronger, they can transform into sub-humans who do as the host desires. By continuously enhancing intimacy, he and the zombies can simultaneously gain powerful abilities and attribute bonuses. Please choose: 1. Cultivate male zombies: Unlock the title "Versatile God", strength +5, stamina +5, male zombie affinity +100 2. Cultivate female zombies: Unlock the title "Charm God", speed +5, recovery +20, female zombie affinity +100 Faced with these choices, Howard decisively selects the harem that belongs to him!

bomer_allen · Fantasy
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206 Chs

Taken In?

At this moment, supermarket cashier Dale was sitting in a swivel chair, his plump calves resting on the counter top. His short, stubby fingers were swiftly sending messages on WhatsApp.

Dale: "The supermarket manager turned into a zombie right next to me, nearly scared me to death. And to my surprise, the customers in the supermarket screamed like idiots, drawing the manager away."

"Now I'm the only one in the whole supermarket. I can eat whatever I want, drink whatever I want!"

Barlow: "I'm so envious of you. I'm trapped in the office right now, all the snacks in the drawer are gone, I'm about to starve!"

"In those novels, the most scarce resource at the end of the world is food. Having a supermarket's worth of food makes you a big shot, doesn't it?"

"Imagine finding a few male pets with model-like bodies, you're going to be so happy! I'm green with envy!"

Seeing the bragging, Dale couldn't help feeling proud.

Dale: "Well, once I gather a few handsome guys who can kill zombies as my underlings, I'll send them to rescue you!"

Barlow: "Sigh, all we can hope for is a military rescue now, can't count on anything else. There's a guy in our company who was always very enthusiastic towards me, chasing me every day. When the zombie outbreak happened, he just left me and ran. Counting on these people is useless."

Dale: "You don't understand, to get men to die for you, you need to give them some incentives. Just like the takeaway I ordered just now. The delivery guy initially refused to deliver, was all fierce with me, completely unprofessional."

"Later, I changed my strategy, gave him a bigger tip, and he immediately agreed to deliver my order."

"Looking at the delivery map, he's only about ten meters away from me now, about to arrive soon. This is human nature!"

Barlow: "My God, really?! With zombies all over the place outside, there's still delivery? What kind of organization are they, that's too impressive!"

Dale: "That's not important. What's important is that you need to understand how to grasp a man's psychology!"

"Wait until he comes to deliver the food, and you'll see how I use food to tempt him, making him fall step by step, becoming my underling!"

Barlow: "Can that really work? It sounds a bit unreliable!"

Dale: "Don't worry, let them go hungry for a few days, then offer them a bag of instant noodles, and they'll obey your every command!"

Barlow: "But... what if they see you have a supermarket's worth of food and try to rob you? How can you, a girl, fight against men?"

After this message, an emoji expressing worry was sent.

Dale grinned and shook her head helplessly, confidently replying: "Have you forgotten about the time a guy was secretly filming you, and I beat him up? Did you see him dare to fight back?"

Barlow: "I remember, but later we found out there were no photos or videos on his phone, maybe we misunderstood him!"

Dale: "Oh, you're just too naive. If he dared to secretly film, he was definitely on guard against us. Maybe he deleted the photos in advance, or maybe he didn't delete them at all, just tricked us with some high-tech methods!"

"Besides, if he wasn't secretly filming, why didn't he post this incident online to expose me? He got beaten up and didn't fight back?! Clearly, he had a guilty conscience!"

"And do you remember the time we went out to eat, and a guy bumped into you, and I rushed up and punched him?"

"There was a table full of men, looking fierce and menacing, but what happened? Did any of them dare to touch me?"

"Let me tell you, men are weaklings, they only look strong. As long as you show your strength, they'll back down."

Barlow: "That was a misunderstanding, we checked the surveillance footage, it was his backpack that brushed against me, actually, I felt quite embarrassed about it."

Dale: "I notice you're always speaking in favor of those lesser men? So, all the times I helped you were in vain?! They're all decent, and it's just me being unreasonable?!"

Seeing Dale get agitated, quickly tried to explain: "No, that's not what I meant, you misunderstood me!"

Dale: "Enough, don't say anything else. I get it now. You're jealous of me because I have a supermarket's worth of food, right?! You don't wish me well, do you?!"

"And here I was, considering you a friend, but what about you? Is this how you act as a friend?! You've really hurt me!"

At that moment, a series of knocks came from the back door.

Thump thump thump! Thump thump thump!

Could it be the delivery?

Dale's eyes lit up.

Sure enough, her theory was correct, wasn't the delivery guy here?!

When it comes to understanding the psychology of men, she was indeed unmatched!

Dale tossed her phone aside, no longer looking at the incoming messages, casually picked up a hammer, and cautiously approached the door.

Looking through the peephole, she indeed saw a handsome young man in a delivery uniform standing at the door.

"Here it is!"

Dale immediately opened the door.

"Where's my delivery?"

She saw Howard empty-handed, accompanied by a stunning beauty with a delicate face and sparkling large eyes, as if she had stepped right out of an animated film.

A guess immediately formed in her mind, it seemed this person was coming to seek refuge with her!

As for the beautiful woman beside him... her beauty was comparable to Dale's, this man had good taste!

"No delivery!"

Howard said coldly.

"Huh, men, come in!"

Dale, with a knowing look, let Howard and Miranda into the supermarket directly. This greatly surprised Howard. He had assumed that Dale, upon seeing he had no delivery, would be furious, and he would take advantage of her anger to force his way in. Unexpectedly, Dale actually invited him and Miranda in, which took him by surprise.

As soon as they entered, Howard was stunned by the scale of the supermarket. A medium-sized supermarket with over 200 square meters, stocked with all kinds of items, food, and beverages neatly arranged on the shelves.

"What are you looking at? All these items are mine. If you want me to take you in, you have to follow my rules!" Dale coughed twice, then stood on a cardboard box, so her height was level with Howard's.

"Take us in?" Howard was speechless.

"First of all, let's get one thing straight, I'm the boss here. All the food here is mine. If you want to eat, you have to go out and find it yourself."

"Any food you find must also be handed over to me. I will decide how much and what you eat each day."

"If you want to win me over, it's not entirely impossible, but that depends on your performance, on whether you can take good care of me!" Saying this, Dale patted her sturdy thigh, revealing it from under her short skirt.