

"No, you must bring both of them, or I won't go either!" Quinn said, fuming.

"Quinn, stop it. After all, this is a military decision, not something I can control."

"It's only because of our family's influence in Jiangcheng that we're allowed to bring one companion. Others on the list probably can't even bring an attendant!"

While Cyril was bragging, Miranda's phone suddenly rang.

"Is this Ms. Miranda?"

The room was very quiet, and the sound of Miranda's phone clearly reached everyone's ears.


Hearing this word, Cyril was so surprised that he stood up from the ground.

The voice on the other end of the phone was still that woman's cold, emotionless voice.

But when calling Miranda, they actually used the words "May I ask?" and added the title "Ms."

This was far from the blunt way they addressed Cyril.

"Yes, it's me!" Miranda nodded.

"I am Raven, the military liaison assigned to escort you to the safe zone. Our convoy will arrive in 15 minutes, and you have 10 minutes to evacuate under our squad's protection!"

"There are a few things I need to verify with you further!"

"Is the evacuation point in apartment 603?"

"How many companions do you need to evacuate with, so I can arrange the evacuation squad?"

Raven spoke loudly, almost shouting.

The intermittent sounds of gunfire and explosions in the background were particularly jarring.

Hearing Raven's words, Cyril was completely dumbfounded!

What's going on?!

It was one thing for Raven to use respectful language with Miranda, and even introduce herself, but what made Cyril most uncomfortable was that his own evacuation time was only 5 minutes, while Miranda had 10 minutes!

I can only bring one companion.

But from the way Raven was speaking with Miranda, it seemed like she could bring as many companions as she wanted, and Raven would find a way to arrange it!

Even more bizarrely, the convoy was coming from the south city safe zone, which, in theory, should have passed by the Dofu Hotel first, and then the apartments.

Yet, Raven preferred to take a longer route to pick up Miranda first, ensuring her safety before coming to pick me up!

This was a clear case of preferential treatment!

What kind of background does Miranda have, that she could be more important than me and receive such attention from the military?!

"My current location is at the Dofu Hotel, with one companion, and a cute little cat!" Miranda didn't forget to mention Glisson this time.

The latter meowed, seemingly quite pleased.

"Okay, I understand, the journey will be shortened, and we expect to arrive in about 10 minutes!" Raven said before hanging up the phone.

Actually, since the power outage, there had been no network service.

Raven had managed to establish communication using military means by setting up a mobile signal tower.

"Ring ring!"

Cyril's phone rang again.

"There's a change in plan, the evacuation convoy will arrive in ten minutes, be ready to evacuate!" followed by the cold, disconnecting beeps.

Leaving only Cyril in the room, completely disheveled.

The stark difference in treatment erased Cyril's sense of superiority and dignity he had just a moment ago. What about the important position he was supposed to hold in the safe zone in the future?!

What about the special care he was supposed to receive because of his family's influence?!

Could it be that this 'special' wasn't a good special but a bad one?!

"The military's evacuation convoy will arrive in ten minutes, let's go wait in the lobby downstairs!" Miranda said with a radiant smile, suggesting.

"Yes, evacuating earlier can also give other survivors more time to evacuate!" Howard nodded in agreement.

Hearing Howard say this, Quinn couldn't help but feel a growing admiration and affection for him. This is what you call a broad perspective! Howard's thought was about evacuating early to give other survivors more time!

And from Cyril's expression, it was clear he was concerned about face; why his evacuation time was shorter than Miranda's. I really was blind to have fallen for Cyril, such a disgraceful guy!

"Wait for me, Miranda, Howard, can I be your accompanying person?" Quinn said.

"Also, Cyril, let's break up, let's end this here!" Now, as Quinn spoke of breaking up, there was not a trace of guilt in her heart.

In a post-apocalyptic world, people can be selfish, they can take desperate measures to survive—Quinn could understand all that. But to deliberately deceive and harm others, such actions have nothing to do with survival; they are just plain malicious!

Quinn hurried a few steps to catch up with Howard and Miranda. They entered the safety passage.

"Quinn, I really didn't mean to deceive anyone, it was just a necessary tactic!" Cyril pleaded in a strained voice as he followed behind.

"Only if I say I can take these people with us will they kowtow to us, respect us, listen to us."

"Otherwise, wouldn't they have already stolen our food?" 

"You could have simply hidden the food and not mentioned anything about rescue, that wouldn't have delayed our evacuation!" Quinn retorted mercilessly.

"The only reason you spoke up and deliberately deceived everyone was to be flattered, to satisfy your vanity!"


Cyril had just uttered "I" when he suddenly stopped talking, his face showing a tense expression.

"Why did you stop talking?" Quinn asked curiously.

"Shh, keep it down, we don't want the people in the box area, like Isaiah, to hear us." 

"If they insist on evacuating with us but there aren't enough spots in the convoy, it would be really troublesome!" Cyril explained in a barely audible voice, exaggerating his lip movements.

"Don't worry about them, they've all turned into zombies and are dead!" Howard said with a cold laugh.

It was shocking that Cyril, besides deceiving me—which is understandable as we aren't exactly friends and even have some bad blood—would even think of hiding this from Isaiah, his close friend of nearly ten years.

He was planning to sneak away, leaving him here to die!

Really incredible!

"What? They've all turned into zombies? Then we definitely need to be quieter, don't attract the zombies!" Cyril nervously shrank back, hiding behind Quinn.

"They were dealt with last night!" Quinn said coldly, utterly disappointed in this man!

Last night, after taming Glisson, Howard, along with her and Miranda, had cleared out the zombies on that floor.

After all, if Quinn wanted to follow Howard, she needed to have the courage and ability to kill zombies.

Just having a Scout's Eye was far from enough.

Next chapter