
Apocalypse - World Traverse System

Transported to a post-apocalyptic world, Seth gains the World Traverse System. He discovers that beauty from two different worlds can sense each other. In the 1993 post-apocalyptic world, Nicole, who swore allegiance to Seth for survival, remains a superstar in Hollywood in 2006. However, the moment she sees the protagonist, she can't help but feel the urge to kneel...

AllenWorker · Sci-fi
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369 Chs

Life and Death Crisis

"Damn it! This damned broken car! This bitch!! Always fails at the crucial moment! Damn you, you bitch!" Philip-Harris, infuriated, kicked the SUV hard again. He had just realized when he rushed to the SUV that he had forgotten where he put the car keys!

The locked trunk left him no way to access the items inside.

Just when he was about to retrieve the items from the car, he never imagined his own negligence would ruin everything.

The long-suppressed frustration and anger caused his emotions to explode violently.

His mood collapsed in an instant, becoming hysterical.

"Hey! Philip! What are you doing?!! Find a way to turn off that damned horn!!" Seth, having just pierced another zombie's head, shouted at Philip-Harris.

At this point, whether Seth shouted or not didn't matter.

The loud and piercing car horn would undoubtedly attract all the zombies within a thousand meters.

Philip-Harris, in the heat of his anger and seeing his SUV start honking madly, became even more furious. He lifted the fire axe and struck the trunk hard.




"Fuck! Damn it! What the hell are you doing?"

Seth wished he could spear Philip-Harris, the fool. The gate had already been damaged by the car, and the yard's fence was almost non-existent.

Zombies could break through the damaged iron gate and storm into the yard at any moment!

Philip-Harris's actions were nothing short of suicidal.

If the car horn keeps blaring like this, it will definitely attract countless zombies to the vicinity of the villa! In such a case, this originally peaceful town will become fraught with danger. With a massive influx of zombies into the yard, the hope of going out to find food after their current supply runs out will become a mere luxury.

This is almost akin to courting destruction!

Seeing him play Ethan Hunt in the movies, Seth had initially thought of Philip-Harris as a composed, witty, and highly skilled agent.

But he never expected that this guy would be nothing like the character he portrayed!

Not only was he hot-tempered, but he was also clumsy in action, and acted without considering the consequences!

He seemed like a big boy spoiled by indulgence.

"Shut off that damned horn!!" Seth roared in anger, abandoning the remaining four weak zombies entangled with him, and ran recklessly towards the SUV.

No matter what, he had to turn off the car horn before a large number of zombies arrived!!

"Fuck!!" Philip-Harris suddenly screamed in terror, dropped the axe stuck in the trunk of the car, and ran crazily towards Seth.

Seth tried to stop Philip-Harris but was bumped off balance by his robust body. Before he could regain his footing, Seth was horrified by the scene before him.

He saw a dense horde of zombies emerging from the nearby woods, approaching their location like a dark cloud looming over them.

Seth, suppressing his fear, quickly estimated the distance.

With the zombies' pace, it would take approximately one minute to reach the villa.

If he, like Philip-Harris, turned and ran back to the villa, he would surely make it in time!

But, the sharp and noisy car horn would not stop on its own before draining the car's battery.

In such a long duration, enough to attract thousands of zombies to surround the entire villa.

Then, Seth along with Mr. and Mrs. Philip-Harris would be trapped and doomed inside the villa, unable to move a step.

Once their food and water supplies were exhausted, if the zombies hadn't retreated by then, their fate would be certain death.

These thoughts were but a momentary flash. Seth's figure paused briefly before he accelerated towards the SUV again.



As Seth smashed the car window, Philip-Harris, with Nicole-Todd's help, retreated into the villa.

Without a second to spare, Seth quickly reached through the broken window to open the car door, then forcefully pulled the lever to open the hood.


The hood of the SUV opened.

Seth glanced back at the approaching horde of zombies.

Half a minute had already passed.

Hundreds, maybe thousands of zombies, were now less than a hundred meters from Seth!

At this distance, Seth had at most half a minute left.

"1... 2... 3... 4..." Seth counted silently in his mind, quickly getting out of the SUV, and opened the hood to look for the alarm horn's connection.

"18... 19... 20..."

The zombies were getting closer!

50 meters...

40 meters...

30 meters...

Seth continued to count calmly, using the sound of the horn to locate its position.

He was certain he wasn't mistaken; the alarm horn had to be in some hidden spot under the hood!

Large beads of sweat rolled down Seth's forehead, blurring his vision as his eyes were soaked with sweat.

"24... 25..."

Seth could now clearly hear the breathing of the zombies and their dense footsteps!

"Heh heh~~~ Heh heh~~~"

"Ugh~~~ Ugh ugh~~~"

The zombies were right at his heels!!

However, the defense of this old-style SUV was very well-made, and Seth couldn't immediately find the location of the horn!

Once he reached the count of 30, he couldn't stay there any longer, no matter what. Even if it meant certain death, he had to retreat back to the villa and find another way.

Seth could now clearly hear the breathing of the zombies and their dense footsteps!

"Heh heh~~~ Heh heh~~~"

"Ugh~~~ Ugh ugh~~~"

The zombies were right at his heels!!

However, the defense of this old-style SUV was very well-made, and Seth couldn't immediately find the location of the horn!

Once he reached the count of 30, he couldn't stay there any longer, no matter what. Even if it meant certain death, he had to retreat back to the villa and find another way.