
Apocalypse - World Traverse System

Transported to a post-apocalyptic world, Seth gains the World Traverse System. He discovers that beauty from two different worlds can sense each other. In the 1993 post-apocalyptic world, Nicole, who swore allegiance to Seth for survival, remains a superstar in Hollywood in 2006. However, the moment she sees the protagonist, she can't help but feel the urge to kneel...

AllenWorker · Sci-fi
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369 Chs


"I mean no harm to you. I just wanted to help, and I'm very sorry for any inconvenience I've caused." Seth raised his hands above his head and slowly walked out from behind the pillar, heading towards the edge of the front yard's fence. "I'm leaving now."

Facing the highly vigilant woman, Seth decided to retreat as a way to advance. He was not worried that the woman would shoot him. This mother and daughter had just learned of the loss of the only man they could rely on. Now, they had reached the point of eating roots and tree bark. They couldn't possibly refuse his goodwill.

Seth retreated while keeping an eye on the balcony. As long as he could make the woman lower her guard, without food and without a man's protection, a little benevolence from him should quickly gain their trust and lower their defenses.

"Wait!" A woman's anxious voice sounded. Then, Seth saw a woman holding a rifle slowly standing up from the balcony. She was dressed in a sky-blue tank top, her golden wavy hair slightly messy and dirty. Despite the dirt on her fair skin and her unhealthy complexion, it couldn't hide her voluptuous figure and stunningly beautiful face.

Especially when the woman stood up, her ample, snow-white chest and deep cleavage were enough to make Seth almost drool. Her thighs were white and though a bit thick, not as slender and toned as those of younger women like Nicole-Todd, they were strong and powerful.

But the snow-white, rounded thighs of the woman before him had their own appeal, especially when combined with the fullness of her buttocks wrapped in denim shorts. They seemed irresistibly pinchable, and the urge to pull apart her cheeks and thrust deep inside her was strong.

"Thank you! Thank you for confirming what happened to my husband, and for the food you gave us! We have no way to repay you for your help," the woman said, pulling the girl beside her and bowing deeply to Seth. Even so, the woman's hand remained tightly gripped on the rifle, every movement full of caution and defense.

"In these apocalyptic times, with zombies everywhere, as fellow survivors, I hope you both can stay safe. This is all the help I can offer. If there's nothing else, I won't disturb you any longer," Seth said, bowing slightly to them in a gentlemanly manner and stepping back, intending to leave quickly.

With the woman in the villa holding a gun, Seth couldn't be sure whether she would pose a threat to him. Right now, Seth didn't want to invite trouble, especially since Cecilia in the estate was still waiting for him.

"Uncle, could I ask you for a favor?" The sweet voice of the girl rang out, tinged with sobs but still sounding so adorable.

"Go ahead," Seth said, shifting his gaze from the woman's cleavage to the girl's face.

The moment he saw the girl's face clearly, Seth's eyes lit up. The feeling of familiarity intensified! The girl in the photo and the girl before him slowly merged in Seth's mind...


"Mark Perkins..."

He thought of the girl's name the woman had called out and the surname engraved on the gun.

In Seth's mind suddenly appeared a blonde beauty with a sexy figure, dressed in a blue tight suit. 

"Jessica Perkins!" 

Seth suddenly remembered! 


The girl in front of him looked very much like Jessica Perkins, a Hollywood actress he was very fond of in his previous life!

"Uncle, could you please help us bring my father's body back? I want to bury my father's body in our backyard, so I can talk to him every day, and if we die, please bury us together..." Jessica Perkins said firmly, wiping away her tears.

Jessica seemed mature beyond her years, and her words sounded quite grown-up.

This slightly shocked Seth.

This was not something a twelve-year-old girl should be saying.

Seeing Seth hesitate, the girl quickly pleaded with a sorrowful face: "Uncle, I know we don't have the right to ask you to do something so dangerous, but if you don't want to, can you take me to where my father's body is? I want to see him one last time!"

"It's not that I don't want to help you, but... I think, he definitely wouldn't want you to see him in his current state..." Seth shook his head slightly: "It's dangerous outside, you better not take the risk. I'll go now and bring his body back, but I hope you won't be too sad when the time comes..."

Having said this, Seth turned to climb over the fence.

Seth had changed his mind, since it was Jessica Perkins, he didn't mind spending some time to help them.

"Wait!" The woman's shrill voice rang out again.