
Apocalypse - World Traverse System

Transported to a post-apocalyptic world, Seth gains the World Traverse System. He discovers that beauty from two different worlds can sense each other. In the 1993 post-apocalyptic world, Nicole, who swore allegiance to Seth for survival, remains a superstar in Hollywood in 2006. However, the moment she sees the protagonist, she can't help but feel the urge to kneel...

AllenWorker · Sci-fi
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369 Chs

Coercion and Temptation

"Andy... What do you want to do? You're just a kid..." Sherry looked at Seth in horror, her eyes filled with panic.

The young master Andy in front of her was only twelve years old!

Even if Andy raped her, legally it would be considered her committing the crime of rape!

Because the handsome and tender young master in front of her was still a minor!

Seth gently took off his pants, revealing his large and firm penis, and said to Sherry with a faint smile, "Miss Sherry, I'm sorry to have ruined the mood for both of you just now. Now, I will use my penis to satisfy your fat pussy. Come here! Use your mouth to taste my tender big penis!"

Sherry looked incredulously at the large meat stick in front of her. A twelve-year-old body actually had such a large and firm penis, which astonished Sherry.

"How... How is this possible... You're just a kid... Why is your penis bigger than Shawn's... Mmm..."

Before Sherry could finish her sentence, Seth grabbed Sherry's golden hair and forcefully thrust his large penis into her wide-open mouth.

With a "smack!" he began to vigorously knead Sherry's plump breasts with both hands.

In his past life, Seth often fantasized about spending thousands at clubs to enjoy the company of blonde beauties, curious about the different kind of pleasure it might bring. But due to a lack of sufficient funds and time, these fantasies never materialized.

Now, with a blonde beauty lying naked before him, Seth finds no reason not to fully indulge in the experience. After all, he can no longer return to his own world. So, in this apocalyptic setting and in the America of 2006, he decides to give in to his desires completely. After enjoying the full, energetic body of Sherry, Seth lets out a long, satisfied sigh.

The feeling is wonderful. To outsiders, he appears as a handsome and innocent young boy, but in reality, he is a 30-year-old Chinese man. Although he's never been married, he's had several girlfriends and is no stranger to soliciting prostitutes.

His skills in lovemaking and flirtation are more refined than those of an average man. Moreover, with his handsome, boyish appearance and strong physique, Sherry is utterly captivated by Seth.

Overwhelmed by the intense sensations and her guilt for being with such a young-looking individual, Sherry becomes obedient like a submissive pet, completely devoted and enamored with Seth.

Leveraging the psychology of both Sherry and Sean, Seth slowly takes control of them to work for him, marking his first step in gaining a foothold in a parallel world! Seth's actions are not solely for enjoyment and indulgence. In his heart lies a sinister plan!

Despite Pete's considerable wealth and senior status, Seth, in his disguise as Andy, the illegitimate child of Cecilia-Seymour, has no rights to any inheritance and faces constant ostracism, rendering him helpless in almost all endeavors.

To establish himself firmly in this world and access more resources, Seth must eliminate Pete and Jerry, the two obstacles in his way, and seize control of Pete's resources. Emerging from Sherry's room, Seth straightens his clothes and calmly returns to his own room, with a conspiracy slowly taking shape in his mind.

"Master, here is the chainsaw you requested, it cost three hundred dollars, and here is the remaining seven hundred dollars..."

Sean respectfully places the chainsaw in front of Seth, alongside a stack of dollars. In this world, the 2008 financial crisis hasn't occurred yet, making the dollar even more valuable than in later years. Seven hundred dollars is a significant sum, as many American workers earn just over a thousand dollars a month.

"The remaining US dollars are a reward for you!Sean, as long as you help me, I assure you, you won't miss out on the benefits! If I'm not mistaken, your daughter recently applied to a prestigious high school, which requires a hefty tuition fee, right?" Seth placed the seven hundred dollars back into Sean's hands and said with a faint smile.

From Andy's memory, Seth had acquired a lot of information about Sean's 13-year-old daughter. Andy seemed to be very interested in Sean's daughter, Anna.

"Yes... yes... Master..." Sean stammered and nodded.

"Don't worry, I will find a way to get this money to you. You can leave now. Follow me, and I won't let you down," Seth said, waving his hand at Sean.

Watching Sean's retreating figure, a sinister curve formed on the corner of Seth's mouth.

Intimidation and temptation, intimidation and temptation.

Where there's intimidation, there needs to be temptation.

Intimidation without benefits will eventually drive the other party into a corner and lead to their breakdown.

But intimidation coupled with temptation will gradually entangle and intertwine the other's inner fears and desires, eventually leading to complete submission!

Fear coupled with greed is enough to control a person!

Seth understood that this small amount of money had to be given away.

If you can't bear to part with a small amount, how can you expect to gain a large amount?

America is a place where money is paramount. With money, you really can do whatever you want, and without it, it's almost impossible to make a move!

What Seth needs now is a vast fortune.

And the simplest and most direct way is to inherit Pete's wealth and status, to rise to the top in one step, becoming one of the elite of this world!