
Apocalypse - World Traverse System

Transported to a post-apocalyptic world, Seth gains the World Traverse System. He discovers that beauty from two different worlds can sense each other. In the 1993 post-apocalyptic world, Nicole, who swore allegiance to Seth for survival, remains a superstar in Hollywood in 2006. However, the moment she sees the protagonist, she can't help but feel the urge to kneel...

AllenWorker · Sci-fi
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369 Chs

Cecilia's Wait

Inside Clinton Manor, Cecilia, with her sexy and charming round hips, rested her charming face on her hands and leaned against the windowsill, looking out expectantly at the small grove in the backyard garden.

Every little rustle of the wind through the grass brought a flicker of excitement to her face.

But soon, she would sigh in disappointment, her face falling.

Since last night, Cecilia had been waiting at the window, hoping for that man to return.

During the long night, loneliness and solitude tormented her, making her toss and turn, unable to sleep. She kept looking towards the backyard, praying for the man to come back.

She didn't understand her feelings; having met him only once, she had developed a strong fondness for the man.

After the man left, her mind was filled with his voice, smile, and the commanding silhouette of him killing zombies.

She found herself inexplicably worried and longing for him.

Seeing that the man still hadn't appeared, Cecilia sighed again, her heart full of worry and restlessness.

This made her increasingly uneasy.

"What's wrong with me? I've just met him, seen him only once... but why do I care so much about him? Could it be... love at first sight?"

"How is that possible... He's just an ordinary person, not only is his physique unimpressive, but he's also not handsome. Compared to the other men who pursued me, how could he possibly measure up?"

Cecilia paced back and forth like a little girl troubled by love, murmuring to herself. She knocked her fist against her palm while intermittently glancing toward the small grove in the backyard garden.

As a rising superstar model with a captivating figure and enchanting face, Cecilia was the object of pursuit by countless elites and male stars.

For a super beauty like her, which man wouldn't be smitten?

Yet, in the face of all those adoring elites, whether handsome actors and models or powerful and influential elites, she had never been as restless and sleepless as she was now.

"But why... why do I miss him so much, worry about him so much?"

"Could it be... am I just too lonely?" Cecilia blushed at her own thoughts: "Of course not! How can I be lonely! I'm just alone and too scared... It's impossible for me to think about such things..."

"But... I really miss him... He promised me, he would come back here after finishing his business..."

"He shouldn't be lying to me... My intuition is always accurate; he will come back! I have electricity, water, vegetables, and fruits here, there's no reason for him not to return..."

"But what if he really doesn't come back, or if he's in danger... What should I do?"

"No! I need to go outside and check the situation!"

Just as Cecilia was growing impatient and mustering the courage to go out to the backyard garden, a swift figure suddenly appeared atop the wall.

The moment she saw Seth, Cecilia's heart started pounding wildly.

It was like a little deer jumping in her chest, filling her with immense excitement.

Before Seth even reached the door, Cecilia hurriedly opened the back door and rushed towards him.

"Are you okay? It's so dangerous outside! You shouldn't just run out like that! Do you know how dangerous that is? You had me so worried!... Have you eaten? I'll make you some toast... You must not have had vegetables in a while, right? I'll pick some for you and cook..."

Cecilia was startled by her own babbling. When had she, always so proud and confident, become so unreserved?

Ever since she met this man, she felt like she had become a different person.

She always found herself subtly wanting to care for and protect this man.

Seth was also surprised by Cecilia's behavior, which was strikingly similar to that of his own mother.

He could feel that Cecilia's concern for him was genuine and heartfelt.

It was like... maternal love...

The word "maternal love" flashed through Seth's mind, and he suddenly realized that Cecilia, this stunning beauty he had met only once, seemed to care for him in a way reminiscent of a mother's love for her child in the second world, like Andy Brandt's mother...

But his current appearance had no visual deception; he still looked the same as he always had.

Besides, the current Cecilia was only a 25-year-old woman. According to Andy's age, in 1993, Andy wouldn't have been born yet!

Observing Cecilia, who was excessively affectionate and caring towards him, Seth began to form a hypothesis in his mind.

"Could it be... in two different worlds, the same person's feelings towards me are somehow interconnected and influence each other?"

This bold idea made Cecilia's enthusiasm and concern for him seem more reasonable!

The way Cecilia was treating him really did resemble the overflowing maternal affection of Cecilia in the second world towards Andy!