
Apocalypse - Infinite Shelter Upgrade System

Solar flares erupt, massive meteorites descend, and a great catastrophe is imminent, reminiscent of the Ice Age and the extinction of dinosaurs. Sam crosses over to this world, immediately confronting the apocalypse! Fortunately, he obtains the Infinite Shelter Upgrade System, activating his exclusive shelter system that can be upgraded infinitely! Iron door → Sandwiched door → Alloy gate → Laser passage... Crossbow port → Small-caliber machine gun → Large-caliber machine gun → Thunderstorm machine gun → Laser cannon... Radiation-resistant suit → Exoskeleton armor → Mechanical armor → Small-scale mech → Giant mech... Crossbow manufacturing station → Firearms workstation → Arsenal...

moone_heroall · Fantasy
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80 Chs

Purchasing Apocalypse Vehicles

At the beginning of humanity, nature was fundamentally good.

If possible, Sam also wanted to be a kind person, provided there was no danger.

However, with people like Long Ge around, if Sam didn't take action, he would surely continue to suffer attacks from Long Ge and others.

What good are guns?

A crossbow bolt shot from the shadows, Sam is not invulnerable, perhaps a single arrow could kill him.

Moreover, This is merely the simplest of dangers, Crossbow bolts can still be defended against with armor, but what if the enemy employs schemes and brute force?

There's no such thing as being thief-proof forever, And this, Is also why Sam resolutely decided to kill Long Ge and the others!

"It's only the beginning of the great catastrophe, and people like Long Ge are already causing trouble, the aurora hasn't even dissipated, and the radiation levels are rising every day!"

"In a few days, the radiation levels outside are expected to exceed the limit!"

"By then, various dangers will follow one after another, I can't stop, I must be fully prepared!"

Sam lay on his bed, thinking about the future.

The great catastrophe had already begun, gradually revealing its ferocity, Like a prehistoric beast, baring its fangs!

The solar flare eruption is too bizarre, even the scientific academy could only provide an equivocal conclusion!

First, earthquakes and tsunamis!

Second, an ice age!

Earthquakes and tsunamis are not a big problem, there's only one large river and a few tributaries around Heyang City, so a tsunami disaster is unlikely!

And for earthquakes, Sam's shelter is not weak, ensuring safety is still no problem.

But if it were to enter an ice age...

"How long can the high temperatures last?"

"How many days will the impact of the meteorite fragments last?"

Sam frowned, sighing softly.

He got up, Washed, And hastily ate some breakfast.

Because he had moved a cartload of supplies from the supermarket basement, Sam's storage had no space left, so he could only leave it by the door.

His breakfast was simple, a bowl of porridge, a stack of side dishes, and a few pieces of roasted meat.

Not much, But it was more than enough to meet the needs of one person's body.

However, As he was eating, Sam hesitated for a moment, then went to the medical room.

On the small bed in the medical room, a beautiful girl with injuries lay sleeping.

The fire from the day before had left some scars on her fair ketone body, but her charm was still undeniable.

Remembering yesterday, Sam couldn't help feeling warmth in his heart, He quickly took several deep breaths, To calm down.

"Are you awake?"

Sam approached.

The beautiful girl made no move.

After a moment's thought, Sam went out to bring porridge and side dishes, spooning the side dishes into the porridge and stirring it slightly.

Then he propped up the beautiful girl and gently tapped her face.

The girl woke up groggily, her eyes still lifeless, as if she was still caught in the explosion and fire from the day before.

Sam hadn't seen what happened, nor did he know how much pain the girl was in, But he didn't care about that.

Gently prying open the girl's mouth, he spoon-fed her the porridge, one spoonful at a time.

After a while, Sam sighed in relief, looking down at the girl's fair complexion with some reluctance, let her continue to lie down, and then walked out with the plate.


The door to the medical room closed, The girl, whose eyes had been lifeless, suddenly closed them, a flush of red appearing on her fair face.


In the living room, Sam was surfing the internet.

Suddenly, A message popped up in the forum.

Ah Zhe: "Invincible, are you looking for me?"

Ah Zhe, a big name in the forum for modifying vehicles, Has been in business with apocalypse enthusiasts since 2012,

Among which, Modifying vehicles was his main job!

By 2021, after working for 9 years, no one knew more about apocalypse modifications than him!

After seeing his car break down, Sam wanted to find someone to modify his vehicle, so he messaged "Ah Zhe",

Surprisingly, he only now replied.

Sam hesitated for a moment, then replied: "I'm here! Ah Zhe, I want a good car!"

Ah Zhe: "Finally, you give me some news, old family member. I told you, sooner or later you'd want an apocalypse big truck!"

Sam: "Forget the apocalypse big truck, I need something more complex, preferably with weapons..."

Ah Zhe: "Good man, thinking big! No problem! Day after tomorrow, I'll bring you a fine apocalypse vehicle!"

Sam: "Okay, call me then!"

After making contact, Sam put on a radiation suit and went outside the shelter.

Due to the meteorite fragments hitting Heyang, the Third Satellite City was also affected, The small garage outside and the cars inside were done for.

The small truck Sam had driven before was also near scrapping.

He thought for a moment, Got a tow hook,

Used the small truck to tow away the junk car, abandoning it by the roadside, Then cleaned up the small garage!

After busying himself, It was suddenly dusk!

"I'm exhausted!"

Sam leaned against the garage wall, exhaling.

He looked up, The colorful aurora in the sky was still there,

Like the sun, eternal and undying!