
Apocalypse - Infinite Resource System

Catastrophic disasters descended, the world underwent tremendous changes, and doomsday arrived, with zombies and mutated monsters everywhere. Amidst the struggle for survival, Waldo suddenly discovered that he had obtained an infinite resource system, granting him one unlimited-use item every day. [Congratulations on obtaining unlimited bullets.] [Congratulations on obtaining unlimited painkillers.] [Congratulations on obtaining...] While everyone else in the outside world faced countless natural disasters and resorted to desperate measures to survive, Waldo had already settled into a luxurious mansion, leisurely sipping wine and enjoying grilled meat...

AllenWorker · Fantasy
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583 Chs


At this moment, the leader of a team spoke up. He was a man wearing a mask, with his left arm severed and a sword strapped to his back. His code name was "Fox," and he was the leader of one of the teams in the mansion area.

"Fox, tell us, how can we achieve our goal without bloodshed? If we don't launch a direct assault, we won't be able to get close to the fortified walls of 10086's mansion, let alone hold him accountable," said the leader with the iron arm, raising an eyebrow in dissatisfaction at Fox's attempt to be mysterious.

Fox smiled cunningly and said, "Don't worry, Iron Arm. I already have a plan in mind, and I guarantee that 10086 won't see it coming."

Iron Arm responded, unimpressed, "If you already have a plan, then stop beating around the bush and just tell us. We can start preparing in advance."

With a slight smile, Fox calmly explained, "It's actually quite simple. We'll select a group of people to disguise themselves as injured and seek help from 10086. We'll promise to reward him generously if he aids our injured. Once we get close and open the fortified walls, the disguised individuals will launch a surprise attack. 10086 will be caught off guard and won't have time to close the walls. Meanwhile, our main force will be lying in wait nearby and rush in as soon as they see the signal to attack. Once 10086 loses his strongest defense, he won't be a threat anymore."

As the plan was explained, many people nodded in agreement. However, some raised concerns. One survivor questioned Fox, "Fox, isn't your plan a bit unreliable? What if 10086 opens the walls but refuses to help the injured? Wouldn't the plan be scrapped then?"

Fox shook his head confidently and replied, "Based on my understanding of someone like 10086, who is solely driven by self-interest, he will definitely open the door as long as the conditions we propose are enticing enough."

Another survivor asked, "Even if 10086 does open the door to help the injured, will the surprise attack be effective?"

Instead of answering, Fox suddenly pulled out a dagger from his backpack and lunged at the survivor who asked the question. The dagger came close to the person's throat in an instant, leaving them no time to react. Then, Fox withdrew the dagger and said with confidence, "What if it's me who plays the injured role? Do you think I'm qualified enough to launch a surprise attack on 10086?"

The survivor who was nearly attacked wiped the sweat from their forehead and nodded in admiration. "The speed and skill of Fox's leader are unmatched. I bet 10086 wouldn't be able to react in time. Fox might even succeed in assassinating him!"

Iron Arm and the muscular man burst into laughter. "Great, Fox's speed is truly astonishing! Even if 10086 manages to dodge that lethal blow, he won't have a chance to close the fortified walls."

As everyone praised Fox, he remained grounded. "As you all know, we are the last team to arrive in the mansion area. Before this, I had heard various stories about 10086 and always wanted to test myself against this legendary lone ranger. I wanted to see what made him confident enough to refuse offers from the police and single-handedly take on mutated spiders. Thank you all for giving me this opportunity."

Iron Arm spoke up, "Fox, if we successfully eliminate 10086 this time, you will be credited as the hero. You can have first pick of his resources."

Colossus, do you have any opinions?

The burly man shook his head.

"Our team has no objections. If Fox's plan succeeds, I will fully acknowledge it, and Fox can choose the resources from 10086 first."

Fox smiled and waved her hand.

"We all came together because we share the same goals. Let's not talk about these matters. I only need the automatic defense armament system from 10086. You two teams can have the barricades and the generator."

Both Iron Arm and Colossus were satisfied with this response.

The previous talk about letting Fox choose first was just a formality.

If Fox were to be greedy and demand more after eliminating 10086, it would be their turn to deal with Fox.

Fortunately, Fox knew her limits. Although she voluntarily proposed to choose the automatic defense system first, she wasn't being greedy.

Iron Arm and Colossus were also fine with it.

Iron Arm said, "In that case, I'll take the generator. Colossus, what do you think?"

Colossus nodded.

"I'm interested in the barricades. I was worried earlier that you might want to compete with me for them. Since you want the generator, we can each take what we need. That would be the best outcome."

Clearly, the three teams already considered Waldo's rare resources as their own and had begun discussing distribution plans.

"Hahaha, then it's settled. We'll divide the remaining common resources equally among us!" Iron Arm was very pleased.

He was one of the first groups to arrive at the villa area and had witnessed the conflicts between Waldo's team and Tommy's team, as well as the ruthless methods Waldo used afterward.

He couldn't wait for Waldo to die sooner.

After all, having such a troublemaker around made it impossible to sleep soundly.

After finalizing the plan, Fox proposed: "Leaders, to ensure everything goes smoothly, we can sprinkle poison on the resources that we'll give to 10086 as a reward for their rescue request. Food and water, all laced with poison. If we can trick 10086 into consuming them directly, we won't need to take unnecessary risks and achieve a bloodless victory."

Colossus frowned at this suggestion.

"But won't these resources go to waste then?"

Iron Arm strongly agreed with Fox's proposal and said, "Colossus, sometimes you have to sacrifice the child to catch the wolf. Although it will result in some wastage, as long as we successfully eliminate 10086, all the efforts will be worth it. We will gain several times, or even dozens of times, the return on our investment!"

Colossus gritted his teeth.

"Fine! We'll do it your way. We'll spray all the resources with poison!"

Fox nodded and then gave instructions to the subordinates of the three teams present.

"Everyone, we will soon be able to enjoy hot showers and air conditioning! Please stay focused and eliminate 10086 with all your energy!"

The crowd shouted in unison, cheering for the eradication of 10086. They seemed to have already envisioned a future of happiness.

Waldo woke up early today.

However, he was somewhat angry.

The reason he woke up early was not because he naturally woke up.

He usually liked to sleep until 8 o'clock, leisurely stretching his body, doing some joint exercises before getting up.

But today, at around 7 o'clock, he was awakened by someone.

It was the other survivors in the villa area. Among the seven or eight people, there were several injured individuals with bandages, banging on the gate and shouting loudly.

This made Waldo very angry.

"What the hell? Who's knocking on the door so early in the morning? Don't they have anything better to do?!"