
Apocalypse - Infinite Plunder

Noah survived for ten years in the apocalypse, only to be reborn back to the beginning. Obtaining the 'Infinite Plunder', whoever he encountered was thoroughly stripped bare, as an evil gateway opened up before him. "You like hoarding supplies, huh? Bring it on!" "Your abilities are impressive, hand them over!" "Your level is quite high, hand it over!" "Even zombies have skills? Bring it on!" "The skills of apocalyptic beasts are even more formidable? Bring it on!" "This mall looks good, let's just take it away!" "This plot of land is nice, let's snatch it while we're at it!" In his previous life, he meekly survived nine cycles of the apocalypse, but in this life, he's going to traverse the apocalypse with an invincible posture, pushing through all obstacles along the way.

bomer_allen · Sci-fi
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319 Chs

Do You Think You're Funny?

"Your ability is indeed strong, but it's not invincible. Electrokinesis can easily counter you," Noah began, approaching the immobilized Iron Man. "After you transform into steel, your defense and mass become formidable. However, because your body is now metallic, it's directly susceptible to electromagnetic forces, even to the point of being controlled."

Noah walked up to the Iron Man, who was frozen in place, electricity dancing in his palm. "Unfortunately for you, I happen to possess electrokinesis. You've lost fairly." The Iron Man, still in the motion of swinging his fist, was filled with horror and unwillingness in his eyes. He seemed to want to say something but couldn't even move his mouth.

"Do you have any last words... never mind, I'm afraid your words might disgust me," Noah said, placing his hand on the Iron Man's head, silently commanding, "Hand it over."

[Target for plunder detected]

[Please select the direction of plunder]

"I want it all!"

[Ability replication successful. Ability acquired: Steel Body A]

[Wealth plunder successful. 2000 points of resources obtained. Please select the location for resource transfer]

Noah silently chose to transfer the resources back to the courtyard of their base.


2000 points of resources weren't much, but acquiring an A-grade ability like Steel Body perfectly compensated for his lack of defensive capabilities. Just replicating this one ability made the trip worthwhile. Noah patted the Iron Man's shoulder, "Buddy, I really want to say, you and your brother played some truly twisted games."

With a snap of his fingers, the Iron Man began to contort unnaturally, his head and torso twisting in opposite directions. Shortly after, with a loud bang, his head separated from his body, rolling to the ground as he died. The ability was dispelled, and his corpse reverted to its original form.

Noah stretched and proceeded up the stairs to the fifth floor, where Hu Ye was located, curious if Hu Ye was also an awakener.

After reaching the fifth floor, Noah surveyed the surroundings, finding it eerily quiet and devoid of people. He kicked open several rooms, but no one was in sight. "Could they have fled? That doesn't seem right," he thought, believing Hu Ye wouldn't just run away. Yet, after searching the entire fifth floor, Noah found no one.

He entered a luxurious office and slouched in a chair, feet propped on the desk, feeling frustrated. "Should've dealt with that Iron Man sooner. Now I've lost out big time," he grumbled, kicking the desk across the room where it thudded against the wall.

"Wait, that's odd..." The sound made by the desk hitting the wall was unusual, muffled with an echo.

The office's dimensions also seemed off. Given the decor and luxury, it was undoubtedly Hu Ye's office, but it was surprisingly small, no more than forty square meters. Noah's interest piqued; he approached the wall for a closer examination and pushed aside a bookshelf. Behind it, a fine seam in the wall was just visible. Knocking on it revealed a metallic resonance.

"There's a secret room," Noah deduced. Stepping back, he activated, "Steel Body," his body shimmering with a metallic sheen as he transformed into steel. He then charged at the wall, creating a large hole with a loud thud. Peering in, he sneered, "Found you!"

His greeting was a frying pan to the face. Noah's expression darkened as he forcefully widened the gap, squeezing himself through. He entered a luxuriously decorated, enclosed bedroom. In the center stood a large bed, beside which was a computer playing action movies. In front of the bed stood a fat man in a bathrobe, holding the frying pan.

Seeing Noah break through the wall, the fat man immediately tossed aside the frying pan and jovially said, "Brother, your iron head skill is truly impressive. Admire you, Hu Ye."

Noah tilted his head, "Do you think you're being funny?" The fat man's legs gave way, and he knelt down, repeatedly bowing his head, "I was wrong, brother. Please don't kill me. Whatever you want, I can give you. Take anything, everything of the Long Hu Gang is yours."

He then ran to the bed and dragged out a woman with a curvaceous figure and delicate features, "Look, brother, this is Xiao Bingbing, a top-tier celebrity beauty. I've trained her well; you'll like her." Noah's gaze hardened as he looked at them, his pupils shrinking and his breathing becoming rapid.

Seeing this, Hu Ye quickly nudged Xiao Bingbing, "Hurry up and go over there." Xiao Bingbing shot Hu Ye a resentful glance, "Hmph, I won't go. What do you take me for? I'm a top-tier actress! Does he even match my status? I refuse. If you're so keen, you go."

Hu Ye almost choked with anger at her words, clearly not as successful in his "training" as he'd thought. But he liked Xiao Bingbing's pride. Yet, with his life on the line, he couldn't afford to care about that now. He slapped Xiao Bingbing across the face, shouting, "You dare defy me? Do you not realize it's the apocalypse? A top-tier actress? Worthless! Without me, you'd be zombie fodder by now. You do as I say, or I'll chop you up for the zombies."

Seeing the enraged Hu Ye, Xiao Bingbing covered her burning cheek, close to tears, feeling deeply wronged. "Fine... I'll do as you say," she bit her lip, shooting Hu Ye a venomous look before walking towards Noah. She had seen many young men like him before and was confident in her beauty, believing she could easily enchant him.

She might even be one of her die-hard fans, already breathing heavily in anticipation. Hmph, looks like this wild youngster will be getting a bargain. Once she has this young man under her spell, she's determined to make that fat man regret his actions, chopping him up to feed the zombies.

"You have to stand up for me, whimper whimper..." Xiao Bingbing said as she attempted to snuggle into Noah's embrace. With a 'smack,' Noah straightforwardly slapped the incoming weeper away. His gaze fixed intently on Hu Ye, he then licked his dry lips. "It's your turn to come over here, Hu Ye!"