
Apocalypse - Infinite Plunder

Noah survived for ten years in the apocalypse, only to be reborn back to the beginning. Obtaining the 'Infinite Plunder', whoever he encountered was thoroughly stripped bare, as an evil gateway opened up before him. "You like hoarding supplies, huh? Bring it on!" "Your abilities are impressive, hand them over!" "Your level is quite high, hand it over!" "Even zombies have skills? Bring it on!" "The skills of apocalyptic beasts are even more formidable? Bring it on!" "This mall looks good, let's just take it away!" "This plot of land is nice, let's snatch it while we're at it!" In his previous life, he meekly survived nine cycles of the apocalypse, but in this life, he's going to traverse the apocalypse with an invincible posture, pushing through all obstacles along the way.

bomer_allen · Sci-fi
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317 Chs

Birth of a New Dual S-Rank Ability Holder

Leaving Ten-Mile Journey, Noah, accompanied by Tong Xiaoyu, started heading towards the outskirts of the oasis.

He had already arranged to meet Black Bee at noon the next day to discuss the trade of catalysts, at which time the leader of the Nightfall adventure group would also appear.

By then, he could directly use the opportunity to skim some benefits.

But skimming benefits didn't mean wasting resources. 

He could let Qiao Zhidie take over the Nightfall adventure group; otherwise, just relying on the few girls from Crimson Squad, they wouldn't be able to make any significant impact in Loushang City.

They didn't even qualify to draw out the big shots of Loushang City.

Not long after leaving Ten-Mile Journey, Noah sensed someone was following him.

Using his psychic abilities, he detected at least dozens of people.

And all of them were high-level awakeners, including even an S-rank awakener leading the group.