
Apocalypse - Infinite Modification System

"Apocalypse in three minutes?" What should I do stuck in this dilapidated van in the middle of the city center? No worries! Infinite Modification System activated! [Ding! Successful modification of the dilapidated van, acquired one LV1 armored vehicle!] [Ding! Successful modification of the abandoned base, acquired one steel fortress!] [Ding! Successful modification of the exoskeleton armor! Acquired one Unicorn Gundam!] Transport plane? Cargo ship? Firearms? Ammunition? All modified!

moone_heroall · Sci-fi
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64 Chs

Does the Official Really Think It Can Be Concealed?

"Let's see."

There's internet, but no signal, obviously, there's a problem on the TV station's side!

This was also anticipated by Ray and didn't concern him too much.

Moreover, not all TV stations were without a signal!

Some stations still had a signal, although it was very weak, and the picture was not so clear.

Most of these were domestic!

For instance, in the Shangbin City where Ray was located, after a day's development, the situation had basically stabilized, possibly because the Earth in this world was much larger than in his previous life, making a city's area much larger as well.

Thus, on the TV, Ray ultimately found three channels related to Shangbin City.

They were the Shangbin Military Channel, Shangbin Culture and Education Channel, and Shangbin Satellite TV.

At this moment, on the Shangbin Military Channel, the scene being broadcast was of a military base that was brightly lit like daytime, despite being late at night.

On the base's parade ground, a young female reporter, appearing to be in her early twenties and holding a microphone, stood. Behind her, soldiers were running about, and further in the distance, helicopters hovered in the sky, seemingly on some mission.

"Ladies and gentlemen, regarding the incident that occurred today in Shangbin, there's no need for panic. The Ministry of Military Affairs has already launched a rescue operation. Please prepare enough food and drinking water for one to three weeks, stay calm at home, try to avoid going out, and the military's rescue operations will arrive soon..."

"This is probably the safe point that Jarvis mentioned earlier, the Xiao Mountain Military Base!"

Watching the outline of the military base behind the reporter, Ray pondered thoughtfully.

Then, his gaze shifted to Liu Yuqing, who was also watching the content on the TV. Discarding the bamboo stick in her hand, she picked up another mutton skewer, took a bite, and asked, "What do you think of this reporter's coverage?"

Suddenly asked, Liu Yuqing's expression froze for a moment, then she slightly shook her head and said, "The credibility is too low. Looking at the situation behind her, it seems they can barely protect themselves, let alone carry out rescues."

"The reporter's coverage, I guess, is meant to soothe the public, to give people a glimmer of hope."

"Even you can see that, the Military Department's method of pacification is too poor."

Ray then switched the channel to the Shangbin Culture and Education Channel.

In the scene, it appeared to be a studio where two reporters, a man and a woman, were interviewing a middle-aged man who looked to be in his forties or fifties.

"Do you know that middle-aged man?"

Having just arrived in this world, although the system had instilled many memories in him, most were just background introductions to this world and some basic knowledge. He did not recognize these cultural officials.

"He seems to be a deputy governor of Shangbin City. He has given a speech at our school before."

Liu Yuqing nodded slightly.

In the scene, at that moment, the male and female reporters posed a question to the deputy governor, "Could you inform us about the current situation in Shangbin City? Are you aware of it, and could you tell us, does the Department of Culture and Education have any good response measures?"

Faced with such pointed questions from the reporters, the deputy governor was not surprised, as these questions had been prepared in advance. He straightened up, faced the camera, and replied in a very official tone.

"Regarding the situation that occurred in Shangbin today, the Department of Culture and Education is fully aware and does not consider it to be very serious; it is still within controllable limits. However, for the safety of the public, we hope everyone will follow the advice of the Department of Culture and Education and the Military Department, prepare food and drinking water for one to three weeks, stay calm at home, and wait for rescue."

"Additionally, I can tell you that the Department of Culture and Education has already coordinated with the Military Department to take appropriate response measures. Checkpoints have been set up at various key transit points out of the city area to protect the safety of those who wish to leave Shangbin. Please rest assured."

"Is this not considered very serious? Do they really think they can hide it?"

After hearing the deputy governor's words, Liu Yuqing took a deep breath, her delicate face showing a trace of indignation.

With the outbreak of a zombie crisis, who knows how many people have been infected and turned into zombies throughout the day. She saw this situation with her own eyes. Earlier, in order to close the main door, she had come into close contact with zombies. Is this not considered serious?

This is truly like turning a blind eye to the truth!

"Concealment is definitely on their agenda; they could never admit it directly!"

Ray shrugged his shoulders, picked up a can of beer, and started drinking while leaning back in his chair.

"These people, they really don't take the safety of us common folk seriously!"

Liu Yuqing bit her lip, but then something occurred to her, and she couldn't help but ask, "They mentioned checkpoints; does that mean the outbreak is most severe in Shangbin City right now?"

"Similar to Raccoon City in 'Resident Evil'? Are the surrounding cities still safe?"

In this world, there are also 'Resident Evil' series movies, and naturally, Liu Yuqing had seen them.

"It's not impossible."

Ray nodded, having already gained some understanding of the infection situation in other countries through Jarvis while on his way to the Da Xi Street supermarket. He was naturally aware of the scenario Liu Yuqing mentioned.

However, he felt no need to elaborate!

What he wanted to know was the situation in Shangbin City, which would aid in his planning ahead.

Picking up the remote control, he switched the TV to the last channel, Shangbin Satellite TV.

This channel, unlike the previous two, turned to a dark screen for a moment when switched to, with only a few floodlights illuminating the surroundings.

Through these floodlights, it was faintly visible that this was on a national highway, but at this moment, the highway was blocked by a high wall constructed from several large trucks lying across the road.

The light from those few floodlights was shining down from atop these high walls.

From the screen, the only way to get through this wall seemed to be through a large gate in the middle of the national highway.

However, that gate was blocked by fully armed soldiers carrying sidearms.

At this moment, in front of the gate, hundreds of people had already gathered, and a reporter was in front of them, soothing them, asking them to remain calm and orderly accept the soldiers' inspection.

"Don't worry, everyone, one at a time. Our Military Department's soldiers guarantee your safety, and there will be no accidents, so please stay calm and orderly accept the soldiers' inspection."

Just as her words fell, the crowd suddenly became restless, and the next moment, several floodlights swept over.

At the same time, the camera followed suit, presenting a scene on the screen.

This made Ray and Liu Yuqing, who were watching the TV, jump at the same time.

Someone in the crowd was infected with the zombie virus!

And they had mixed in with the crowd, now breaking out!