
Apocalypse - Infinite Modification System

"Apocalypse in three minutes?" What should I do stuck in this dilapidated van in the middle of the city center? No worries! Infinite Modification System activated! [Ding! Successful modification of the dilapidated van, acquired one LV1 armored vehicle!] [Ding! Successful modification of the abandoned base, acquired one steel fortress!] [Ding! Successful modification of the exoskeleton armor! Acquired one Unicorn Gundam!] Transport plane? Cargo ship? Firearms? Ammunition? All modified!

moone_heroall · Sci-fi
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64 Chs

Decisive and Ruthless, I Don't Like Wasting Words on the Dead!

"What's going on?"

Looking at the man with glasses lying on the ground, blood and brains spilled everywhere, the faces of San Ge and their group not far away changed drastically, while the two girls nearby screamed in fright, falling to the ground.

"This fifth floor is indeed nice, no wonder you all are hiding here!"

As a slow voice sounded, Ray, holding a nail gun, slowly emerged from the staircase, followed closely by Liu Yuqing.

"You're not dead!!"

The San Ge instantly recognized Ray, their faces turning extremely ugly.

After all, they had just seen Ray and Liu Yuqing on the surveillance footage, and they had sent people down, but now, Ray and Liu Yuqing appeared here.

It looked like those six guards and the dozen survivors were done for!

"Damn, those useless ones are indeed unreliable!"

The muscular man cursed, then looked at Ray, clenching his fists, "Kid, don't think you can act tough just because you have a nail gun. We brothers have been in the underworld, if you know what's good for you..."

"Get out of the way!!"

Before he could finish his sentence, the color of San Ge' faces suddenly changed, and he pushed the muscular man to the side. At the moment he was pushed away, thud, thud, thud, three nails precisely hit the wall behind where the muscular man's head had just been.

The nails were exactly at the position where the muscular man's head had been!

The muscular man was instantly drenched in a cold sweat, "That was close!"

"Now the world has changed, what does it matter if you've been in the underworld? You don't think that just a few words will make me kneel and beg for mercy, do you?"

Regarding this, Ray simply shrugged and didn't care, instructing Liu Yuqing behind him to lock the iron gate. At the same time, he stepped towards the San Ge and their group.

"Some words are better left unsaid!"

"Now that I'm up here, either you kill me and throw me down to feed the zombies, or you four get thrown down to feed the zombies!"

Ray's mouth twisted into a mocking smile as he raised the nail gun in his hand.

Hearing Ray's words and seeing the nail gun in his hand, the faces of the San Ge and their group immediately changed.

"There's no bad blood between us. It was our fault for sending people after you, but you just killed one of our brothers, so we're even now..."

"I said, some words are better left unsaid!"

Ray smiled, lifted the nail gun, and directly pulled the trigger, "And besides, I don't like wasting words on the dead!"

Thud, thud, thud—

Three shots in a row directly took out the muscular man who had just escaped death, as well as the scar-faced man who hadn't reacted yet.

Only San Ge and Xi Ge were left!

Thud, thud, thud—

It wasn't over yet, as Ray pulled the trigger again.

However, these two were seasoned in the underworld, with excellent reflexes. After the muscular man and the scar-faced man were shot in the head, they immediately rolled on the spot, dodging the following nails.

"Quite skilled!"

Ray raised an eyebrow, but wasn't surprised. He held the nail gun and rapidly fired at them, eventually shooting Xi Ge in the eye with a nail, directly taking him out before running out of nails.

As for San Ge, he was hit by several nails, but none were fatal. Given his bulky physique, it didn't affect him too much.

After realizing Ray had run out of nails, he stopped hiding and walked out from behind the corner

Clenching his fists, his face carrying an extremely dark murderous aura, San Ge took large steps towards Ray, "This nail gun of yours is quite well modified, but unfortunately, you're out of nails now. It's my turn!"

Watching San Ge approaching him, with an exceptionally burly stature and a very imposing presence, Ray casually smiled, handed the nail gun behind him to Liu Yuqing, and walked towards the other.

"Seeing how confident you are, it seems you're quite skilled!"

"You'll find out soon enough!"

Although San Ge was involved in the underworld, he had practiced Sanda for twelve years before, and to make a living, he even fought in underground boxing matches.

His practical experience goes without saying, otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to thrive in this environment.


Both moved very fast, and at a distance of only three meters, San Ge took two quick steps forward, appearing in front of Ray.

At the same time, his pair of fists, with a swooshing sound, attacked Ray, with very tricky angles and high speed!

But unfortunately, these were of no use against Ray!

Ray's right hand moved, drawing a short knife from his waist, and swiftly made two slashes, producing two streaks of silver light.

Splurt, splurt—

Following the spraying of fresh blood, San Ge, who was just now fierce in momentum, screamed and fell to the ground.

His hands had been chopped off, flying away, leaving only the wrists!

Sanda is indeed formidable, but in front of Ray, who had mastered advanced mixed martial arts techniques, it was not enough.

After all, these advanced mixed martial arts techniques included Sanda, and Ray could clearly see all the punching routines of his opponent, even predicting his next move in his mind!

"Heh, what were you just trying to let me know?"

Ray squatted down, looking at San Ge whose face was twisted in agony and hands were spurting blood, and asked with a smile.

"You! Ah—"

San Ge, infuriated to the point of turning red, was about to speak but was instantly silenced by the severe pain coming from his hands, sweating profusely.

Shaking his head, Ray couldn't be bothered to waste any more words on him. With a 'puff,' the short knife went straight into his head.

Easily handled!

Meanwhile, the two girls hiding in the corner, trembling with fear, were already stunned.

They knew how formidable the San Ge were, but now, to see them all defeated by a young man who, at first glance, seemed only a bit stronger than an average person?

Such an outcome was indeed hard for them to accept at the moment!

Ray naturally saw the two girls but directly ignored them. He pulled the short knife out of San Ge' head, wiped it on the lifeless body, stood up, walked over to Liu Yuqing, took back the nail gun from her, and casually dropped a sentence.

"They're your responsibility now."

After saying that, he walked towards the surveillance room without looking back.


Liu Yuqing nodded, her gaze falling on the two people cowering in the corner, still shivering and not yet recovered from the shock. Her eyes held complexity, but more so coldness.

Previously, it was because of these two that she nearly fell into the hands of the San Ge and almost became zombie food!

As for what would have happened after falling into the hands of the San Ge, Liu Yuqing could guess without even thinking.

With this thought, her gaze became even colder, gripping the watermelon knife in her hand tighter, and she slowly walked towards the two.

At this moment, the two girls seemed to realize something. Their gaze shifted towards Liu Yuqing approaching them, with one desperately shaking her head, "Please, I beg you, spare me, please..."

The other, as if grasping at the last straw, collapsed to the ground, begging Liu Yuqing.

"Yuqing, please, beg him on my behalf, I'm not with those people, I was forced, you're his girlfriend, right? You can save me, right? We're best friends, you wouldn't let me die, right?"